Atheists are just like trannies, They have rejected the correct ways of living and decided to live an artificial made up lifestyle that doesn't provide sol nourishment. They get offended whenever they see straight Christians because on a certain level they are hurt to see others happy and want the whole world to be depressed and distorted like themselves. I used to to hate atheists who liked putting down Christianity but now i can say that i understand your problem and i feel sorry for you. I will be praying for you and for trannies to see the light.
Just like trannies they are trapped in a weird world where they don't know what the future holds except bleakness and happiness o they try to numb the pain using hedonism and they get super butthurt whenever someone shows that they are wrong. That's why they like entering Christian threads and trying to shit on them. They hate Christian threads and want them to be bumped to /x/
The poor souls are empty in their nihilsm. Just like trannies they have been lied to by the media and the left deceived them to think that that was the best choice.
10 years as an atheist here... I recently returned to church. At least half of the men under 30 I have met there have similar stories (political 180's and a final rejection of (((counter-culture))). That being a life of nihilism, hedonism and materialism. Interestingly the "religion" didn't dictate my values. My values changed and I found that some christians share those values. Traditionalism is the final redpill and Christiantity is the best vehicle to save the west.
Based burger. have a bump. reminder that Jow Forums is a board of peace.
Christian Reyes
What do you call a shill when they're pretending to have had one set of ideals, then claim that they came back to the one they had when they were younger in an attempt to be some type of "testament" to a preferred way of life? Is it still shill if they're not Jewish? Nobody with the ability to process thought is taking your story at face value.
Easton Phillips
There are still monkeys because not every type of monkey evolved.
Jacob Diaz
Your image... But there are catfish
Evan Hall
How am I supposed to prove that I am genuine without getting blamed for blog posting?
>but I believe that there is something And some people call that God.
Henry Wood
>They get offended whenever they see straight Christians because on a certain level they are hurt to see others happy and want the whole world to be depressed and distorted like themselves. Atheists are often offended by christianity because it relates everything back to fairy tales. Any religion is an affront to rationale. We aren't offended by happiness, or anything else you think bothers atheists. Religion is merely an annoyance. It's annoying that so many choose to be blindfolded and walked through the mythology without question. Unlike the religious, atheists hate no one inherently. We just think you're fools.
Noah Jackson
Most athiests are Jews, they hate Christians by default, the Torah and Talmud tell them to, but go into a athiest group on Facebook or wherever and bash the Jewish books, you'll get banned almost instantly. Jews run all the athiests, it's fun and rewarding for them to fuck with goy.
John Nguyen
I didnt know catfish looked like that in Manitoba.
Atheists are more likely to commit suicide simply because there aren't any rules against it. You fools believe that if you have AIDS, you have to die from AIDS, not a fast, friendly bullet. AIDS is being used as an EXAMPLE for terminal illness. There are many other terminal illnesses.
Thomas Scott
Hence niggers
Benjamin Nelson
>Atheists more likely to commit suicide Only if they realize that they are possessed by daemons
did you go to an orthodox church? my story is similar to yours and I'm planning on going to an orthodox church this Sunday.
Jace Jackson
Don't post propaganda statements like >Traditionalism is the final redpill and Christiantity is the best vehicle to save the west.
Owen Rogers
You want to feel athiest hate? Talk bad about the chapters in Talmud or Torah to your (((athiest))) friends and see what happens to you. They will dump on Christians all day and night but call out the Jew religion and get ostracized.
Isaac Edwards
Holy fucking hivemind batman
Austin Gonzalez
You're oblivious.
Aiden Moore
Stop asking pic, it's been explained a million times
Jayden Gomez
Nope. Monkeys have evolved, they have just changed less than us. We both evolved from a common primate ancestor. Evolution doesn't necessarily go from less complex to more complex, it just favors whatever survives to reproduce. Humans are a fluke.
Cameron Wright
Quick question how does an atheist Jow Forumstard reconcile their lack of belief in the spiritual with the fact that the blame for alot of stuff Jow Forums hates lie at the feet of spirital dark organizations e'g International Jewry/ Perverted Vaticanry or Luciferian pedophiles?
They would have had to have a very close relative to share genes to the point of being able to reproduce with us. It's more likely that other races evolved from the negro due to the necessity to adapt to vastly different climates, challenges and food supplies.
But I'm ccr3 delta 32 and I don't subscribe to any degeneracy at all, therefore will never get a std, I also refuse to give stem cells because it's prescribing to degeneracy to same someone with aids. God willed me to be perfect, immune to all illness , white, smart, 6"5' alpha. My seed is precious and only to be shared with the most wholesome white child bearers. I have a harem, 5 women live with me in my home. T. Mormon.
Levi Edwards
I meant they didn't evolve into humans. Everything evolves all the time. I made no assumptions as to the nature of evolution, only how we (humans) likely got here. If you spend less time assuming everyone else is an idiot, you may make friends some day.
Kayden Parker
Atheists can't figure out enough logical reasons as to why this is NOT okay, so they allow it.
Gotta correct you that religion is the artificial thing (made by humans) but yeah I'm jealous of people who seem to have the "ignorance is bliss" mindset and sit in church for the sake of happiness. I wish I had religion. But that's not how it works :^(
Thomas Hill
Those are not half-evolved humans, there’s no such thing. Modern man coexisted with neanderthals and other subspecies of humans at one point.
I got fed up of (((atheism))) so I started worshipping a jew.
Jack Torres
Modern atheism admittedly has that problem, but only modern. (oy vey, chimney captcha)
Tyler Flores
coming from monkeys =/= sharing a common ancestor with monkeys. your argument is a straw man in the first place but it is an embarrassing one because what you are basically saying is "if we came from our grandparents, how does my cousin still exist?"
if you have to misrepresent your opponents argument, that doesn't say anything good about your own.
Brody Fisher
Whatever dude, I live a more fulfilling life without a decidedly fake social control tool lording over my life. You can believe in God/Allah/Xenu for all I care but I'll continue to believe in something that isn't fake and gay
Easton Ross
I really wonder what kind of person has pictures of naked men on his PC.
I'd throw a bees best at his dick. Or accidentally spill a overheated coffee on it, there is more than one reason for clothing.
Noah Reyes
No evolutionary biologist says we evolved from monkeys. We share a common ancestor. If you want to criticise evolution, at least criticize something a real evolutionary biologist says.
Aiden Murphy
The Jews are the Neanderthals. Lurk more if you don't know that yet, even Google has yet to purge this fact from the internet.
Jayden Thompson
The Old Testament is what I like. God had hard line rules and and eliminated degenerates.
Christians... Christians... Christians... Religious people of all humanity. Hear ye Hear ye.
You are all wrong. No matter what it is each and every one of you are certain but wrong. Atheists are not more likely to commit suicide. Many many people commit suicide for many many reasons. This is hogwash.
Anyway just wanted to drop in to say whatever story you believe from your precious religion is wrong (certain but wrong) Have a nice day.
Alexander Sullivan
First of all, your meme is absurd. Atheists don't believe in god because we feel that the concept is absurd. We make no claim that there IS NO god. We simply lack belief in one. The ultimate question could be anything at all. Atheists don't assume positive knowledge one way or another. The rejection of religion is the rejection of ideals based wholly upon the belief in a god, not simply because the moral code defined within is disagreeable. Many things religions state about how life should be lived aren't inherently disagreeable because religion likes them; they just aren't considered laws by atheists simply because they're religion. That said, people doing evil in the name of one god or another is just as absurd to us as christianity or judaism to atheists. There is no spiritual imbalance. People who do bad things are misbehaving and should be punished.
Thomas Walker
You only know those claiming to be atheist while rebelling in every other way. Real atheists usually don't bother talking to you.
Jaxon Sullivan
I am an agnostic. I think that atheism is nihilism when carried to its logical conclusions. An atheist philosophy is an awful way to live. Doesn’t mean it is wrong though.
I am mainly responding in regards to your image posting. No, humans did not evolve from modern monkeys. Humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor. This is why Christians are so hated. They are willfully stupid, ignorant and uneducated to the point of absurdity. Yes, society needs religion to function cohesively with a shared moral understanding. Yes, people need spirituality to have meaningful lives. But evolution is real fuck tards, the earth is not flat or 6000 years old, and stars are not sitting above in a fixed sphere. All non-believers aren’t going to hell either.
People have abandoned all hope and desire to know God because the only form of religion they know is the dead retardation known as the Church. Reform your religion dip shits if you want it to survive into the modern world.
Cooper Cox
>Atheists don't assume positive knowledge one way or another. >People who do bad things are misbehaving and should be punished. are you an imbecile
Nolan Carter
Maybe. Were you there? Why does it matter? Does is hurt your delicate sensibilities to think that your genetic ancestors are one genetic step closer to you than you thought they were? Why does it matter? If you're so sure, why hasn't modern science said so conclusively? Is the collective science community simply afraid of offending you? Please don't make assertions you have zero proof of. It makes us all look bad.
Joseph Jones
If God made everything, why did he make niggers?
Eli Davis
The point Peterson makes is the Bible is a moral code handed down over thousands of years from one society to another.
It evolved over time, but everything in there is there for a reason. You are one human who is going to make lots of mistakes figuring out your moral code on your own.
I side with J.D. Unwind that you will allow society to be destroyed by degenerates while you are trying to figure out your moral code. It's not just you, but atheist society is going to let pedophiles come to power like they did in Greece.
I know the future holds you sucking off nonwhite trannies. How about that?
Camden Mitchell
We belive în Pepe he is the only one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charles Nelson
Is that an official atheist jamboree?
Wyatt Baker
It's a very important set of morals historically, but religion is not able to evolve fast enough to encompass the way humanity is changing both technologically and culturally. It's more of a vestige at this point, I'm ready for the Overman already.
Blake Nguyen
I'm also unable to fool myself into believing the simpler path is real. Life must be so easy when it's definitively confined to the bounds of religion.
Austin Wood
Radical Atheists are just as bad as the radically religious. Don't be afraid to tell missionaries to fuck off, and the same with any atheist being a social fuckwad. We came from rocks.
You obviously think you have knowledge of some sort, so instead of calling me names like a child, bring your arguments. You either don't understand what I said, or you have other ideas. Let's have them.
Michael Parker
Judeo/Christian structure is like your good gut bacteria. It prevents the dangerous and unhealthy gut bacteria from growing over and making the host (society) sick.
That's why it was the goal of degenerates like Alfred Kinsey to get rid of Christianity
I literally paired two statements you made that contradict each other. if that wasn't starkly apparent to you, yes, it's confirmed, you are an imbecile.
Michael Rivera
Read Nihilism by monk Seraphim Rose.
Dylan Garcia
there are millions of individuals of the common ancestor of humans and chimps? woah
also, there aren't millions of chimps. there are about 115-300k. even if you include bonobos (30-50k) the number is far from millions
Sebastian Wilson
You assume that a lack of religion means a lack of morality. Atheists don't have to start from scratch. Even Amazonian rainforest children learn a moral code outside of any western religion. The assumption that morality is difficult and cannot be assumed without direct guidance from a trusted source is silly. Atheists don't start from scratch. You can't have eyes and ears without learning most of what you need to be a good person before you hit puberty, regardless of who teaches it to you.
You can't compare ancient Greece with your absurd expectations for the future. Besides, in ancient Greece, pedophilia wasn't considered to be socially unacceptable. Therefore, the stigma wasn't there. Odds are good that kids who were molested back then didn't suffer the vast social stigma and shame that kids do today. That isn't justification of either, only to point out that "socially acceptable" is a tremendous term. When you make statements like that, you're literally comparing apples to oranges. It's true that atheists consider this society to be prudish and puritanical in many ways, but that doesn't mean that a normal guy who just happens to not believe in the concept of a god automatically supports pedophilia. The problem with the assumptions of the religious is that they assume that the lack of a belief in the god they think created morality means the lack of belief in everything that religion believes in. Atheism isn't to blame for transgenderism. Atheism isn't to blame for communists, fags, drug dealers, sexual slavery, prostitution, swearing or murder. Human nature is.
Anthony Walker
Explain how those tow statements contradict one another. They're literally not related. One discusses the nature of "god" or whatever. The other discusses human nature, and the fact that if people do bad things, they deserve to be punished, outside of any religion-inspired morality.
-- or are you one of those who assumes that because atheists don't believe in god, that we're all completely rudderless in moral terms, so I'd have no idea what "bad" even means without a "god" to tell me?
Hudson Gomez
You have no idea how to interact with another human being without calling people names, do you? I feel sorry for you.
Jacob Morris
Men are more likely to commit suicide. What's wrong with men?
Austin Thompson
We're obviously all atheists.
Carson Rogers
There's no god though. And no Santa. Sad but true.
I would suggest you follow Graham Hancock. What it's likely talking about is a society similar to ours that got hit with a meteor storm 12,000 years ago. As society degenerates, that may be what it takes to reset things.
Can you please get your kids from the pedo priest laps first? I mean, as an Atheist I would frown upon this, but it still happens, and I wonder why anyone would subject their kids still to this after all this information out. I can't put my finger on this.
Colton Clark
athiesm is a mind disease and will last no more than 100 yrs
Evan Campbell
If there are multiple breeds of dog why are there still wolves?
Pedophilia was actually acceptable. That's what the image explained, but they are lying when they claim it started at 16. Camille Paglia claims it started around 13 or 14.
Its assumed by genetic analysis, that true neanderthals had a preganancy way longer than the homo sapiens, about 14 month. This would force the woman to go trough two harsh winters, while the homo sapiens had about 10 month back then. That gave the one the advantage in birth rates. There are other areas, like the thickness of the frontal cortext and degestion issues, that commulated with lots of advantages for the hsapiens. There should be about 300 different types of whales right now, but in reality its less than 100. the others simply didn't made it and we hunted some of them to extinction.
Jeremiah Mitchell
I was raised all atheist and I associated with atheists for years. I found atheists to be a bunch of degenerates that support the work of Alfred Kinsey who claimed boo sex asst is invalid, even bestiality or incest. That's the postmodernist visit that is now being adopted.
Your mortality is subjective and made up by you. There is no standard for an atheist and children can easily be molded to accept anything.
Look dude, nowadays I'm an atheist, but I've been a christian all my life and all my values came from my christian family. I deeply respect you people, those that get offended at that are fucking retards. As for the picture you posted, I suggest you take a few hours of your life to read a bit about evolution, that argument makes absolutely no sense.
Henry Anderson
The old greece men didn't force rape their kids in drugged parties. It was more a mentor thing, as far the most sources went. The real debauchery happened in the end times of Rome, where they just raped everything that was put infront of them during the orgy years. A life wasn't much worth back then and the calicfied power structures didn't allow you to question anything and most people wheren't. The IQ level was much lower than today.
Mason Hill
I believe it. It probably started even earlier for the wealthy. My point was that it was potentially not as detrimental to the greek kid simply due to societal perspectives, whereas any child today would be faced with a lifetime of shame and regret simply to recover from the damage to their own psyches caused by the current societal attitudes. One post used a return to 'greek-style pedophilia' (paraphrased) as a threat against what was perceived to be atheism-ushered degeneracy. I should have gone deeper though, and explained that in order for the ancient greek lifestyle to be even considered degeneracy, it needs to be viewed from an entirely different societal standard. The result is the same, though; apples to oranges.
Also, atheism and pedophilia aren't even remotely related.
Luis White
Considering it a choice is a disgrace, in and of itself.
Josiah Hernandez
Nonsense. All atheist I know don't give their kids mobile phones until they are 16 and even don't allow them to watch TV with ads. They try to hide them from the perversions of the modern world and have no respect for people trying to put stuff infront of kids that can't understand context. Its just hyperprogressive shit that is perpetuated in some places like california and NY. If you believe in science, than most of the modern worlds IS degenerated shit that should not be put infront of children by default.
Adam Brown
>There is no standard for an atheist and children can easily be molded to accept anything.
There are still societal standards. It's not like adults can make kids do anything they want just because they don't believe in god, and not answer to society for it.
Brayden Smith
Shut your cocksucking mouth you evolutionist leaf scum