Is she literally autistic?
Is she literally autistic?
Pokemon go to the polls
Her advisors told her to look really cheery to offset the fact that her leaderships is collapsing and this is the best she could do
The Brexit Shuffle
nope just 100% anglocuck genes
whenever a britcuck tries to look cool this is exactly what they look like. It’s impossible for a britcuck to actually look cool
I hope she keeps doing it just to fuck with you spergs who care so much
She cool.
I need to see her socks. This is very important.
No, just british
God, baby boomers are so ridiculous.
>I'm your puppet plays in background
Does she have kids? She looks like a dyke
No, she took some uppers for the talk. She looked real tired in her face, but was all girlish and on edge. Could be some leftover speed from her 1980s days.
Yes. Autism is practically a requisite for genius at this point in our development, reason being that given the high level of variance in a population with billions of individuals, the people who pursue ideas and life that fervently have read and studied and thought for so many more hours compared to normies that it is unreal.
kanye is also autistic and he's /our nigger/
Fuck leaders debates, we need a dance off to the death.
Macron looks photoshoped in kek
Also, HOLY SHIT BRITS, this is what has been "leading" your country? god, why do you people let this happen. disgusting, the UK is historically dead.
It's the Gaulian blur.
Wait not uh
Brits apparently want this mongoloid as PM. It's all very confusing.
It's tiresome. Our nation is ruled by indecisive loathsome cretins. We need a Trump.
>Our nation is ruled by indecisive loathsome cretins.
It's also populated by them.
Whenever a brit try to be funny it is so cringeworthy, they are so civilized so their humor is always so correct.
At least the Irish had an insurgency
>It’s impossible for a britcuck to actually look cool
Hans... no, just no. Kicking someone who is down and admits his defeat is just low.
wow!! where does one learn moves like these
>White people can't danc-
She's a fucking boss mate, doesn't give a fuck and crashing us out of the EU.
No, she is just another inbred in UK
We're reaching levels of cringe never before seen
>literally who
Third world powers don't really capture my attention easily.
>cuckboy posts his favorite dead drag queen
sorry fag no dice
she reminds me of the Bug's Life Grasshoppers.
Pls clap
controlled opposition
in france they just formed a coalition against, then imprisoned lepen
in britain they're so fucked they can just put in a puppet
>androgynous bisexual reverse trap
Britmutts, everyone.
how fucking horrific. What a cucked country. she looks like she wants to be Paul McCartney
You could post Animal or Ozzy but instead the Goblin King
Ignore this brainlet. Like a lot of the mourners for Bowie's death, he's probably heard Space Oddity and Ziggy Stardust and thinks he knows Bowie.
Sssssssshart in the mart says whaaat?
Tell me about the Anglo ruling class. Why do they dance instead of ruling their country?
So this is the power of Mighty mother britain
Ohhh nooooooooOOOOO!!! You just ruined my day. Fuck you user.
I don't know what's worse, this or Hillary's balloon seizures.
She's just british. See
I like it
It's better with the music anons
What the fuck.
>Is she literally autistic?
Yes. Read Tim Shipman's book on the 2017 general election.
looks like paul whitehouse.
someone compiled some news articles about her autistic traits
Kys, bowie was 1000x a better musician than those mongaloid faggots.
Bowie died of AIDS, just like Trudeau will.
Check out her snout. She ain't British.
maybe it's just a thing with brits and the rest of the commonwealth crowd
going to make a edit of this
>it was THIS big. I swear!
I'd fuck her
literally /one of us/
Liver cancer, dumb turkroach
Sexy. Mummie.
For a woman her age she looks pretty healthy and energetic.
Nyet, just retarded.
Unironically I would too, just to say I did. Awkwardness and all.
Bowie was a coal burner, you disgusting piece of shit.
Is she mocking Farrage for saying the tories wind her up and she goes out to take it up the ass from Junker?
No-one wanted her, she just took over after the last guy we actually voted for quit because he fucked up so hard over Brexit.
blimey thats cringe
>No-one wanted her
Except for the millions who voted for her in the snap election.
Every video I see of this cunt she has a some chain around her neck, and she's not a nigger. Does she like to stunt on em or is this symbolic of something else?
no she's just a bong
lmao @ the UK
I find her cute and gross at the same time. Like i'd probably have sex with her but regret it immediately after.
when we leave the EU she will remove it in an autistic way and screech we are free now
>I find her cute and gross at the same time.
>implying May will still be relevant in March
like Jon Oliver!
Jesus fucking christ, just kill me now
>not a negro
fuck you. Christopher Lloyd is a treasure
>Is she literally autistic?
WTF is wrong with your country Ahmed?
who are all thosw weirdos next to Lord Buckethead?
Reminds me of
This is the most disgusting thing I've heard today. I guess some guys really will fuck anything.