Losing all your friends to own the libs

"all i said was i dont believe black or trans people deserve any rights, and mexicans should be put in labor camps, now no one will talk to me!"
here's the thing- if you wanna keep your friends, try not being a reactionary piece of shit

crazy i know

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she would be so hot getting BLACKED

you sound like a faggot op
have some dick

>mexicans should be put in labor camps
Isn't that basically what Liberals want, illegal spics doing all the "Unwanted jobs"?

kys n*gger lover

>here's the thing- if you wanna keep your friends, try not being a reactionary piece of shit
nope. I speak my mind 100%. I lost all my old friends but made new ones.

post a link you autistic birth defect!


I posted this last night faggot.

Don't you have a thread in /b/ or /gif/ to post in?

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You white bastards spend most of your time grazing fast food, engaging in beastality, shooting up schools, fucking with underage kids. #FuckWhitePeople

This chick is crazy. Be wary. She's one of those chicks who jumps from trend to trend trying to see which one will pay the most dividends. She has crazy eyes. Regular anal expansion would probably keep in her line, though.

>t. Shitskin
You know almost all crime in America is from non whites right? Gun deaths alone among whites are the same as European countries...

Fuck em, who needs them?
True friends stick together.

>"my life sucks,take that,liberals!!"

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I've always wondered if women go into porn because guys they know in real life would never do shit like that to them. Women are depraved, you see.

>tfw you have a thing for crazy eyes and fixheruppers
i need help bros

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Is she a jew?

I feel a "watcha doin rabbi?" coming on

My friends are rednecks and military veterans, and my liberal friends are from Texas. I think I'll be fine.

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Lmao this snowbunny seems like a basic bitch very unintelligent.

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>Losing all your friends to own the libs
based and redpilled

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Hey maybe go back where you came from if you want to be taken seriously. You reddit fags get old quick.

>here's the thing- if you wanna keep your friends, try not being a reactionary piece of shit
you wanna know how I can tell you're a faggot?

ill labor in her camp if you kno what i mean

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suck that nigger dick, faggot

>Pedro, you better get your ass back to those strawberry fields before I bust out my fucking hemp-whip
What will an 'unwanted job' be once automation replaces 90% of our jobs?

getting your ugly pigskin women preggo

All I said was white people have a right to exist and Europe belongs to Europeans and I lost all my friends.

Crazy I know.

friends will only slow you down in the upcoming race war

god speed, roger

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What a nice nose.

I redpilled all my friends and family. You guys just need to have a higher power level.

Go post this bullshit in Chapo you nigger loving faggot

born in Michigan, grew up my entire life in Bavaria..
where do I fight in the upcoming race war?

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She’s a Boerderline case, you can tell. Inherently emotionally unstable and insecure and in need of being liked. BPD.


i watched that thot progression from the start. She's your typical braindead whore who just follow the trend. I honestly don't even think she would believe 50% of what she says if she was remotely capable of introspection and thinking process. Half of what she says seems forced as fuck and 100% of what she says is repeated talking points, she simply passively ride the far right wave like the tradthot she is