>Reminder that this is the thread that shills want to slide >Reminder that the midterms are arguably MORE IMPORTANT than the 2016 election, because there is more power in Congress than in the Presidency >Reminder that The Left is absolutely bloodthirsty for their Blue Wave and will stop at nothing to crush you and have their revenge for what happened in 2016 >Reminder that they’ve shut down Alex Jones and other online right-wing figures BECAUSE of the fact that the midterms are coming up. Are you going to let their plan work?? >Reminder that the survival of Jow Forums itself is at stake. The Democrats WILL shut down this site if they take back power. COUNT ON IT!
The purpose of this thread is to provide Jow Forums a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, spread awareness of how important it is to take part in the midterms, and provide a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”
First things first, realize that November 6, 2018 is going to be upon us very soon! That means you are going to have to commit to being as passionate about this as if your life depends on it. Trump won in 2016 partly because people knew what the stakes were, and voted accordingly.
Here are a variety of things you can do. I’m going to update this article as regularly as possible to optimize things, so check back every now and then.
-Make a list of every right-leaning friends and family members you have in real life. These people are going to be the most receptive to vote against the left. Make it your personal responsibility to get EVERY SINGLE ONE of them out to the polls on NOVEMBER 6 (that’s a Tueday). Making this list should take around 5 minutes. Make it now.
-Chances are, you have made right-leaning internet friends and acquaintances through your time on various forums, message boards, image boards, social media sites, IRC, chat clients like Steam/Twitch/Discord. Make a list of all of these people, and IMMEDIATELY message them to tell them about the 2018 Midterm Elections. Tell them that because Congress is arguably more powerful than the Presidency, defending Congress from the left is arguably more important than electing Trump. Tell them that if the Democrats take back Congress, they could be further suppressed by the Hate Speech laws the left is salivating for. Tell them they NEED TO VOTE ON NOVEMBER 6! Tell them that they also need to SPREAD THE MESSAGE to everyone they know about the IMPORTANCE OF THE MIDTERMS. Tell them that the same leftists who want them dead, want their children brainwashed or dead, or at the very least want them persecuted to the point where they might as well be dead – all are spending lots of effort on getting Democrats elected. It is likely that over a BILLION dollars will be spent on getting them elected. Hillary had no problem getting that kind of money. Hundreds of Democrats all around the nation won’t have a problem either.
-Look up the websites for your local Republican candidates (see the articles for each state on this website for more info) and volunteer for them if you have the time. Turnout is perhaps the most important thing. Democrats like Doug Jones and Conor Lamb have managed to win in deep red Alabama and PA-18 because turnout for their side was high, because the left is so asshurt over getting their ass kicked in 2016 that they are spending massive amounts of time, energy, and money to attain the Blue Wave they’ve been dreaming about. OUR SIDE NEEDS THAT SAME LEVEL OF PASSION AND COMMITMENT!
-On Twitter, look up the hashtags: #RedWave2018 , #RedWave , #VoteRed . Retweet and like the tweets from people on our side (not the leftist trolls who use the hashtags to derail us)
-Do the same above thing on gab.ai
-Seek out right-wing users on Twitter and gab and Facebook, then reply to any of their tweets/posts (even if you’re going off-topic) to tell them of the importance of the 2018 Midterm Elections, the importance of stopping the Blue Wave, the importance of voting for the Republicans no matter what. Get every right-leaning internet user you know to join you in doing so
-Sign up with your email and number at: gop.com/ to get emails and texts about things you can do to contribute to the cause
Download the content, and share the content on the relevant hashtags ( #RedWave , #RedWave2018 , #VoteRed ) and on every single right-wing internet space you are a part of
This is a list of every single incumbent Republican in the House of Representatives who I consider vulnerable. Remember, even if some of them are too cucked for you, they’re all arguably far better than a Democrat, because they still vote with Trump on some issues and thus strengthen his political capital.
I have included their websites along with the margins they won at, and the margin that Hillary/Trump won in their district at.
Donate and meme for them. Send this list to your boomer parents so they can donate for them. Share this list on other right wing websites so they can get donations.
> CA-10: Jeff Denham (won with a margin of 3.4%, but Hillary won the district with a margin of 3.0%)
< CA-21: David Valadao (won with a margin of 13.5%, but Hillary won the district with a margin of 15.5%)
> CA-25: Steve Knight (won with a margin of 6.3%, but Hillary won the district with a margin of 6.7%)
Luke Kelly
< CA-45: Mimi Walters (won with a margin of 17.1%, but Hillary won the district with a margin of 5.4%)
> CA-48: Dana Rohrabacher (won with a margin of 16.6%, but Hillary won the district with a margin of 1.7%)
< CA-49: Diane Harkey (the incumbent, Darrell Issa, won the district with a margin of 0.5% and Hillary won with a margin of 7.5% – no incumbent advantage makes this one of the juiciest targets for Democrats)
> CO-06: Mike Coffman (won with a margin of 8.3%, Hillary won with a margin of 8.9%)
< FL-26: Carlos Curbelo (won with a margin of 11.8%, Hillary won with a margin of 16.3% – this is one of the pro-amnesty Republicans and is liberal on multiple other issues; voted for tax cuts though)