White men are already statistically most likely to miscegeneate with lesser races, something should be done about this jewish subversion of our race. The brown genestealers are catching white Chads in their nets and we all know how we as men are weak to the ways of women.
God damn, if racemixing gets me a browno like that sign me the fuck up senpai
Jaxson Myers
god I want a choco gf
Asher Robinson
>Implying you're not brown.
Isaiah Williams
I don't care shut the fuck up and post charcoal girls
Luke Jones
White males are beta
Gavin Carter
You're a retard. There's nothing wrong with racemixing. People just put it in media because they want stupid racists to shut up. Race is not important to the human condition and you can't logically prove me wrong because you obviously have never written a proof or truth table in your life
Jonathan Turner
you have to go back
Ian Lewis
Can I tell you something? You're a faggot.
Joshua Torres
This is NOT ok. How are we suposed to wage the racewar when the Hitlerjugend consists of mulattos?