Who will win the mid-term elections?

The 2018 United States elections will be held mostly on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested.

Who will win them?

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Dems get house Repubs keep senate

A major political realignment started in 2016, 2018 will be a continuation of that as republicans crush their enemies once again.

Probably this. Senate will stay but house may flip

The jews

I dont care but if it comes to it ill shoot up a government building

Hopefully, Dems win all of Congress and force out all of the GOP trash. Since 2016 the GOP has had the White House and both houses of Congress and they have been spineless worms allowing the media and Dems to run the show. Get rid of the trash.

CIA glownigger

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Hey you! Yes, you.

Annoyed with the constant stream low effort shareblue shill threads? Want to send the people in them a message?

Vote Republican in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION ON November 6. That's 33 days away.

Remember...Every. Single. One.

Get every single sane person you know in real life and on the internet to do the same. Make a list of all of them. Throw an election party on that day. Remember, November 6.


First things first, realize that November 6, 2018 is going to be upon us very soon! That means you are going to have to commit to being as passionate about this as if your life depends on it. Trump won in 2016 partly because people knew what the stakes were, and voted accordingly.

Here are a variety of things you can do. I’m going to update this article as regularly as possible to optimize things, so check back every now and then.

-Make a list of every right-leaning friends and family members you have in real life. These people are going to be the most receptive to vote against the left. Make it your personal responsibility to get EVERY SINGLE ONE of them out to the polls on NOVEMBER 6 (that’s a Tueday). Making this list should take around 5 minutes. Make it now.

-Chances are, you have made right-leaning internet friends and acquaintances through your time on various forums, message boards, image boards, social media sites, IRC, chat clients like Steam/Twitch/Discord. Make a list of all of these people, and IMMEDIATELY message them to tell them about the 2018 Midterm Elections. Tell them that because Congress is arguably more powerful than the Presidency, defending Congress from the left is arguably more important than electing Trump. Tell them that if the Democrats take back Congress, they could be further suppressed by the Hate Speech laws the left is salivating for. Tell them they NEED TO VOTE ON NOVEMBER 6! Tell them that they also need to SPREAD THE MESSAGE to everyone they know about the IMPORTANCE OF THE MIDTERMS. Tell them that the same leftists who want them dead, want their children brainwashed or dead, or at the very least want them persecuted to the point where they might as well be dead – all are spending lots of effort on getting Democrats elected. It is likely that over a BILLION dollars will be spent on getting them elected. Hillary had no problem getting that kind of money. Hundreds of Democrats all around the nation won’t have a problem either.

-Look up the websites for your local Republican candidates (see the articles for each state on this website for more info) and volunteer for them if you have the time. Turnout is perhaps the most important thing. Democrats like Doug Jones and Conor Lamb have managed to win in deep red Alabama and PA-18 because turnout for their side was high, because the left is so asshurt over getting their ass kicked in 2016 that they are spending massive amounts of time, energy, and money to attain the Blue Wave they’ve been dreaming about. OUR SIDE NEEDS THAT SAME LEVEL OF PASSION AND COMMITMENT!

-On Twitter, look up the hashtags: #RedWave2018 , #RedWave , #VoteRed . Retweet and like the tweets from people on our side (not the leftist trolls who use the hashtags to derail us)

-Do the same above thing on gab.ai

-Seek out right-wing users on Twitter and gab and Facebook, then reply to any of their tweets/posts (even if you’re going off-topic) to tell them of the importance of the 2018 Midterm Elections, the importance of stopping the Blue Wave, the importance of voting for the Republicans no matter what. Get every right-leaning internet user you know to join you in doing so

-Sign up with your email and number at: gop.com/ to get emails and texts about things you can do to contribute to the cause

-Sign up with your email and number at: obstructionistlosers.com/ in order to spy on their efforts

-If you have meme making talent, post anything you make on the hashtags mentioned — #RedWave , #RedWave2018 , #VoteRed .

-Post anything you make on any right-wing internet space you’re a part of.

Go check out the Red Storm Armory: redstorm2018.wordpress.com/2018/08/07/red-storm-armory/

Download the content, and share the content on the relevant hashtags ( #RedWave , #RedWave2018 , #VoteRed ) and on every single right-wing internet space you are a part of

The 2016 Presidential Election was Meme War I, which culminated in our great victory on November 6.

The 2018 Midterms are Meme War II.

Here is your armory: mega.nz/#F!INdm1IBY!gejhO0u9PpBOZd2DfZwVxg

Spread these memes to every corner of cyberspace.


Disagreed, the political shock happened in 2016, 2018 will be a small market correction with democrats winning but only barely, the economy will slow down- people will see how gridlocked congress is, 2020 republicans will win in a massive blowout due to Ginsburg dying/retiring and the senate refusing all of trumps nominees.

Republicans will expand lead in Senate and keep House. House polling is still using 2008/12 era D+6/8 bias. The Kavanaugh farce has re-invigorated the Republican base. Generally mid-term elections are lost because of complacent "winners" from the presidential race. The Democrats completely misplayed their hand with the SC nominee. It's the greatest gift Republicans could ask for.

Source: Working on campaign against a "strong Democrat" incumbent Representative. Said Democrat, per our internal polling, is now leading by only 4%. This is down from 15% only 6 months ago. For those outside of politics, that's an insane change in polling. This district is now considered "in play" for the first time since its creation. Not a word from the news. They don't even publicly poll the district. It's a joke.

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It depends on how the next 10 or so days go. If Kavanaugh gets the nomination, the far lefties will be out in the streets demonstrating, burning random shit, breaking glass on the front of large banks (whatever that's all about), beating random people they think are right-wingers, and generally acting like a bunch of howler monkeys on bath salts. If we can get them to do that, the right will only be more motivated by their disgusting behavior and depraved belief system to go out and vote for the candidates that deserve to be put in office.

You only have 9 days left to register, dont miss it.

Partisan guide to the midterms: redstorm2018.wordpress.com/
Whatever you guys have planned over the next 35 days, dont forget to vote in fact call everyone you know and go voting together.
Democrats have to pay for what they have done over the last 2 weeks and the only thing that hurts them is people Voting republican in the midterm and at every chance they get.
DONT FORGET to vote and then vote again on November 6.

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VOTE MAGA!!!!!!!!

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I will win, digits will confirm.

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Dems peaked too soon and enthusiasm is dwindling.
Kav getting on the SC will be a gut punch.

Republicans are fired up now by the sleazy actions of the dems and the Blue Wave will crest at ankle level.

The Republicans lose seats but maintain the House and get 55 (56 when Manchin switches parties ) in the Senate.

VOTE GOP!!!!!!!

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North Carolina voters need to pay attention to the state-level offices, there's a Trojan Horse candidate that defected to the Republican Party. He's a liberal that's just dividing the right-wing vote so the left candidate can win.

Go to your county's website, look up a sample ballot for the district you will be voting in, and beware of offices with more than one Republican candidate.

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