-- NEWS --

Datafolha 10-02: JB 32% H 21%


Jair Bolsonaro is front-runner for president of Brazil. He is a conservative Christian, former army captain and the only candidate free from involvement in corruption. He's pro-gun legislation and whats the liberalization of the economy with a Chicago boy as minister and to align Brazil to the American foreign policy (fuck Cuba, Venezuela, Palestine and China). He's stable in the Israeli hospital after being stabbed in the guts by a former member of PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) and undergoing emergency surgery.

Memes by Bolsonaro:
>Pinochet should have killed more people
>Historical debt towards slavery? I didn't enslave anyone.
>The Portuguese didn't enslave blacks, but blacks enslaved themselves.
>I wouldn't rape you because you are ugly and you don't deserve it.
>Do you burn the donut? I don't care! Be happy! Hugs for you!

Plans for a new constitution:

Thread theme:

>English Subtitled videos of his famous memes:

Bolsonaro's government plan (in English):

>US Youtubers about Bolsonaro

>People shouting after interview with Globo

OP Pastebin: pastebin.com/DSaNDWj5
Previous thread:

Attached: no-instagram-bolsonaro-posta-foto-deitado-no-sofa-1538577819628_615x300.jpg (615x300, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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1st round victory

Fora Temer


Attached: mineirissimo.jpg (417x382, 47K)

OP, use the updated text, you fucking nigger

If you guys don't get this right, you better find some fucking oil for us to liberate you.

That is just the beginning, Bolsonetes

Attached: EleNão.png (822x554, 353K)

quick rubdown on how JB will change brasil?

Are you fagots ready?

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Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Catholic, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for bribery. PT has been the ruling party in Brazil for 16 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected. PT's platform for Brazil openly discusses media control, judiciary control, and a new constitution. Historically PT has supported teaching gender theory in schools, gun control, and humanized law enforcement. During PT's rule, violence and political corruption rose to record highs.

They are releasing a new round of state polls. It means that probably we'll have more presidential state polls tomorrow.

The (((DailyStormer))) is behind the (((Bolsonaro))) spam.

Attached: dailystormer bolsonaro.jpg (1149x702, 135K)

Attached: Bolsonaro MOSSAD.png (1387x670, 1022K)

— leftists after Bolso wins

>can only attack a 14yo

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Kek. It's not the Daily Stormer, retard. It's us, Brazilians. We love the guy.

Attached: bolsonaroanimes.jpg (800x451, 84K)

Dentro Bolso!

I hope this is true

To kick merdestinos out of this union? Yeah.

Early for the Prince. 1702

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Feel free to save this.

This is my final prediction.

Attached: What will happen.png (806x708, 67K)

wtf I hate guns, property and white people now

>violence and political corruption rose to record highs.
wow, progress!

So what? Vote Bolsonaro and read the Daily Stormer - DAILY. Also don't forget to register at least 3 friends to vote and make a day out of it in November!

>99.9% chance

kys Autist

>Mato Grosso
>Mato Grosso do Sul
>Espírito Santo

none is this delusional

I pray that the northeast will stop being stupid during bolsonaro's mandate

why does r/brasil hate bolsonaro

Fuck off.

Bet he lets his dogs fuck his ass while giving his son a bj

>don't forget to register

should we tell him?

>how to do you, fellow Brazilians?

Zionists tie pro-white sentiments with pro-Israel sentiments when Israel itself genocides white people. Nice PSYOP, Moshe.
kys weev

Attached: based-israel-1.jpg (2000x2000, 2.46M)

O outro voto já irá pro Olímpio.

Este ano, sim.

Tem como votar 2 vezes no mesmo?

if you wanted to make a retarded prediction you should flip mg and RJ and RS

Please don't project your daily routines on the Prince.

Mine is better

Attached: Jeba!.png (1031x662, 47K)



This is delirant.

If he flipped MG that means Bolsonaro wins, which clearly isn't in agreement to his retarded prediction.

He is an absolute immoral madman who does not give a fuck due to be a tough army motherfucker who wants to change things. He will get elected, because most Brazilians are very uneducated about politics, and they can still be swayed with 1942 Goebbels style propaganda. Then who the fucks knows? Think Trump on cocaine and actually going to Vietnam and returning a changed motherfucker with a renewed hatred for anything non-white. Think capitalist Hugo Chavez, Duerte on crime, Kim Yung Un on geopolitics. Using military intelligence to spy on opponents. Secret military police purges. War with Argentina to keep more money in his former army buddies now arms dealers pockets.

This is the product of a delirant LEFT.


Why are you in every thread related to upcoming populist politicians, Moarcuck? Literally nobody has ever bought the shit you're selling.

Thanks, frend.
Italian heritage is pretty common in Brazil, just saying

Attached: 42719709_10209087000451814_728123731221676032_n.jpg (720x450, 49K)

Absolutely delirant!

Attached: carnal.jpg (649x366, 23K)

You don't have enough votes in the places that matter.

it's still a voting count, if they go to vote in mass you are screwed.

Best case scenario they don't even go to vote at all.

Sorry sweetie but the people are with Lula

We catch one, bros.

Attached: baitpato.jpg (1093x583, 107K)

>Think capitalist Hugo Chavez, Duerte on crime, Kim Yung Un on geopolitics. Using military intelligence to spy on opponents. Secret military police purges. War with Argentina to keep more money in his former army buddies now arms dealers pockets.
Sounds fucking awesome desu, is there any way for me to vote twice?


Attached: BOLSONARO.jpg (819x836, 106K)

Show the Brasileirinhos videos to all the indecisos you know.

These are the most redpilling videos ever made. Just look at the comments. A lot of people are getting massively redpilled by these videos. If they had been aired on TV Globo 80% of Brazil would vote for BOlsonaro.

Do your part guys. Let's redpill our country. These last days before the election are critical.




Squid is done

>see comment
>see meme flag
opinion discarded

What do you even mean? He's well above Andrade in both Ibope and Datafolha and WINNING second round in Datafolha. Even northeast is pretty divided, considering there's a PT candidate running.


You don't do so well cornered. I was just asking a simple question.

>Pic related
>Shitposting game this strong on zapzap

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>Tem como votar 2 vezes no mesmo?
The second vote is nulled then

you made that chart? but why it's different mine and yours?

Deixa de ser tucano e vote na legenda do Bolso.

>an american prefers palestines to jews

I showed the same shills behind all these seemingly different threads are the same shills :) And you helped me with that. As to your question, "populist" is a replacement word for "Zionist." All of these populist leaders just so happen to be Zionist garbage. s

>Tem como votar 2 vezes no mesmo?
If you want to get your vote nulled, yeah.

I don't see Palestinians flooding Europe with migrants or taking control of American politics. You?

Attached: israel controls america 2.jpg (850x400, 80K)



This shit is so fucking stupid that i'd bet its some false flagging bullshit from PT.

bolsonaro leads exactly where he needs to leave, he is 11 points above the second place and wins the second round

if he wins the states he has now he wins, period.

He's going into the first round with the most states in a long time


Unless your answer is violent uprising, what is your point? Vote Lula? No its not, because just like every other time you do this you deflect from other options. At least provide ANYTHING at all and maybe someone will take you seriously.

Arent most of those imigrants muslins?

The big urban centers, they tend to vote PT, old people always vote the same.

Those immigrants are zionist muslims, user, they are helping the jews by flooding Europe with Muslims, their world domination plan is to spread Islam, that helps Israel.

>liking your country is now liking jews
> wanting something else than communism is falling for the Jewish ploy.
OY vey we hate the jews vey. WE are goym like you, let the communists win, that's how you will stop Israel.

>Unless your answer is violent uprising
This is a Magician's Force.

>we can either vote for Jews who have Israel's best interest in mind
>or we can kill people

How about you kill yourself for being such a bad shill?

Yes, and without Israel along with Zionists in European Nations those Muslims wouldn't be there.

Attached: Israel white genocide 2.jpg (679x1024, 118K)

>The big urban centers, they tend to vote PT, old people always vote the same.
user you clearly don't know what you're talking about
brazil is not the US

Magician's Force.

>we can either embrace Communism or Zionism!!!1


who shanked him?

>O outro voto já irá pro Olímpio

Wat do, then? Votar nulo, branco ou o que?

This is not America, Israeli shill, there are no other options.

Left-wing terrorist

>why is reddit being lefty cucks

>The big urban centers, they tend to vote PT
You don't know what you're talking about. As the other user said, this is not the US.

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New IBOPE. Not so good news.

Sreencap with those
I wanna laugh at you all.

Dilma is winning in MG.

This one if for you.

Attached: JEB5.png (713x654, 179K)

>provides no solutions as is expected from this Moarcuck shill for the 2342th time this week

At least make something up, you bumbling faggot.

>Wat do, then?
It's your vote, you decide what to do with it. Vote blank, vote null, vote for a second senator of your liking.

This is the most retard comment I've ever seen in all this years of vital industry.

The only people voting for Bolsonaro are rural and jungle retards. City people all vote for Ciro.

It's moarphaggot reasoning, just read his fucking posts on the archive, he even posts with an Israeli proxy, just search for his name, it's something like "morpheaus" or "moarpheus"

who else ready to vote for Ciro here?

Attached: 1520462590750.jpg (189x365, 18K)

>our only options are Jewish Communism or Jewish Zionism!!!!1

t. low-brow shill still using a Magician's Force after the methodology was exposed.

>our only options are serving Israel or murdering people!!!1
This is a Magician's Force where one choice (murdering people) is far worse than the other (accepting Israeli rule), thus leading user to embracing the preferred option, that being Israeli rule. The work-around for the magician's force is to embrace the unspoken third option: rebelling against ZOG.

Go away shill.

Low quality coordinated /b/ait, back to macacochan

>Fernando Haddad passou de 21% para 23%, oscilação positiva de dois pontos (dentro da margem de erro).
>Fernando Haddad passou de 21% para 23%, oscilação positiva de dois pontos (dentro da margem de erro).
>Fernando Haddad passou de 21% para 23%, oscilação positiva de dois pontos (dentro da margem de erro).


>everyone oscillated inside the margin of error

>this Ciro shill

Attached: 1538442059680.jpg (420x420, 100K)

Curb your schizophrenia you retarded namefaggot