Women should not be allowed to consume alcohol in public unaccompanied by a responsible adult

Women should not be allowed to consume alcohol in public unaccompanied by a responsible adult.

Prove me wrong.

Hard Mode: No "that's sexist cuz men and women are equal in the eyes of the law"
No, they aren't. But that's fun for another time.

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Jow Forums

I would hate to be a woman because as a man I got over the thrill of pissing outside of the bathroom as a child and so now I can continue to enjoy public urination like a mature adult.

They always make such an immature, gross display out of it. They really are children.

Hmm, I looked through the catalog and was sure that's where I was.
Could be my mistake.

men commit the crime sweaty

checked. this is absolutely the case. until women learn how to carry firearms with them, or until all niggers and hispanics return to their homelands, women will always need responsible adults to accompany them, i.e., another man. drunk women do not look after each other because usually they are too busy flirting and trying to get fucked by chad. they need men to keep an eye on them, because men can drink liquor and remain clear-headed. women are like little babies.

Attached: going IN 2.jpg (447x398, 50K)

Not an argument.

>Women should not be allowed to consume alcohol in public unaccompanied by a responsible adult.

makes sense, according to the laws females are not competent to make decisions like sexual consent while under the influence of alcohol so maybe she shouldn't be drinking it.

I'd wager actual instances of sexual misconduct would plummit overnight while allegations would march on much to the amusement of all.

Men cannot be on a date unless accompanied by a witness. Don't see dykes bringing eachother down left and right. Faggots and straight women do.