When will war break out?

The kavanaugh circus tells me that political escalation is growing exponentially on both sides and it’s unlikely to stop.

With parallels to Weimar Germany and Rome, i can’t stop wondering....when will shit hit the fan?

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I't wont. Source: Common Sense

I wish it would fucking go down though

Let me put it this way. If you don't already have some guns with enough ammo and food to last a couple months then you need to do that.

Like. Right now.

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Why wouldn’t it? Rome and Weimar Germany went through similar shit. You could argue that cryptocurrencies will enable people to stop paying their taxes but I think it’s too early for that to happen.

until lemmings have nothing to look forward to. only then will sacrificing crumbs look favorable to squabbling over the nothing. in essence when people's children have a bleak future people flip shit over night and may god (trump) have mercy upon those who stand against the tide of time

3 weeks ago, 8 men at my work basically had an impromptu nigger hate conference out in the open.... that's something that's never happened befor in my lifetime.
The fire rises fwend.

It won't. The white population will slowly fizzle out over the next few generations. Enjoy yr anime and video games user

>when will shit hit the fan?
I have been praying for it to for years dude. Hopefully soon.

in the break room? can we get some more details?

>impromptu nigger hate conference out in the open..
White men bitching about niggers is not exactly ground breaking there desu...

This. Also, heil and check.

let us know when its about jewish bankers.

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>When will war break out?

the war you are referring to will never happen.

the war to eliminate all whites from the face of the earth.
It has reached its final phase... within 20 years
white people will be slaughtered in their beds.

within 100 years, all trace of white mans existence will be destroyed.

It was in a control room, I came in half way thru it to get some water. It started because one guy commented on the SA farm murders (we have a guy whose from a SA farm). It just spiraled into pure nigger hate until everyone realized they were still at work and could get fired for it. Was beautiful to see.

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>nothing out of the normal goy. It isn't an indication of peoples attitudes on the current politics.
Right.... out in the open nigger hate, at a public place, talking about white genocide in SA isn't groundbreaking.
I couldn't imagine this shit happening two years ago.

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Well I hope it starts to become more common. We need an good war and national breakdown though before anything good happens. That picture fails to mention that nobody cared about the NS movement in Germany until the great depression caused a rise in communist agitation and so there needed a force to stop them.

Also if something does break out there is nothing organized. The NS movement was very organized and had solid structure. There is nothing like that in America at all.

True... but public opinion of whites are swinging further right then they have ever been in decades. It's only a matter of time befor something starts and gets traction

Yea I have been getting in shape for when my fuhrer arrives. I know he is coming soon. We should be seeing reports of him in the next 5 years.

>on both sides

lmao, eat shit, shill. the right is reacting to the left. don’t make it sound like we’re on equal footing. they’re the fucking insane ones.

national debt is almost 22 trillion, 22 is a major
number to the masons. it's a master builder
number. the universe is created and destroyed
22 trillion times a second. some people would
say we're in the 100 year cycle of germany.
next month should prove if we are or not.
the united states was founded on the seven
curses of cain, anyone who kills united states
will suffer vengeance seven times over. no
matter how hard they try to get things going
as long as we're protected by the seven curses
of cain, civil war and revolution will not start.

you guys wanted to see the physical effects
of magic, well there you go, that's why masons
have secrets.

i wouldn't count on anything starting until the debt
hits 22 trillion, we're 500 billion away.

Liberals have no idea. Can you imagine what they'd do without the police? As far as I can tell they're the only thing protecting them.

America isn't Germany and the situation isn't really anything like Weimar. Rome even less so. Not saying it won't get ugly but it will probably be a unique situation.

well to be technical the right is proactively changing the country and the left is reacting out of insanity

but for real I want this war to kick off already. I'm probably gonna go make moves against the dems tonight anyway just because

Every action causes an equal and opposite reaction. The right has been gaining power relative to oppression of the left.

nice get, hopefully in a few years but that said look into siener van rensburg regarding his prophecy on WW3 to get an idea of some more of the signs and how it will play out.

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The jews overplayed their hand. Too bad the Republican party is cucked as shit.

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War is inevitable. How comfortable you are. Delusional too.

and whomst are these larpfags

source? I never see any of his actual predictions anywhere just people claiming his visions.

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look like soldiers in the Chechen war.

how exactly does civil war break out when one of the potential belligerent parties believes that the weapons needed to fight should be banned for private citizens and therefore does not possess enough of those weapons to wage war?

>political circus
>escalation to war
Only if you expose the circus but the circus itself will be maintained to infinity without actual escalation. You know this.