How does eastern europe feel about Russia,do you consider them a threat or an ally?
My country has already given itself up to the gypsies,so no gypsies in my thread please
How do non-Russians feel about Russia?
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I like russia i like white people, i think white people need to ally
Russia is absolute cancer, almost as bad as the Americans. I dream about the day when Russia will be broken up into very many statelets and smile every time.
I am a fan of Russia.
If my country was not ruled by jews we could be allies with Russia and rule the world together.
Fucking jews ruin everything.
Fuck you Vee.
i think russia suffers from being too big to be able to be managed efficiently when having historically so many incompetent centralized governments
Germany and Russia are natural allies.
I think Russia is a strong force of Orthodoxy and also nationalist counter-currents, but it's very corrupt and broken as a country, its own geography is mostly wastelands and Putin is doing whatever he can to keep the bear stable, even paying tribute to the Chechens so they don't start crap. Russia is not stable and after Putin retires, it must either be a Saddam Hussein-esque nationalist strongman that takes his place, or I foresee a second dissolution
My issues are with the Russian gov't, not its people. Russians are just fine by me. Suhkoi makes cool jets and I think all Americans love Russian firearms.
Russia is fine. I don't get why the Europeans are so scared of them.
Last time they barely hung vs half of Germany while also getting free weapons from everyone else...
How are they a threat if you take nukes out (which can't really be used anyways)?
Probably because Russians are the only madlads aside from you guys that actually have the balls to launch a nuke if you call them on it. Also, the fact of their WW2 strategy literally being "Keep shoving bodies into the enemy's meatgrinder until it fucking jams and then we swarm them to death" and there wasn't a coup d'etat or mass desertion is impressive as fuck. Balls of steel really.
Kinda surprised most anons in the thread are ok with us
totalitarian corrupted shithole spreading degeneracy all over west
The vast majority of russian who come here have an IQ of 70 and act like savages. And I don't mean as tourists, but as people who moved here.
I hate that Amerimutts want us Germans to stop building good trade relationships with Russia. They are scared because they know an Euro-Russia alliance would make them look like a fourth world shithole.
They don't want you shuttling off boatloads of niggers to Russia and blacking the place up like you did to your own country and the surrounding ones by proxy.
Ukraine Belarus are a part of RUSSIA !!! They are made up commie states !!!!!
> inb4 2 world wars
pls kill chinks next time
Funded the terrorists that destroyed my country.
I like them now though since they aren't soviets.
Russian Federation is not Russia.
There are people who understand that and people who hate Russians (t.commies).
Stop sucking Russian dick.
You see, the RF under Putin wants the former eastern bloc & ex soviet republics to be ideologically and economically aligned with Moscow as they were pre-1989 by using pipelines, energy projects and shit so plenty of folks are on edge
Go and die in Donbass fucking scum.
please explain the difference between RF and Russia
o hai zapad how are you?
That's what I was thinking, Russia has been an empire, a state of many ethnicities and cultures for hundreds of years, and now the subservient ethnicities are trying to get the state to acknowledge their supremacy or grant them leeway. Russia must throw away the curse of Empire and embrace an All-Russian organic government or perish!
The overwhelming of Russian people I've met are good, genuine people and I typically enjoy them. However the current regime is simply beyond reproach at this point for me and I would be quite comfortable with transnational unilateral action at this point.
Their government is influencing elections globally
Operating like a kleptocracy
Invading their neighbours (Georgia, Ukraine)
Coordinating cyber attacks on their neighbours, enemies and allies alike.
Shooting down planes over Ukraine.
And cheating in the Olympics. CHEATING IN THE FKN OLYMPICS FFS.
I'm sorry but that government needs immediate removal - Russians need to march like they did after Putin rigged the 2012 vote.
Even RT decided to report on this (some lies inserted regarding crowd size - usual authoritarian mouth drivel etc) but still -
Russian girls are hot
They dont need niggers to ruin Russia, they got russian born low iq apes for that, niggers wouldnt even make a difference.
They should mind their own business.
> t. Swamp nigger
I only assosiate with the rich tourists who seem nice. Russians buy land around the armys properties that could be a threat. I did date a girl from st petersburg. She was a qt easy 7.
The truth is that if the enemy comes it comes from the east.
maybe they are Chechens? Chechens are fucking animals
I'm very fond of them. Not sure why, just something about them
As someone who leans toward Islam, I love this mans perspective on Russia. No more brother wars, watch the videos, they’re worth it
Based Estonia.
I like ETHNIC RUSSIANS but I don't like RUSSIA because it's full of Jews, Tatars, Mongols, Azeris, Georgians, Avars, Chechens, Turkmens, Uzbeks and other non-humans. It' the European version of the USA in how many shitskins live there.
You guys seriously need to start living in the present. It's kinda ironic coming from a Russian, but you aren't going anywhere otherwise.
After 45 years of Soviet occupation I can tell you the best is if Russians stay in Russia.
tatars are ok
I like the Russian people, but hot damn is your country itself kinda fucked in terms of leadership.
Putin's cool and all, but it seems to an outsider's perspective that if you live in big cities, you gotta keep your head down or the govt will get you hardcore. In contrast, the rural areas seem to be absolute anarchy held together by joint interest, that interest being to not die. Is my assessment wrong, or is it accurate?
Nisam ja uopšte zapadnjački orijentisan, samo mislim da oni koji tripuju da postoji neko bratstvo između Srba i Rusa i da su išta više od marioneta treba malo da obnove gradivo iz istorije.
it's kinda true. The main problems are common all over the country, though. Those are an extreme economic inequality in the society and low wages in general.
Japan was already on it in WW2 but somebody stopped them.
An asiatic despotism that continues to be an existential threat to western civilization. How different history would have turned out if it had been Novgorod instead of M*scovy that united the Russian principalities.
fuck moscow desu
watch less western "news" about Russia
So what is the average Russian's life like? I'm interested in hearing.
second post best post
salty poles miss the good ol' days of being a part of The Empire
mostly because they never shared a border with you
How are we supposed to feel?
They invaded us, murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians and stole everything of value. They were stealing even electric poles and retaining bars in the mine turning Poland into a wasteland.
most baltic states people see themselves as more nordic than slavic, and 1/3 of all russian youth want out of their country
honorary niggers
please don't insult niggers
Its not like you guys are much better, each time you had a chance you invaded neighbors and stole their land just like we did. You simply never had enough military power to accomplish it on a larger scale.
Maybe we weren't the nicest guys sometimes, but don't forget about krauts tho
krauts are assholes too, don't worry, we'll never forget. but krauts these days are becoming turks, so no problem here.
how's the vore porn vee?
Well post some pics of Russian women's feet and we'll take it from there.
Russians deserve the rope, same with every other (((European)))(((empire)))
no, I just consider russians to be below niggers
too bad you've never been one - and will never become one
All Slavs are bro-tier
Feel sorry for the common folk. Worthless leadership. The environment is the enemy. Can't seem to get along with anyone. Leadership doesn't care about it's own people, never has, never will. Always trying to play catch up. Shitty music. Shitty food. Russia is a giant cancer.
Not concerning them as a ally or as a threat. I like Russia more than GB, France or Germany. Meaning i dont find them so imperialistic.
Main thing that i respect from Russia is that first weapons that Croatia had in 90’ war came from russia. European suckers embargoed us, and left us to defend ourselfs with hunting rifles agains tanks. But luckily Russians provided us with initial AT weapons, and rest of material for war effort.
nismo nikad imali otvoreni sukob sa rusima tako da ne vidim problem da se gradi bratstvo, kao ni sa ostalima, cak i sa onima sa kojima smo imali otvorene sukobe
citav taj trip kako treba rusima okrenuti ledja (because reasons) je retardiran kao i izdrkavanje na veliku ljubav
that explains why we don't like russians, as they aren't slavs
Yo, don't talk shit about Russian food.
Your digits are shit, Russians are bros
Russians have food? Fake news!
"no", mr. pepik.
No amount of shilling will change genetics. I know you are still mad about the occupation, but your anger won't change neither the past, nor the present.
Russia should burn in a thousand nuclear blasts and with this end the continuous influence and treat on Eastern Europe.
I quite like them, they have a lot of problems of their own and we have a bit of a troubled history together but I still like them. Especially considering that I know that commies were as anti Russian as they were anti Polish. I'm looking forward to them fixing their country.
>t. Polish diaspora
I think they're based and redpilled too bad they're our current boogie man
no, we consume pure hatred and nuclear waste.
they have too much land.
we should take it.
Ok pee pee head
That's actually cool, t b h
me too.
pepik pepikuje pepictwo
I want our countries to have good relations. I've never met a Russian who wasn't a super nice guy. I don't like the establishment's fetishization of Russian antagonism. I don't like communism, either, and accordingly I really don't like 20th century Russian culture. I'd love to visit Russia someday. I want one of your domesticated foxes.
>giving russian land full of resources to gypsies
get in line after Ch*na
Rus are fine. Don’t be fooled that Putin is a good guy or something though, he and Trump are 2 sides of the same Shekel. Although theyre better than Hillary or Merkel.
Most people that outright hate Russia are either brainwashed Liberal types or post-gommunism East-euros who think ethnic Russians areto blame for communism.
Stalin did nothing wrong
Because being an oppressor, a war mongering plague of a nation and a genocidal kike puppet is something we should all strive to be
not only will they give me the land, they'll beg me to move there.
>but your anger won't change neither the past, nor the present.
See, thats the point. We don't want to be enemies with russia neither. We would prefer to live in peace and let us both benefit new chinese silk road but no. Ruskies must feel imperialistic as usual. Im not even talking about invading georgia or ukraine but about constant daily shilling by russians in Poland. Every major infrastructural project is being sabotaged by russians.
its you who simply refuse to civilize itself and join the european nations.
are you salty after that recent referendum?
I like them, I also like majority of eastern europe countries.
+less kike laws
+less sandnigger and nigger
+women are less degenerate than here
+more free than here
+can use russian in most of ex-warsaw pact countries
-need to learn russian first
-may be dangerous in certain areas
Most people in Europe don't give a shit about Russia. Literally never heard anyone talking about it at all. I don't understand where this hysteria about Russia comes from. The are just a weak and poor EE state as far as we are concerned.
I bet if you did a survey, more people are worried and afraid of the US than Russia.
Russians are unhinged brutes. They have the same fanatical attitude as Germans, no sense of proportions, both called their countries "Holy", Russians don't think in individualistic terms, to them everything is a one big obshchina. They don't use their mind, because they see everything as arbitrary and random, which means life there is unpredictable, because there's no match between will and reason. They mix good with evil and always justify what they do, they speak several language at one time and are manipulative cunts in general. Everything which isn't Latin civilization is shit desu, both Germany and Russia
>I want our countries to have good relations.
me too, man. Too bad it's not a possibility at the moment.
>let us both benefit new chinese silk road
the absolute state of p*les
>Russians are unhinged brutes.
Oh shut up. Bet more Europeans have been robbed and beaten up by Poles than Russians. In fact it is you people who have a bad reputation.