This movie accidentally insinuates that America was dying economically and only got stronger and less crime free by killing off all the weak,poor, brown people
I wonder what other movie accidentally redpilled people that was intended to send a completely different message
The Purge movie: accidental redpill movies
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I thought it was just intended to be schlocky violence.
Redpill movie thread?
More so accidental ones
New planet of the apes is another one. White people have effectively become the minority and society has gone to shit. The only groups holding any modicum of civilization together are groups of whites
You movie nerds need to give a fucking summary.
You all think everyone else is a fucking nerd that just watches movies and faps like yourselves. We have no idea wtf you're talking about.
That was a movie? I thought it was a documentary.
From what I can gather Planet of the apes appeals to the "everyone but me is an NPC" fart huffing that zombie movies cater to.
Suspension of disbelief broken
Cuz then people will bitches about spoilers. But essentially in the future america faced a huge wave of crime and poverty the economy was in a mess. Then the americans elected a group who had a radical plan of cleaning america. They did this byallowing legalized killing once a year.
It was a success the economy grew and crime dropped significantly. It turns out the people mainly being killed were poor brown people.