Because I suspect we don't have enough anons from south america here.

Attached: south-america.jpg (1200x795, 412K)

They are too busy murdering each other over 1 dollar.

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South America is the irrefutable proof that racemixing should be illegal.

Ever seen my country crime rates?

Your block has probably more crime.

multiculturalism is a meme

Bad ass pic user.
Now I gotta go tinkle.

birthright citizenship in Chile frens don't forget
>birthright citizenship in Chile frens don't forget
birthright citizenship in Chile frens don't forget
>birthright citizenship in Chile frens don't forget
birthright citizenship in Chile frens don't forget

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sup mis ñeris

¿Que onda charrua?

>God she still tries to fuck me.

I will move to Chile in month 7 of wife pregnancy, I look forward to raising a Chilean

Yeah is free, also welcome place is lolvely.

How does life compare between Chile and the US?

great timber resource clean water, on paper it seems amazing, I have never been to south America though

Hello fellow South Americans except arg*ntina

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Join the french foreign legion or the cia and you can go squat nuts on peoples foreheads in the jungles of south america

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cringe thread?

If you mean gringos that can't see a south american thread for reasons?

Then yes.

Peru is also with you

Why havent you joined the legion to help make your continent a better place, user?

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I actually work for my country.

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Cant argue against those priorties

>how does life compare between a third world and first world country?

giant fucking earthquakes. really nice.

I have been objective in this and we do a lot better.

But don't tell them we even have minimal wage and they raise it all the time.

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So what?

Why does every moron think it's a fucking contest? I just wanna know people's opinions on what it's like to live in two different places.

Why are Chilean posters always so mean?

I apologize I get defensive in this threads because they bully south americans a lot.

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I want to take the entire area of Patagonia and put it in the midwest. Just a nice little mountain range running through MN-OK. We need more elevation to look at.

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Ever been non white here?

Also it's a cultural thing I guess, we are fighty.
This one is the real deal, most amazing volcano in the Andes.

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Gringo livng in Santiago for almost 2 years wn, AMA

How white looking are you? Have you noticed how people treat you better/differently because people love associating themselves with white foreigners?

I’d say surprisingly white! Sure you have a lot of native mixes, but one week I swear I saw Angle Merkel at the super market. Overall, whiter than some cities in California for sure. Lot’s of german and english looking people, I met some pure germans in Patagonia.
I’m sorry to say, there are whiter chileans than me, jaja. I’m half Vietnamese, Half Scit. I’m often mistaken for being native in Las Condes. Foreigners get special treatment, at bars and clubs etc. But as a rule I try to not show my gringo side, and speak spanish im public and respect the countdy. Some people get a little upset if you and your group of gringoa go walking around yelling in english. Fair enough, I get the sqme with foreigners in the states

dont lie to urself user, if we are surround of worses shitholes that doesnt mean this isnt one

Being welcoming to foreigners it's a matter of national pride.

That's why the anti inmigration BS never makes sense to me.

I will be forever thankful to the kingdom of Spain for colonizing Ecuador, otherwise we would be living in mud huts, instead we have beautiful Catedrals.

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Oh yes, on a personal level everyone has been very welcoming. People on the streets too. That’s why I try to speak the language and partake in the culture, to return that respect I guess

Hello Chile user! Are Pinochet's ideas and legacy still alive in your country?

this country sold itself to globalism a long time ago and it’s economically prosperous because it’s a landscape for globalists to rape the land, even the Rothschilds have investments in Chile.

Good to know you're having a pleasant time here, we need more immigrants like you and less haitians "highly qualified engineers/doctors" that go around selling super8s

I will never thank the sp*nish for anything, they destroyed the region's cultural heritage and stole all the riches they could before we kicked them out of here.

They are but not in public, legally though we are still using the constitution written under his rule, but nowadays leftists have been copying all the social issues that have been happening in the US like rape accusations and extreme feminism.

Specially if you live off of tourism, like us


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>implying rape and feminism is exclusive to the US and leftism


It's different from us, tourism is a minimal part but life here is known to be tough and people keeps some sort of frontier mentality.

Thanks user, I heard they let in 2 million Haitians so far. T-That can’t be true right?

No, please, no! You're tearing me apart Chile bro!

The fuck Ivan?

>hasn’t seen The Room

Embarrassing post

Africa has very little mixing and yet it manages to be an even worse shithole

I want to visit my friend in Chile, he comes up here all the time for American junkfood and weed but I've never visited him once.

The joke is still below him.



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