Book recommendations?

Give me some book recommendations.

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The Advancement of Learning.

The New Atlantis.

HHH's democracy the god that failed

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Might is Right

These are very good.

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Swedish version

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there is only one book

some books for fellow Swedes

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Animal Farm
The Art of War

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New World Order -H.G Wells.
Published in 930s
Buts It's the blueprint for the NWO.
Says world government will be formed after Iraq is invaded!

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What's the link between Plato and fascist """thinkers"""? Can someone explain?

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Would you recommend permanently relocating to Stockholm for tech work?

The only English version you should read.

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This, his 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces' is fantastic too.

Currently reading pic related, which is basically
>look at these ancient teachings that christianity adopted in bastardised form and then torched to the ground

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LotR trilogy comes to mind. At least read Fellowship, Tolkien is one of the most based authors ever to live. Also A Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant is good too

ty for the share. may check it out

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Financially, sure, it can be profitable. But I wouldn't wanna live in there even if I was paid to live there and do nothing. That city (likewise Malmö and Göteborg) is a complete shithole, filled with retards of all kinds (including leftists) and huge amounts of immigrants. Think of it like a combination of Detroit (in terms of a "melting pot") and San Fransisco, just smaller size. So you should ask yourself it it would be worth it. Visit first for a few weeks to get a feel for the "people" and so called "culture" in Stockholm.

Our largest cities will be (some areas of the cities already are) majority African/Middle-Eastern in just a few years; in 10-15 years if the trend doesn't reverse, expect them to be more than 75% non-swedish.

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i really wish boomers knew how to make a good looking book cover so they wouldn't be ridiculed all the time. i feel bad for them

Finished this one a while ago. Great read, heartily recommended.

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Gulag Archipelago in audio format on youtube.

Oswald Spengler - The Death of the West

Stephen Coughlin - Catastrophic Failure (hyper redpill)

The Secret Doctrine
Carl Jung's work on Alchemy

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Isn't Kant super dry and boring? I never embarked as it is fucking daunting.

Thanks, that really helps.

Beyond Good and Evil
The Genealogy of Morals
Friedrich Nietzsche

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The Iliad.
The Odyssey.
The Aeneid.
Plato's Republic.

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Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche

The Enchiridion - Epictetus

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

The Survival Retreat: A Total Plan For Retreat Defense - Ragnar Benson

Might Is Right - Ragnar Redbeard

Industrial Civilization And Its Future - Unabomber

The Painted Bird - Jerzy Kosiński (fine example of Pilpul and Jewish Taqiya)

1984 - George Orwell

Animal Farm - George Orwell

Liberty Or Equality - Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

How Civilizations Die - David Goldman

Anything - Savitri Devi

Mein Kampf - Your Lord And Savior


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The Constitution of the United States of America

Everything from Aristophanes. You'll have millenia old zozzles and realise women are the niggers of gender since day one. Also good for culture.

the shobogenzo by dogen a 13th century jap monk
you probably will only find a pdf, the shits pricey on amazon
but it explains taoism and zen buddhism very well

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I am so happy Jow Forums hates that shit. no where else has such animosity towards harry potter. I am here forever

Did you always hate it or only after it started being used politically?

Not him, but I share the sentiment. I didn't hate it as a kid, but I didn't like it either and I never understood why it was so popular. Now I absolutely despise it because it's the most obvious NPC identifier there is. If you ask someone what their favorite book is and they say "Harry Potter", what that answer actually means is "I haven't read a book since I was 10 years old and even then it was just a few chapters but those books were good fuck donald drumph!"

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>but those books were good
meant to say movies*

If you want deep insight into the true nature of women you should read Anna Karenina

I think even the books had some stuff like the Patel girl and "mudblood" insult but I'm sure it was mild compared with what kids read today.

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Reading is for nerds, fool!