Jesus Christ, I really hate that fucking idiot

If there is still any doubt about the fact that americans are the stupitest nation on earth, then let me remind you that the retard on pic related is still their """elected""" president.

How can it be that this misogynist and utterly sexist moron is still presiding, while the majority of the people, media and even celebrities are clearly against him? He does not care about his own nation, but rather ignores all logical reason and continues with his destructive policies against the majority. Jesus Christ!!!

Literally all neighbouring countries the usa have become hostile and disapprove of his policies; every other sane nation on earth would have kicked him out of office a long time ago, but not so in america.

I hope americans will get their act together and impeach that moron rather sooner than later.
For me as a German, it really hurts to see how a single politician is allowed to ruin his own country with such moronic policies, but as the saying goes: "each country gets the politicians it deserves"...

Attached: IdiOTUS.png (602x339, 324K)

Other urls found in this thread:

germans aren't human lol go lose another war

Yeah we are so stupid hahahaha that's why you are occupied by us, because we are very stupid and you are very smart

It's hilarious when you guys go on your manic rants when you don't get your way.

we love him he's ours

>each country gets the politicians it deserves

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go away

>How can it be that this misogynist and utterly sexist moron is still presiding
Because democracy
>while the majority of the people, media and even celebrities are clearly against him?
Majority you say? Numbers plox
>He does not care about his own nation,
He is rebuilding industry in his own nation
>but rather ignores all logical reason and continues with his destructive policies against the majority.
which majority?
>Jesus Christ!!!
yes, that is correct - well done
>Literally all neighbouring countries the usa have become hostile and disapprove of his policies;
>every other sane nation on earth would have kicked him out of office a long time ago, but not so in america.
because fuck democracy and laws n shet
>I hope americans will get their act together and impeach that moron rather sooner than later.
For what? And provide proofs
>For me as a German, it really hurts to see how a single politician is allowed to ruin his own country with such moronic policies, but as the saying goes: "each country gets the politicians it deserves"...
Refer to Merkel on how a single politician is allowed to ruin her own country (and several other counties)with such moronic policies

4/10 - made me reply


Attached: Malcolm-X.jpg (850x550, 284K)

Fuck off. Whitehouse is full.

>Refer to Merkel on how a single politician is allowed to ruin her own country (and several other counties)with such moronic policies

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We killed all the good Germans.

Attached: 1530383459849.jpg (591x800, 61K)

You mean vocal minority.

You weak fucking socialist shill

The left wing (including your miserable country) is the vocal MINORITY in this case. The right won in america and you wont pipe down about it.

Shut you fucking stupid effeminate mouths and let real politicians run the show.

cry about you bratwurst deepthroating faggot

You're still occupation, godfried shut your whore mouth.

The greedy Jew tricked you into it. I'm so fucking sorry.


don't worry, republicans are busy digging their own political grave by supporting him, they'll be extinct in 15-20 years like the Whigs

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Stopped reading right there.

Attached: Look.gif (300x168, 726K)

Retarded shill thread. SAGE

Only Bush Jr was a bigger zio cut cock sucker....but Trump still has 2 years to go in his first term.
I bet he will try to gobble more jew cock than all of his predecessors combined.

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For better or worse, it's going to be hard top a leader that wants to genocide their own people by bringing in millions of shit skins to rape, enslave and murder the native population while taking all it's money from welfare.

So much tasty salt.
Best election ever !!!

Attached: trump cock.jpg (621x960, 124K)

My grandpa killed your grandpa and took his hitler youth pin.

It's not just shills, there are bots as well. This was from not 5 minutes ago in another thread. Once the script broke they deleted the thread despite being on the first page.

Attached: anti-trump_bot_6.png (1852x1086, 287K)

You realize Merkal is your chancellor, right?

where the fick is my immigrant built vw, hans?

Cucked eurofags cannot understand the American God Race.

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When lefty use long word make we want use small word, feel more masculine

You're not wrong. The US is pretty fucking stupid. Not to say all of them are, but when you get to a point where two candidates are a she-devil and an orange-mong, but there are half a dozen other candidates, and one of those two cunts STILL wins, you know there's a problem. They're engrossed in this blue vs red false dichotomy, so loyal to a political group that doesn't give a shit about them, and over-dramatic in every reaction they have.

I never thought I'd see the day when there would be a stupider president than Bush Jr in the White House, but here we are. Trump is (as much as people want to pretend otherwise) a senile, immature, overcompensating moron. If I were a more suspicious man, I'd say he was some sort of elaborate controlled opposition to make Republicans look full-retard. What sort of petty cunt goes on Twitter (of all fucking banes to society) to throw tantrums at over nation's officials? The kind that's there to distract people, probably.

Now we're at a point where he's being openly hostile to every other nation (except Israel, obviously) and expecting things to get better from it. It won't. All it will do is isolate the US and leave Russia and China with an open shot at the crown. You can't win a fucking trade war with the world, you financially illiterate nepotist cunt.

Also, fuck the EU and fuck Germany.

Thanks for keeping it civil, Germanbro. I don't know, keep in mind Grumpf only won because of state level retardation with the electoral college. I think we fetishize our Constitution to the point that we can't even fix our shit. Please get China to nuke us.

Fuck off paid shill

Why are non-americans so obsessed with our politics? I am basically braindead to German politics and could care less.

Do we have to remind you that you have lost the war and Merkel is your leader?

Attached: fe112a74a644b17a808bab998f623037_XL.jpg (900x534, 345K)

"I hope americans will get their act together and impeach that moron rather sooner than later.
For me as a German, it really hurts to see how a single politician is allowed to ruin his own country with such moronic policies, but as the saying goes: "each country gets the politicians it deserves"..."

OP is a faggot. You assholes literally have Merkel,...

How will he ever recover?

>america is not everyones biggest customer.
time we flex our consumer status in the world.

for me as an American, it really hurts to see how Angela Merkel can ruin her own country and all the countries around her with her suicidal importation of muslim hordes

>stupidest nation on earth
Not if you remove non whites from that statement
>he is a idiot
Yep. Both a billionaire and became president in a rigged election. Really stupid. Right.
>is hated
Thats the best part Hans. He is hated by leftist because he trolls them hard, and its awesome to witness their meltdowns.
And he is hated by globalists, because while he is from their ranks, he causes such chaos in their pkans that they lose their shit. Which is even more awesome.

And finally, while he makes shitty things, he also lowered the unemployment rate, tries to enforce immigration laws, and pretend to make wars, but create peace, like with best korea. And introduce hardcore conservatives in every post he can. Neocons too, but hey, half of US establisment are. He wages economic wars ? But thats the essence of capitalism baby.
In short, one can hates him, but you do for retarded reasons.
Now, if i may, Mohammed balls are full again and it hurts, so mama Merkel reminds you kindly to help with his sexual emergencies, and do not forget to swallow.
Best regards and bon appetit.

>Trump rally last night
>male in attendance shouts out, I LOVE YOU!
>Trump responds with, I love you too - not my type, but I love you.
It wasn't me but I do love this man - no-homo

The US makes up something like 10% of all imports world-wide. Flexing won't work.



So this is the power of the kraut intellectual

Obama has probably one of the best foreign policy record in the last decennia. His moral compass was sublime.

He made the Iran deal because he didn't had this irrational grudge against Iran. Sometimes you have to be the bigger guy in order to solve a situation like this. (Remember that the money given to Iran was already Irans property. It consisted of frozen assets which the USA could never legally use.)
A good example was with north korea. Under Clinton the relationship USA-Nkorea became better. Then Bsh Jr said muh axes of evil blah blah, putting trade sanctions on North Korea.
North Korea became then even more isolated and is becoming shittier with the day. Isolating Iran would have been just as bad.

Obama is also based when it comes to the Israel- palastine conflict. He doesn't have this irrational love for Israel. He doesn't hate muslims because they are muslims. He can actually see how shitty it was for the people that lived there before the state israel was made.

Maybe the Iran deal cost you some money, but remember that an unnecesary war costs 100x more money.

Next climate change.
You can try to ignore this, but he has done much in order to get this world to realize how bad we are treating it. He has been a very important factor in making climate change related treaties. The paris threaty is a big step in the good direction.
If you look at how Trump looks at climate change I think he knows that man made climate change is real. He just doesn't think it's going to be a problem. He is in my opinion very shortsighted on this matter. He mean well, giving jobs to coal miners and people working in that industry, but in the long run you are making the future look worse.

don't spend your shekels all in one place


i'd unironically vote for him.
and you are the fucking idiot.

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: JIDF_articles.jpg (3666x3284, 1.17M)

Lol another deutschfag regurgitating retarded leftist propaganda


rent free

>Jesus Christ, I really hate that fucking idiot
8 y e a r s

What are the Odds OP is Jewish?

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go suck turkish dick and go down on merkel

top bant

>If there is still any doubt about the fact that americans are the stupitest nation on earth, then let me remind you that the retard on pic related is still their """elected""" president.
100 percent confirmed that Muricans are retarded, as are their political selections.

Attached: Kentucky white pride retardation.jpg (1280x720, 131K)


No one likes you, German Shareblue.

Quit yer spam muslim man

You’ve thought a lot about this, haven’t you hans?
About Trump and America and Americans.
Guess what Hans. I literally forgot Germany existed. Poof. Completely gone from my mind. When was the last time I even thought about Germany? I can’t remember. And after I close this thread, you and your shithole country will stop existing to me, again.
That’s what it feels like to be #1.

seems the nazi`s missed one.

>white pride retarded
>jew shitting on whites for whites
get the fuck out before we kill your lot

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>>jew shitting on whites for whites
Man, your autism is extreme, even for a Murican.

Attached: Murican pride.jpg (400x503, 46K)

you hating on the US now you fucking pacific ocean kike , go swim into a sharks gut to be turned into KIKE SHIT ,jew

cause he has the EU in his sights and you are a merkel lover course you hate him faggot

He makes you screech. He makes us laugh. And we laugh harder when he makes you screech. You created him, and you

Sweet God, how I do love my president!

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Merkels favorite book (visions 2050). A wannabe commies book that predicts that the word migration background won't excist anymore in 2050, because all people are so mixed that all German children will have a migration background.

Besides that she wants to force all people in big cities, and forbid small villages and houses with gardens (according to the book), a technocratic future where some company bosses rule Germany.

Who is the moron now German user?

newfags make sure sage shill posts like this

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>"each country gets the politicians it deserves"...
Yes and you deserve a childless East German communist hag who imports shitskin Arabs to rape your sister. You pay taxes to your government for Arab rape. Also I wish Trump would activate all our troops currently "stationed in" (AKA: occupying) your country to liberate all the no-faggot Germans.

Yeah I've been noticing alot of bot activity lately. Definitely more efficient than shilling. CTR is obsolete now.

Opinion discarded.

Hur dur Germany

Attached: merkel.jpg (948x1364, 351K)

Kek krauts BTFO

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No one cares what you think. Seriously, America is not your country so stop worrying about it.

They lost their country, but you lost your dicks

Attached: give skin to kike.jpg (638x702, 46K)

>not appreciating the chaos candidate
you're a fucking pussy m8

>cucked country literally exists solely because of the US

Checks out.

Accurate. And they're actively trying to kill off their own people.

>as a German refugee

Significant warming by man made co2 is fake and gay. Termites worldwide have a bigger co2 footprint as all humans, power stations, and factories ...have you seen a caal to exterminate termites to save the world?

Besides that the solutions are fake and gay.

It is not wind/solar alone, need fast starting low efficiency gas powered power station to balance when the wind doesn't blow

Those fast starting balancing power stations are twice less effective as slow starting high efficency power stations the solution what is now offered (wind/solar+low efficiency fast starting power stations) has more co2 output, more fosil fuel use, and way more cost as just using slow starting high effiency power stations. (not even counting in the co2 used to build those windmills, and the decades to retrieve that used co2 when only 15% of the time the wind blows, and only 5% of the time when there is high energy demand)

It is a scam, with commie China as biggest winner

WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.

>Elon knows how bad it is

The average normie has no idea what the future holds IF WE DONT out aside our difference and men of righteousness unite and battle the NWO, illuminati, and technocrats. Many creeds and colors work for these people and we need to unite like some faggoty lord of the rings movie and put an end to the A.I. demigod

This is a warning from the future.

>if we do not unite against the satanic A.I Beast grid system

Then we have a DARK FUTURE ahead

Relax and enjoy

>unite against the VILE PEOPLE NOW

Why has planned parenthood gotten away with 1.5 BILLION babies killed since 1980......
>muh dead niggers
They are sacrificing babies to MOLECH, an ancient cananite and bablyonian deity of DEATH,
>the jews, Hollywood and politicians world wide worship molech
And in turn are using these babies to become immortal, and demon filled, but they are PUTTING THE BYPRODUCTS, dead used up fetuses , into YOUR food, soda, Pepsi products, Starbucks, Nestle, and so much more..
>dead babies in your vaccines
Good goy take your baby death shot and become GUILTY too!!!

Stop these jews now!! This video has been shadowbanned, instantly demonitized and is pissing off the demon worshiping kikes..


>stem cells COULD be evil also
Not saying they are but I have to look into what this video says
>dan bilzarian gets 200million$ shots of pure dead baby juice
NOT UMBILICAL cords like mel said

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>he is way better then your mutti for sure

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>mfw stupidest nation on earth is richer and more powerful than every other nation in the world

Lmao what does that make you?

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oh man, 2 posts by this ID? must be getting desperate, huh?

Donald "Dotard" Trump

look, world CO2 in 0.04 percent of air while it should be 0.03 . Now the air is very big so thes quantities are A LOT OF CO2.


Plant the sahara make a new fucking tropical forest there to absorb the .01 co2 extra
why is noone doing this ?


fpbp as always