Edward Snowden//

What did he mean by this? And what the hell is he up to now?

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Incoming martial law brother. Gear up

Nothing he is irrelevant. I like the clip John Oliver showed him of girls and niggas laughing at his irrelevant soi ass. He turned red as a cherry.

Snowden is a giant faggot opportunist who betrayed his country

He’s a fucking Obama admin spook, who’s trying to act like the pope of “former” intelligence community “freedom fighters”. Fuck that guy, he’s a fake, and a glow in the dark.

Snowden is a kike shill

You never deserved his sacrifice as a country.

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>expose 5 eyes and mossad

>kike shill


Thank you Snowden for proving to the world that spying agencies conduct spying operations.

Jow Forums knew of what Snowden leaked before Snowden leaked it.

>5 eyes

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I actually agree. I’ve been hearing a ton of people say over the past few years his ((“leak”)) was a controlled op. For whatever purposes. I’m guessing because he was a former CIA operative. I just don’t know why he’s playing this good guy, let me let you in the know, bullshit.

>trump has psychedelic memes that fry the brains of even non-epileptics

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>Snowden is a giant faggot opportunist who betrayed the unelected deep state spooks who run rampant over our Constitutional protections without just cause nor due process

He is implying literally what he leaked.
That government agencies have a backdoor in everything you use and this connection can and will be used to collect information and surveil your pone use.

i am having extreme difficulty comprehending these reactions
i genuinely believe obama was a traitorous muslim intent on destroying america yet wouldnt have had a problem with him sending a national message
are these people just mentally ill

Ya fuckin retarded? That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Tech giants all save data so that government agencies can archive it en masse and run keywords and algorithms.

Problem solved. pic related

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NSA is gay

team CIA yeahhhhhhhhhhh

>for proving to the world that spying agencies conduct spying operations
...on their own people. Confirming long-held but often ridiculed 'conspiracy theories' that intelligence agencies only spied on the enemy. He did make a difference actually, unlike your shitty little life.

And tech companies have no legal power, Facebook can’t arrest you. 5 eyes can spie on you then your country of residence can arrest you on parallel charges if they wish. Look up parallel prosecution

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Guys... is Edward Snowden starting to sound a lot like Q or is it just me?

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If Snowden wasn’t a glow in the dark controlled opposition nigger, he’d have been dissolved in a barrel of acid years ago

Why cant the CIA go in Russia and spray him with novichok nerve agent? World leaders would blame it on Putin.

Because he’s one of them.

False flag incoming. Watch. You see that the chans and other sites were taken down or severely slowed the other day?
Series of events is a test of ((their system)) boys. That text is powerful to the point it could cause chaos.

Oh is that why he’s been living in Russia and China? Because he’s a western flow in the dark double triple agent?

That's what you get for trusting a jew

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He's scared that the wrong people could abuse their capacity for delivering information into american minds?? That sounds like antisemitism to me!
Oh he's talking about bluuuumpppfhhhfhhrghgrgghgrllrlll so it's okay. Was about to say. Still, dangerous to put the idea that giving anybody a direct door into the minds of the people is bad.

>For whatever purposes. I’m guessing because he was a former CIA operative. I just don’t know why he’s playing this good guy, let me let you in the know, bullshit.
the CIA was afraid of the power the NSA had amassed (in opposition to their own) and therefore they wanted to get the NSA's wings clipped

of course all it did was normalize the surveillance and the train kept rolling

meanwhile the CIA basically built their own NSA internally

He probably has some sort of security detail. It’s in Russia’s favor that he stay alive because his continued existence is a pain for 5 eyes. I bet Russia keeps a watch out for him.

Are you retarded?
In many recent terrorist attacks, the perps were citizens of the country they attacked (especially in Europe).

Are you saying that ASIO should not monitor radical Muslims as long as they have an Aussie passport?

>McCain’s ghost

Pick 1 or 2. Get tf off an anonymous image board or post on your fagbook account. You have nothing to hide user. the absolute state

Snowden wishes he was Assange, but sadly...

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>sucking glownigger cock with this much passion

He handled the soft reveal. Instead of being mad the Government had been spying on you for years, you redirected most of the vitriol to Snowden and his questionable act. Also helped temper the news our contractors were overseas destroying young boys' buttholes.

is this retard still alive lol what the shit leak some good stuff man or just disappear no one cares about you anymore

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How do you define radical? How did the investigation start? History of violent behavior? Clean record or dirty? It depends on a lot of factors.

Hopefully we can agree just collecting EVERYTHING and then running algorithms isn’t the answer.

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Why would Putin kill a foreign spy who harmed one of his adversaries, exactly?

>what is social media and tv

>Since our gubment is moovin in tons of dangroys peeple we should giv up any semblance of privacy
>Wut do you mean "demand they stop bringing in peeple who need to be monitored"
>Oi mate wut do you mean "how cunveenyent"

Don't forget the "oh see a lot of them are good people willing to risk it all for us, it's not so bad" paradigm he brought about. And the "hahaha they can't even catch this one guy who's doing interviews and on twitter, we were worried about nothing with these bumbling idiots" optics.

That's the joke


>How do you define radical? How did the investigation start? History of violent behavior? Clean record or dirty? It depends on a lot of factors.
>Hopefully we can agree just collecting EVERYTHING and then running algorithms isn’t the answer.

Terrorists don't necessary have histories of violent behavior.
It's important to track who they communicate with, where the money goes, etc. This implies monitoring national phone lines, banks, etc.
Without that, terrorists would organize everything inside the country they attack. Pretty convenient.

Here I'm assuming you trust the government for national defence. If you don't, you don't, but in that case you're against the entire thing: NSA, CIA, military, etc.

I covered my cameras and mics when the EAB came through. I know what's up


I believe in the FBI and the system of investigations and warrants. I’m against this Minority Report style system we have.

The military isn’t for domestic issues. Te military doesn’t operate on domestic soil, and spy agencies aren’t supposed to either. The CIA charter specifically states it’s not supposed to operate on US soil, but it does anyway and nobody cares.

I’m more afraid of the government than I am afraid of some sandniggers. Hell, they arm and train sandniggers half the time anyway. AQ, OBL, ISIS are all coalition creations.


Must be that time again for the queue invasion. Fuck off.

off course...because an alarm siren that nobody hears anymore due to the sound pollution in the big cities is still relevant in 2018.