Literally Hitler amirite??

Literally Hitler amirite??

Attached: 5CAoHFT[1].jpg (960x960, 80K)

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I mean he's not wrong

>cold molesters

Is this a rule book for radicals "accuse of what you're guilty of" thingy?

literally who?

Trump Derangement us real. Too many people on the left are mentally Ill.

I'm so old, I remember when Democrats made fun of Republicans for going Reeee about Bill Clinton raping women.

im so old i remember when the dems use to drag fags, not push drag

I'm 28 and I have no memory of democrats acting like republicans are decent people and not "racists, Nazis, child molesters, and blackout-drunk gang-raping prep school boys" or whatever.

This must've been in a time long ago.

>muh tax cuts
This is literally the only thing that jews will allow white men to to think about

>I remember when Republicans were pussies who let me walk over them, now they actually fight back