>marries without a pre-nup
>bitch leaves
>court: that'll be 50% of what you own, your paycheck and life savings for her forever, have a nice day
Why are women given this privilege? would I be given the rights if I divorced a rich bitch first? islam was right along.
Marries without a pre-nup
Essentially a gentlemans agreement. Only worth a handshake and tossed out at the courts convenience.
Meme flag digits don’t count faggot
Plus you used a script
It's a relic from the time where women actually gave up their peak productive years to raise children instead of pursuing a career and obtaining any income of their own.
>Not having photos of yourself doing lots of cocaine so you can easily hide all your money in bitcoin
technically handshakes are legally binding so a prenup isnt even that good.
also if you are justin fucking bieber why are you marrying that thing
add in that women in the workplace wasn't as common, and the social stigma of single motherhood as being damaged goods.
FUCK justin. the only time I'd kill for the women to deliberately pull this shit.
little shit could rot
Everyone secretly knows that women are economically worthless black holes so society does everything in its power to leave you holding the bag if youre a big enough betacuck moron to let them do so
Also human beings have a primal instinct to give women money and food because historically and especially prehistorically giving women shit furthered the survival of the group, this is the real reason why sissies, wankers, MGTOW, fags etc are and have always been hated
So even though Stacy is actually childless has had several abortions and is generally an all round waste of space, society will still favor her over you the balding betacuck even if youre an engineer or scientist researching cancer cures and useful shit like that because muh primeval instincts
Human beings are still too primitive to really use their brains properly when making complicated choices and decisions or establishing preferences.
When you find it hard to understand why normies behave a certain way just imagine they were literally chimpanzees or canines operating on pure feelings and instinct and it will all make sense