Start dressing nice

>Start dressing nice
>Start wearing suits
>Start sounding smart
>Stop acting like niggers
>Comb your hair
>Smell nice
>Don't get mad over nothing
>Hold doors open for women
>Be polite
>Kill them with kindness
>State your opinions as opinions and not fact even if you have statistics to back them up

This is how we win. We show them we are the better people and that'll make people realize how unhinged leftists are. Follow these rules and we will win.

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can I just stop talking and wear a hat and poncho?

If you get a tan then yes.

Ah yes the "moral high ground" winning strategy the republicans have held for over 50 years.

>Hold doors open for women

Can I still masturbate every day?

>This is how we win
I prefer violence

When the fuck did we allow you to decide what "better people are" meme flag?
This is what better people look like.

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>He genuinely thinks holding himself to some standards his opposition couldn't give two shits about is a winning strategy

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Yeah because you're a violent antifa faggot.

>Become a pussified male and that's how you win
Bitch nigga, you don't deserve to post Clint Eastwood's pic in your OP.

This is what you whites and Christians don't understand. You have to stop letting people (especially women) walk all over you. Fuck, you guys used to be the madmen of the universe. NO ONE used to fuck with you. And now even your "right wing" men (like OP and other cuckservatives) are promoting the "be a nice guy" routine.

Don't you faggots get it? Being a nice guy is what got you into this mess. Being even nicer isn't going to get you out.

Attached: Kirino is fed up.png (480x500, 221K)

>Trying to be reasonable with unreasonable people.
We are the way we are because we're in a corner fren

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Republicans have been white trash losers living in trailer parks for 50 years with millions of tattoos. They've been trying to ne "cool" and "bad" for ever and it's just cringe. OP has the right idea.

>clean cut rules
>pic of dirty homeless drifter sucking cigarillo

Nothing can stop that

>You have to stop letting people (especially women) walk all over you.
No if they cross a line then hit the bitch, just dont do it infront of liberals.

You're either a tone deaf retard or fucking with me

>Paladin from 'Have Gun Will Travel'
Wow, such brains, many insight.

It's like thinking you're winning Risk when you're playing Monopoly

>better people
that fucking lost the war

only horld the door for attractive women

T.salty libby

Basically be British.

Don't be such a nigger user

>if you let your opponent cuck you, you win

>Hold doors open for women

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That's how GG died.
While you show your good side, you still have to use every dirty trixk in the book to end yhe Marxist jewish pedo Satanists.

Sorry but this doesn't work. GW Bush era already tried that and got stomped.over by demons. You fight.

>*tips fedora