CANADA YES! Canada is 49% White

What the political implications of a northern Brazil? There is even a Soros-funded project called the Century Initiative whose sole objective is to bring in 100M non-Whites by 2100. But at current rate of +800K shitskins and -90K whites a year, they will have achieved this by the year 2050 or sooner.

Attached: le 53% wiki.png (510x580, 80K)

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Here is the White Genocide data

Attached: genocide2.png (848x528, 106K)

The subhuman Pole is not counting Quebecois as white again. We're 24% of the population.

From 98% White to 49% White in 4 decades. Fastest peacetime White genocide in recorded peacetime history.

Attached: leaf genocide graffz.png (1222x364, 278K)

Poles are literal niggers.

Attached: Screenshot_53.png (484x351, 13K)

Quebecois are infinitely more white than Poles. Your country is 1% white.

stupid anti-Canadian Pole memeflagger being stupid

fuck canada

Attached: everyone is the pole.jpg (1676x2571, 685K)

French Canadians are so nigger tier actual French people don't like them; fuck off Jaque Le Chang

Attached: the canada simulator.jpg (1280x960, 521K)