Wanna see something depressing? Go to shiddit r/childfree

Wanna see something depressing? Go to shiddit r/childfree.

Tons of wh*tes are self sterilizing

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Other urls found in this thread:


>No screaming brats wrecking your life.
>No screaming mouths eating your money.
>No screaming shits ruining your sex life.
>No screaming cockblockers screwing you out of travel.
>No screaming useless cunts making constant messes to clean up.

Dude, just get a cat or dog and call it good.

I get really fucking bummed by all the family cucks with no time, no money, and no sanity left for anything after she shits out a few screaming demons.

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Self justification as well.


Anyone who would even consider this isn't someone you want breeding in the first place.

It's okay. That's actually a whitepill disguised as a black pill. They're all liberal scum. 60 years from now, white people will be overwhelmingly more conservative thanks to them. Survival of the fittest in practice.

>Without debating the usefulness or morality of planned parenthood, it may be verified by observation that any breed which stops its own increase gets crowded out by breeds which expand.

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was subscribed unironically for a while because I had a phase of severe blackpill, muh Schopenhauer and anti-natalism. Figured out quickly that this place is only for degenerate cat ladies and generally people who listened to closely to (((them))). Disgusting.

And the results.

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>I get really fucking bummed by all the family cucks
Wow that sounds super fucking gay my dude

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>no dynasty

Stopped right there

and they’re all lefties

Yes got, let the brown hordes wash away your culture

You're going to spend the last 40 years of your life on a park bench arguing with other people who have to spend their last 40 years alone.

>no time, not money, and no sanity left

None left to waste on you lot. Too much fun playing with kids and hanging out with other parents.

Sorry you don't have much money, though. That's rough.

>and that's a good thing!

Liberals are a dying species

>ruining your sexlife
Sex is for making babies.
> lets kill our babies so we can continue emulating making babies!
The essence of nihilistic hedonism

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Leftards are sterilizing. And as they're usually genetic defects it's fine by me. The votes look good in future. Meanwhile, more black babies in places like NYC are aborted than born, the death rates are high, and nobility is demanding an increase in "minority" births as they are for white people. This is still our culture, long term, we win.

What exactly pulled your mind out of the anti-natalist mindset? was it some kind of rational point by point epiphany you had?

It's not depressing. They white race is cleaning itself. We're shedding the weak.

>a bunch of liberal closet fags and hags sterilizing themselves
They're literally doing our job for free. Now how to get those retarded niggers and spics to do the same?

Saw that shit. For a moment I wanted to gouge my eyes out.

This. We have three kids already and NONE of our friends have any (we’re in our early 30s btw). They don’t hide their pity well when we’re busy or tired or don’t have money to blow on stupid shit but we love our life. We enjoy doing things as a family. They don’t get that decades from now, their parents will be dead, the bar scene won’t want them anymore, and there will be no one to take care of them. Meanwhile, we’ll have our kids and grandkids. Idiots won’t think long term.

nothing of value was lost

>no time or money to travel
Why would I leave an area of whites to a land of stinky non whites

>leftads removing themselves from the genepool
How the fuck is that depressing?

He's got a little jumper on. He's almost cute.

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>Wanna see something depressing? Go to shiddit
you could had stoped there

Getting snipped is the best financial and environmental decision you can make

>go to r*ddit
No thanks amigo

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>They're all liberal scum. 60 years from now, white people will be overwhelmingly more conservative thanks to them. Survival of the fittest in practice.
There's no guarantee conservatives raise conservative children, a lot of you folk moved to the suburbs to be away from niggers and mexicans and such and to preserve family values, while ironically most rabid liberals occur from suburbs.

Vegan gains isn't even White. This disease doesn't just touch our people. It's spreading from Western degeneracy.

Is that even real? Also, how did they define Gen Z, because by some definitions nobody of Gen Z would have been old enough to vote in 2016.

I feel like even looking at that shit will taint me......such disgusting people.

In a just world they would be rounded up and shot.

50 years ago they would''ve been saving the white race whether they liked it or not. Now YOU have to save the white race without their numbers while hoping that your own numbers don't turn into child free sluts themselves.This is why niggers spics and muslims are winning despite having no claim to a civilization. When I listened to hip hop as a teen they literally had casual memes about breeding. We on the other hand have (((scientific))) trendy bullshit telling us why we shouldn't do it. Arrogance on our women's part and on yours with that kind of comment.

Doesn't matter, Jow Forumsacks will compensate for that loss of births, which are for the most part of low genetic stock given the physical and mental state of the common reddit user.

1 Bn whites 2050

His dynasty already stopped.

You're not accounting for child abuse that evangelicals etc. mark up as "transmitting family values". Cringe related

>the bar scene won’t want them anymore
They make their own scene. So they'll be having poker parties or key parties or whatever.
>no one to take care of them
Surely you assume?

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women aren't afraid to abort, so what can even be done about it? You couldn't even knock up a bunch of girls secretly. I know of women in marriages who have gotten abortions, it's crazy.

>being such a shitlord as to perpetuate themselves past their deaths

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Do you really want that kind of person to have kids though? If they're willing to mutilate their own organs in order to satisfy their hedonistic desires, should they really be having kids and raising them? They're doing the world a favor by helping to rid the world of their shitty genes. Think about it. Conservatives are having large families and instilling proper values into their children, while shitlibs are becoming genetic dead ends, AND THAT'S A GOOD THING LOL.

most probably are just jews larping and pushing the agenda

Thinning the herd is healthy. It is why we have Planned Parenthood to keep the black population in check.

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>redditards removing themselves from the gene pool

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>white liberal reddit fags sterilising themselves
What is the problem here fren?

I love fucking girls from conservative households. They're just pent up whores who let loose with a few drinks in them. Some of them are super degenerate swallowing literally hours after meeting.

>Surely you assume?

Not really. We’ve known them since childhood and have talked with them. Our best friends (and my brother in law) aren’t saving a penny, are living for now, and don’t have any other family. I can’t imagine what they think they’re going to do.

Breeding is a degenerate animalistic agenda and you should be ashamed to want to do this.

Amerikwans can't think of the future five years ahead of them. Inter-generational thought is asking too much for them.

>conservatives whores who drink
Virgin sighted.

An army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.







>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

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Which is all the more reason not to reproduce.

>anything that doesn't give me a reason to put benis in bagina is jewish
You have to go back, boomer.

deranged people removing themselves from the gene pool ? sounds wonderful.

Bumping because this kike

The mods aren't really what you'd expect
>thedonald poster/anti-sjw that posts on pussypassdenied
>quebec guy who plays hearthstone
>guy who plays mtg
>asian girl who's prob upset she can't eat kids in america
>german travel fag
Was expecting it to all be feminist roasties

Good goyim. We don't need more white children.

If only blapipo would stop listening to their mama wanting free grandkids.

>goes into the ocean
>complains about water
what do you expect?

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>no son to raise properly and be proud of into old age, knowing you have made a person to carry on your legacy and way of life just one generation further.

Thanks bro, I am now shitposting over there, these people are fucking crazy

>go to reddit
no, kys

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I've never seen someone who adamantly opposes having kids while also being mentally stable. Makes you wonder.

In all seriousness? Having kids is one of the best things I've ever done. It's up there with marrying my wife and starting my business. Its ridiculously hard at times, but I wouldn't be half the man I am today without either of those 3. Most men I meet without children are laughably pathetic. "Fox and the grapes" etc etc.

Listen reddit faggot, ist called eugenics and it will purify our race for the final war against the GLOBALISTS, we will become the übermensch After that process, let the weak willed, bodied or minded die out, not our Problem. Our Problem is the INTERNATIONAL BANKING CARTELL.

>60 years from now, white people will be overwhelmingly more conservative thanks to them.
Nah mate, those conservative kids will go to schools and get brainwashed by the childless liberals. Basically, conservative parents are paying the cost of raising children and also paying the salaries of the brainwashers through their taxes. It's a brilliant system if you think about it.

Friendly reminder, becoming a parent is the ultimate level of getting cucked.

You use that word, but I don't think you know what it means.

why would you want more cuck liberals breeding? it's not conservative whites who are self sterilizing.

>tfw not interested in having kids, never had the desire
>don't have or want any pets, nearly all childfree people are obsessed with lower life forms
>vote conservative, support 2A, etc.
I make everyone ree desu, oh well

You "furbaby" faggots are even worse. A pet is also a needless expense, limits ability to move, limits freedom to travel, has you home like a curfew every night, and you have to walk around picking up their feces not just 2 years but the entire life of the creature. AND for all that you have neither continued your genetic legacy NOR made an investment into a human being who can take care of you when you're old, or whatever.
Fuck kids. And fuck pets. Pets are even kike-ier than kids.
Also fun fact: if you post anything like the above about their preshus furbaaaaabies you will see a salt mine explosion that could salt and burn the entirety of the continent of Africa if so directed.

cool story. upvote for you! faggot

Someone who has to be shamed into having kids shouldn't have kids
Keep that in mind when you're stroking yourself off, bitching at the childless.

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It's literally the opposite. You could literally not be more wrong. I hate using the word "literally", but it's the best word for describing how fucking wrong you are.

>fox and the grapes etc etc

I was with you until you started hating dogs. Dogs are mans best friend, hunt with them. They are bro tier. Dogs and man are bros and have been since the adam and eve days. That said, travel were? Europe? Land of Islam? No thanks did that in the military. Asia? Maybe? Id rather buy land and prepare for the inevitable.

>like neither kids nor pets
>minimalist anti-consumption, currently sitting on the floor because I don't believe in furniture
>urban enthusiast
>/n/ supremacist
>support gun rights
>support pro-choice
>in favor of abolishing the welfare state and enforcing mass deportations
>gas kikes, niggers, spics, curries, and muzzies
>Jow Forums, fat people go to the gas chambers
>/lit/ and /a/ in favor of gassing /v/ and /tv/
Everyone is mad 24/7 whenever I speak. iktf.

Modern dogs are just baby replacements from white thots doing what their friends say is cool.
I have no problem with hunting dogs, farm dogs, and other working animals. Some faggot in a studio apartment who has an office job has no business owning a dog, especially the ones you push around in a literal baby stroller and buy fashionable clothing for. Every modern dog is a white baby who was aborted so the thot could seem trendy and "intellectual".

Men like you are destined to fill the spot of soldier dieing in combat. Dont take it as a bad thing, in history there were always warriors, some had families. Some died alone, but they died with honor and pride for a society and people they believed in. There are many of us out there that feel we belong to this mindset. Perhaps you ultimately arent. But know this, the sons of man will fight once again. When I dont know, I imagine very soon.

You do understand that any "white" who is dumb enough to self sterilize is actually doing the gene pool a favor.
That person is also likely a libtard.
We should encourage it.

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we're very alike. I've accepted most people aren't going to click with me. sometimes I wish I were more similar to others, it would be easier if I just wanted what others wanted. I've tried and tried but I simply don't.

Dims not having kids is fine with me, not the least bit depressing

communists, feminists and beta's aren't human

People vote in step with their parents 80% of the time. Of course not everyone raised in a conservative house will be conservative. Most of them will be.

Starting in 1995. Oldest gen z were 21 in 2016

Yeah nah

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The libshits are getting fixed so nothing of significance was lost.

even if I'm not like a lot of Jow Forums-minded people in regards to creating a family, I will be there, helping where I can.

reddit is full of comment bots, if you're still falling for that shit you're retarded.

Such is life as a logical being in an NPC filled world.

The American left is opposed to human touch. The right is also hostile to affection. Conclusion: when America collapses it will enter centuries of darkness rather than some ethnonationalist golden age.

Its a fight I'm ready to fight user. Words of the spirit, blade of the light. Maybe I'll die alone but if I can redeem myself fighting for the christ, so it shall be done.

>The right is also hostile to affection.
absolutely incorrect. The right is nothing but affection. Love of one's own is the most powerful love there is.

The right only talks about parenthood as a national duty. I've never seen any post by a right winger describe parenthood in terms of pleasure, joy, or closeness. Birth rates are down because parenthood has been forgotten.

because thats fucking gay, we can describe it in a different way

You're absolutely incorrect once again. Every time I've seen someone here post about having kids they talk about how much fun they have running around in the backyard with their kids or teaching them to read or whatever else, and how it's the most rewarding, fulfilling thing you can do in life. Lurk more.


One example of the bipartisan terrorism waged against motherhood. If I made a thread about that article with the date doctored, most of the posts here would be calling that mother a dirty slut.

I'm my work I see a lot of older trophy wives, and the ones without kids are the most miserable sadsacks you'll ever see. They grimace at every young mother they see, they wear their jealousy and regret in their sleeve, and they try so hard to seem above it all in their heels, cashmere, and land rover that it's breathtakingly pitiful.

I have a friend who is in his mid 30s and his wife is the same age, after living together for seven years they finally got married. Immediately after getting married, they had trouble getting pregnant, which is very common for women who have been on birth control for an extended period. It can take years to regain fertility. So now they've decided never to have kids, that way they save face socially (even though everyone knows they tried, now they can pretend that they never wanted it). The poor wife is going to go insane by forty, I feel so badly for her.

Having kids is great, my wife and I have three. They are incredibly inexpensive, they tit for a full year, then it's literally table scraps. Use washable diapers and save thousands. Goodwills and similar have a never-ending flow of unused baby items and clothing. They literally cost practically nothing. Poor saps who aren't having kids live a nightmare life I can scarcely imagine. I actually feel bad bringing my own kids around them because they jealousy is so palpable (and it clearly puts strain on their relationship, because the woman always wants kids deep down). As a result, those of us with kids end up avoiding you wierdos. You're non-dynastic genetic dead ends.

jews prove that you can survive at 6 million total population. there are like 600 million whites.

>redditors making sure they can't have babies
i dont see this as a bad thing

>they tit for a full year
1 year is abnormal for humans.