What do they mean by this? pic related
Is the vote gonna happen today?
Fox News reported that the FBI probe is wrapping up in a couple of hours. IS IT GOING TO HAPPEN TODAY????
What do they mean by this? pic related
Is the vote gonna happen today?
Fox News reported that the FBI probe is wrapping up in a couple of hours. IS IT GOING TO HAPPEN TODAY????
LUL I can't wait 'til Brett doesn''t get nominated and this board goes into completely meltdown.
It's going to be glorious!
Please let this happen today!
no it's not going to happen today. probably friday
I think it's just the vote to end floor debate on the topic before it's brought up for the actual up or down vote on Friday.
Uh, if they're having a quorum call then yeah, that means they're calling senators into the building in order to vote on it.
>the board
user, the good people of this country will rage
I sure hope your hungry because boy are you going to eat those words.
To vote on it this week (Saturday), McConnell has to invoke cloture before midnight today, then they can vote to end debate on Friday, and have the final vote Saturday. Invoking cloture does not involve a vote. He can just file a piece of paper with the clerk.
Nobody outside of this website actually thinks Kavanaugh is telling the truth. Go outside and talk to people, this internet information bubble you live in is not reality.
Kavanaugh will not be confirmed and it will be for the good of this country that he isn't.
No. The Senate has to first pass a motion to 'file cloture', which is probably why they're doing a quorum call because they want to get started. Then the cloture has to sit for 24 hours. So Friday they can hold a procedural vote, and Saturday they can take the actual confirmation vote. If nothing derails the process.
When he gets confirmed, don't hang yourself.
I want to do it.
You want to get the Left REALLY mad? Let's get something trending like #BeatUpWomen right around the time he gets confirmed and watch the panic.
>If nothing derails the process.
good luck with that. best case scenario, a bunch of screaming, blood-smeared harpies storm the capitol and turn the place into a fucking mad circus. crazy/sad times we live in.
We should organize a rape day
All the guys will go out and rape all the women they see
It'd be so funny lol
It's polling about 50/50 each way with a significant fraction undecided.
If he gets confirmed, any trolling activities will be eclipsed by mountains of salt.
When does it start, boys?
Who the fuck have you been asking? Everyone I meet up with (especially those that lean more left) have been more supportive of HIM and think she and the Dems are lying and hateful. I live in Chicago so that’s saying something.
>believing what media says
>98% HRC - 2% DT
either way.
That's why we push this into the fire too and get that blaze going at 120%. Can you imagine the news articles? Let's make these idiots' heads explode. Fuck 'em.
Right! These are the same bozos that thought Trump would get elected! Wait...
Oh yes,I'm fully expecting a riot in the Rotunda, complete with batons and pepper spray. I think the vote will actually occur Monday or Tuesday, with the building locked down.
Not sure if CIA nigger or just cuckfag.
Kegger Kav will get confirmed this week!
53 - 47
get out of your liberal echo chamber. or at least look at the polls. Belief is pretty much completely split down party lines, and that's because people on the two different sides only read their own side's media. Unfortunately.
He hasn't been talking to anyone. He's just trying to gaslight and demoralize you.
Literally nobody in LA that I've talked to thinks that Kav is telling the truth. Not a chance in hell that he'll be confirmed. Even Repubs. like Flake are likely to vote against Kavanaugh.
t. Q
Surely you've got your finger on the pulse of America, user.
Thats ok if repubs in ca dont want him. West virginia joe manchin will confirm him. Shoulda seen him ducking cameras earlier today. wouldnt even speak loud enough to be heard by the reporters. They were on him like vultures. I know hes been getting a lot of phone calls and emails this week here in Almost Heaven West Virginia. ;P
forgot your trip code Q
>blood-smeared harpies leaping from the gallery
I honestly hope this happens desu.
Funny because I live and work in LA, even the Hispanic women at work who didn’t vote for Trump support Brett
>Nobody in LA
Imagine my shock.
Fuck LA and the west coast. The USA will be better when they fall off in the ocean.
doesn't matter what the sheep think. It matters if the senate thinks he's capable of doing the job.
Retarded meme flag...yup a guaranteed win
At one point the polls showed more women then men believing Brett. They know a bullshitter when they see one.
Nah. Democrats are in a lose / lose situation. With their serious disadvantages in the upcoming election, with so many Red State Dems on the ballot and dumb mistakes like Menendez persisting when he's getting torn apart for being a corrupt asshole, the only hope Dems have of even maintaining their numbers in the Senate is by confirming Kavanaugh. If they kill him, heads are going to roll, and Republicans will pick up seats.
So, basically, either conservatives lock down the Supreme Court for 30 years at some point in the next week, at which point they might lose the Senate, or they re-up their stranglehold on the Senate, take control of the Supreme Court for 30 years anyway, and spend two more years ramming through a whole bunch of lower court justices.
Either way, Dems are fucked. Best thing for them is to lose, but if it weren't for Pyrrhic victories, they'd have no victories at all.
I feel bad for doubting Turtleman. Just because he failed on the Obamacare repeal, doesn't mean he hasn't been a superhero for the right in America.
They're really going to confirm a rapist aren't they? Republicans are demons
Q predicted this
this is based, my 60 yr old mother (victim of rape) called bull shit within 5 mins of Dr. Ford speaking
rape isn't bait, as much as you like to think it is.
You're right
Something called cloture needs to happen first, the final vote will be on Friday or Saturday at earliest (yes democracy is bullshit)
Good thing those "people" you supposedly talk to have no say in anything really.
aww sadness
This bait is getting tiresome.
We won the popular vote by almost 6million, you're on the wrong side of history, pal.
The idea is so retarted that this might work
Might want to check into your voter rolls on that claim. Lots of Illegals and dead people on Dem register. Besides even that the electoral college elects presidents so over populated shit holes like cali cant control the country forever.
Shhh...the shills are here!
Hillary didn't win the popular vote. More people voted for other people than voted for her. In fact, if you put Democrats and Green on the left, and Republicans and Libertarians on the right, the right won easily.
Could be just a troll.
lol they can shill all they want I dont follow Q. some other user posted it and said if hes wrong then this will BTFO Q forever
raged and checked
Vote isn't going to go down until Friday.
You heard it here first.
Thanks for Correcting The Record™, fellow user!
Based board rage
You posted this same shit during the election. How did that feel?
Keep dreaming fag. Then KYS
>We won the popular vote
We have the superior numbers. You had better pray that we don't make this cold civil war a hot one.
He's already been nominated, mongolid. This is the confirmation vote. Pic related.
Whats with the japanese rising sun flag behind her shitty looking face?
what's that red spot in maine?
Wew that filename though. check it lads
The devil is nigh
Currently on CSPAN2
I'd celebrate if this cunt was assassinated unironically. Gregoire and murray destroyed washington.
\o/ ahhhhhhhhh!
Ok but you're all unarmed because
>Muh safety guns are bad mkay.
Watch out for the blue dildo twirler brigade!
Senators busy reading 302's
It really is funny how many of these Trump-sucking, flyover state hicks think they can win a civil war because they bought an AR-15 at the local Wal-Mart.
Here’s a little book learning for you fat, backward fucks because I know you heroin addled idiots don’t have a lot of it: those “coastal liberal elites” own all the tech and occupy the richest and most influential areas of the country. We own the schools and the media and we will fucking bury you with them. It will be pretty funny to see you tubby fucks get blown to meat chunks by weaponized drones flown by Chinese engineering students though :)
based and checked
>In all but two states, electoral votes are 'winner-take-all'. The candidate winning the popular vote normally receives* all of that state's votes. Maine and Nebraska have adapted a different approach. Using the 'congressional district method', these states allocate two electoral votes to the state popular vote winner, and then one electoral vote to the popular vote winner in each Congressional district (2 in Maine, 3 in Nebraska). This creates multiple popular vote contests in these states, which could lead to a split electoral vote.
And we will have the full weight of the military behind us. How stupid are you?
Look at the numbers who voted. Look at how Trump campaigned. Hillary spent a LOT of her time and money campaigning in places like California and New York and racking up votes there. Trump didn't bother because they are so blue. Trump could have *easily* won the popular vote if he had devoted his time to the big population areas. He didn't DO THAT because he's not STUPID, like your gal was.
shill and/or b8 but those are the same people who would rise to the top if the lefts wet dream communist revolution ever happened btw. history is full of rural retards who win in those situations. maybe doesn't always end up well afterwards but c'est le vie.
kekd out loud
PLEASE do it. I'm literally begging you. You have no idea how fast you'd be put underground from starvation alone. No AR-15s necessary.
alaskan senator Dan sullivan on live right now on the senate floor.
Get return to your homework, Berkley. Don't you have some essay about the toxic masculinity of male poop that nobody will read.
How's it feel knowing that bait and lies are all the democrats have?
“I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwinds.” — Justice K
>full weight
Hey hick, most of the officers (i.e the ones that aren’t 85-IQ hillbillies who joined because they damn sure weren’t getting into a good college) vote Democrat. So that leaves you with a big, stupid, uncoordinated mass of idiots who couldn’t cut it in real life so they had to enlist. And as we’ve seen before, guerilla warfare ain’t exactly their strong suit. Uneducated Iraqi peasants sent them home with their tails between their legs using IEDs and similar tactics. Now imagine what fucking engineers with degrees and proper equipment would do.
Yeah. Nah. You’re toast.
Vatican City
do you have anything at all to back that up?