Soon. Very soon. If You don't know what I'm talking about, then it's already too late for you.
I've been activated
When I saw this picture I made POOPOO in my pants. There was so much POOP that I thought I was going to die of POOPING, but finally the DOODOO stopped coming and I could walk to the toilet and flush the DOODIES that I made down the toilet.
Too late, sessions. You're going in the helicopter, too.
>ricin mail not working
>activate false flag team
My POOP is back. When I thought about TRUMP again, I POOPOO'D so much that I think my POOPOOHOLE prolapsed.
Yes, because trained Wet Affairs operatives shitpost on /pol before doing their Mass Casualty attacks.
Nobody with the ability to shit has opened their sphincter to let out a vast juicy poop in regard to this.
Some folk might have had some slight bowel discomfort, and ran to the toilet as a brown rivulet trails down their left leg but most of us are just building up a really healthy thick juicy poo which we'll appealingly lay in the bowl and then be amused as by the 5th flush it still hasn't gone, so instead we get a bucket filled with water and watch as the slow tsunami of shitty brown water builds up with the failing resistance of the mighty stool to stand its ground as it slowly realises it has lost this battle and valiantly sails into the vast abyss of the sewage system unto a magical journey of subterranean pipe adventure.
God bless you mighty shit, you proudly filled the bowl and soon you will end up free in the open air to rest with your stool buddies and talk of happy times. We salute you, you big shit.
>some of you guys are alright
>don't go to bk tomorrow for tendies.
I'm glad I have not been activated.
Today is my day off!
Fucking school shooters
This has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of violence or mass casualty attack. I wish I could talk more but it will all be reveled soon. Very soon.
^This guy gets it. Soon. You will all understand too. Soon. Very soon.
K. Keep me posted, Jeff.
Godspeed user.
im from thefuture. in 2016 Trump will win the election and finally holdthe nuclear codes that the leftists had withheld from him for so long
T-Tay, is that you?
Doody? Poopy? The brown note? The final poop solution?
the MKUltra zombies are about to be cut loose!
Is this Dr Eugene Goo?
Tits or you're not real