Oh shit pol look what you have done
Oh shit pol look what you have done
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I agree. We should kick off socialism by taking every jew's shekels.
Just his real jew nature coming through.
maybe he can start wearing high heels and lipstick now
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Incredible Shape-Shifting Kike
>my inner (((socialist)))
Hahaha you can't make this shit up.
What a kike
Hey kike on yer bike!!! Yeeeehawwww!
Why did anyone ever listen to this shyster? I understand he's at NR, but why that even?
Kike wanting other people's money.... Shocking.
The left is doing everything they can to get Trump's taxes in the spotlight away from all of the corrupt shit going on in the Kav FBI investigation
>It's happening again!
Oh you don't even know the half of it, Billy boy.
Oh no, Trump is bringing out his inner socialist, which is very different to his outer socialist he's been displaying for decades.
I do hope this cunt is the next victim of the Trump curse.
Fucking kek leaf
That image lol
What is life?
Do we all spin like draidels? Or however you spell that Hebrew toy
>Trump reveals the liars and charlatans.
Easier to know who dies.
Didn't this fag said he'll support Trump if he bombs Syria?
no one here made this kike act like a kike. its in his nature.
a lot of people don't know but neocons used to be socialists, not even kidding:
they just replaced "international communism" for "international liberalism"
*rubs hands*
Trotskyist kike war hawks like his father gave birth to the modern (((neoconservative))) movement. If liberals were into wars for israel he would have been an ardent liberal. Kikes like this only side on what's best for israel, his (((inner socialist))) would die once you mention their disdain for the Israeli apartheid state
False alarm, Billy. After all, you can only transition once.
We all knew Bill Kristol was pretending to be white, but the feminist thing is new. He definitely sucks cocks like a feminist.