This collective is responsible for causing the biggest amount of a asshurt in Jow Forums

>This collective is responsible for causing the biggest amount of a asshurt in Jow Forums

Attached: 220px-MGTOW_symbol.jpg (220x271, 12K)

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Jow Forums has a collective marxist mentality

Attached: 1522682432561.jpg (1600x1800, 254K)

Please explain? Mgtow is a great non violent protest to shit policy in the country

no, that would be jews

modern woman have communist pussies

because it pisses everybody off

trads want male authority in marriage, cucks want i dont even know what cucks want, they live in a fantasy world, and our resident roastie boomers want their betabux

mgtows are kind of pitiable in the sense that they just dont want to play the game, like the fat kid in elementary school, but they are correct that in western society the game is fucked

Calls someone pitiable for not participating in a rigged game when playing just makes the rigged game bigger. You are just a beta follower that found a niche that you are good at and don't like that your niche might be exposed as abusive also. Otherwise you wouldn't have a need to insult mgtow. What is your angle leaf?

I don't have an angle, i was just assessing how things are. One girl once tried to metoo me and i told her i would kill her if she did it

thats why 80% of men are pussy starving?

>that sublime feel when youre approaching the age when normies will start to leave you alone and stop trying to nag you into pairing up

Feels like victory