75% of Canadian soldiers overweight

>25% fitting into the category of "obese"
WTF Maple niggers, fucking explain your fat selves

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Canada is the most irrelevant nation on the planet so I don't think it really matters.


>too fat too fight
The absolute state of maple mutts

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if the first thing you notice them being overweight instead of them being female, you're the part of the problem, and on the wrong side of history, pal.

>hire trannies
>hire women
>why are our soldiers fat and useless?

someone needs to invade so we can liberate and keep

>too fat to fight
they don't need to fight. we let the idiot yanks do that shit

the burgers are tasty


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>Being overweight based on the body mass index (BMI) scale means you’re heavier than recommended for your height, but many soldiers may simply be very muscular with little body fat.

This so-called journalist never bothered to find the answer. Maybe the CAF is 90% muscular dudes or 90% fatties or something in between. It's garbage reporting.

Burgers aren't much better
Wtf american, you're supposed to be greatest ally not fattest ally

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Canadians are a lot like you Levi in that they have the best trained troops in the world, according literally only to themselves, who irl have shit equipment training and despite being a literal parasite and talking shit constantly would not exist were it not for our ultarism

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You sound like that fat kid in gym class who thinks his man boobs are "pecs"

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No u

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I've spent some time on CF bases and this seems pretty true.

The giant MPs with their sleeve tattoos and the mechanics and pilots and infantry men are typical fit military people but the logistics and admin and extra chaff are fat soccer moms and grandpas with mustaches.

Military is basically a padded out jobs program with a few professionals to make it look legit

Attached: canada ball.jpg (361x287, 14K)

>that they have the best trained troops in the world

This is fact. My friend was in the Canadian Forces and he trained with the U.S muhreens. He said they're shit. More like memerines..

>Comparing cucknadian soldiers to US Marines

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Actions speak louder than words; thanks for Kandahar, faggot

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Made my day, you blessed bastard. Keep it up.


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Don't you have a diaper to change, Moshe?

So Canadian military rack disciprine.
There's no excuse, this happens when civvies get to meddle with military business with their 'human rights' bullshit.
Make those fatties vomit.

I am amazed so many leaf's get fat! I mean, the cost of food in Canukistan is astronomical.

If they are in army how come they are overweight? They shouldn't be in army then.
Can you even into logic?

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>rack diciprine m.youtube.com/watch?v=oTVVhCBYpx0

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All that support shit should be contracted out to private contractors.


moshe dayan is without any doubt the most badass looking military man of the 20th century, Otto Skorzeny and his virgin fraternity scars can fuck right off when that badass jew is in town


Quick comparison m.youtube.com/watch?v=q8MU-WjZ5nE

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that's a fuckin great meme. saved.

So 50 of them are fat? Is their military even measured into triple digits?

We don't have to worry about getting fit because we'll never go to battle.

Americucks will die for us

That's why we are your masters and your "trade agreements" reflect that. Of course we protect our women and we also protect our oil fields known as Canadia

Seems like Gen. Sam Hughes is back from the grave.

Canada has a major chip on its shoulder and we are willing to ignore our blindspots and shortcomings in order to live up to mama UK and papa US

This is what I hate most. Out moron politicians are too happy-go-lucky. They resemble Scandinavian people in their willingness to say "everything will work itself out in the end". Wishful thinking and being polite is what we coast by on

It's all the seal blubber we eat buddy

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>maple mutts

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You gain weight when you tac on muscle mass m8s.

You look like the type of person who would fuck someone in the ass and not even have the common god damned curtesy to give them a reach around

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At least you have climate as an excuse for being fat fucks. Have you seen Florida or Mexico? It's like whole civilizations are trying to smuggle calories out of cold places.

-t fatty mcfatfuck

How do u know there female? Have u asked them wat they identify as? This is Canada eh, nooo dooot abooot it.

The leaf raises a good point. All of them have tits and look like a cross between a woman and a nigger.

>open army to women
>open combat roles to women
>army becomes unfit for purpose


WW3 unironically cannot come fast enough, and I unironically pray to god that every 'independent' woman is conscripted straight into the infantry so they can be bullet catchers.

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Came here to post this, Canadians are cosplayers.

This made me feel better about being rejected to enlist.

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Most of the non-combat trades are fat can't shoot and are generally useless it just be that way. It doesn't really matter they basically do office jobs and will never see any kind of combat.

Armoured Recce and Arty are typically bigger boys but the infantry are fit a lot of dudes strive to be fit.

nice website

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I have have seen worse than this on both the Canadian and American bases.

>dies from foreign dairy

HAHAHA I have a buddy who is a CF soldier and they only get to shoot 100 live rounds a year and their assault packs and vehicles are falling apart...LOl poor dude

They actually are complete assholes to trans people trying to become part of it. I think its because of the females and Muslims

Everything is fine. The don't have enough drivers for the vehicles anyway, though to be fair they are buying new ones.

He should shoot outside the army desu the tests are piss easy.

>spending trillions on wars
>making minor concessions in trade deals


he's either a liar, or a reservist

I think the correct term is tampon, and no he's dead ass serious m.huffingtonpost.ca/bruce-moncur/canadian-forces_b_6407088.html