/hue/volution - Alckmin is kill edition


>"It's over", says friend of Alckmin

Latest poll: Datafolha 10-02. JB 32% FH 21%.

Health check: JB was stabbed by a left-wing activist and has undergone two difficult surgeries to deal with the internal damage. He's finally left the hospital during the weekend and is currently resting at his home.


Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Catholic, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for bribery. PT has been the ruling party in Brazil for 16 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected. PT's platform for Brazil openly discusses media control, judiciary control, and a new constitution. Historically PT has supported teaching gender theory in schools, gun control, and humanized law enforcement. During PT's rule, violence and political corruption rose to record highs.


Interview that made him famous youtu.be/041YPJI5zz8

Compilation of some of his talks youtu.be/U0MBcUAf21k

Red Elephants on JB youtu.be/DiWL8ulm5o8
Molyneux on JB youtu.be/oCk9nH8qkss

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/DSaNDWj5
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>#RenunciaHaddad is trending on twitter right now
Does this help us?


First for Bolsonaro wins Bahia.

Let's change this country

Third for bolsonazi concentration camps.

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>trying to put ciro in his place
no, cirofags are even more blind than petistas

Not much since petista voters mostly don't use twatter. At most it gets pt leaders mad and they lash out at ciretes losing their votes

Probally, ° if we go to the 2° with Habbibs with this hashtag it may help

Fucking this, these retards actually believe he is clean and not associated to the other corrupts.


The Ibope poll is actually older than Datafolha, although it was only released today.

Ibope was for Monday and Tuesday, Datafolha was just for Tuesday.

Will this actually change shit?

Dude, I never see a guy that dumb

>globo 20 years ago
what happened anons?

>Not roleplaying as Haddadfag and Cirofag to make them both hate each other
One job

Just a reminder that this retarded stunt is costing the votes of people that are on the fence, because they don't know and won't research about the flag being fake, they will think people associated to Bolsonaro, like Flavio Bolsonaro don't respect public property, acting like a bunch of vandalists when it's the exact opposite, since you guys have a hard time reading I'll spell this out: THE COMMON FACEKIKE READER WONT KNOW/CARE THAT THE PLAQUE WAS NOT PUBLIC PROPERTY, THEY WILL ONLY SEE 2 POLITICIANS BREAKING IT.

Attached: 43070643_10156116149544912_7906499724910264320_n.jpg (712x960, 53K)

See you all in the gulag, BRos.

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Yes, unless they kill Bolsonaro after he is elected.

one of them is a massive Chad, people are going to applaud if anything kek



Nigger, stop.
Restoring public property is good and literally nobody but (you) and psolistas give a shit.
Go whine about it on their Facebook pages and suck Marielle dick instead of spamming this shit here.

Yeah yeah, just like #EleNão completely destroyed Bolsonaro, right?
What psolistas don't get is that they are a minority and everyone hates them and their vandalism.

Absolutely, but not necessarily for the better.

I'm voting Bolsonaro but I admit it's possilbe he'll fail catastrophically. He's not very intelligent himself and he has some very dumb allies, although there are also smart people backing him up.

Brazil has been ruled by the same party for 13 years and Bolsonaro is the complete opposite of that party so...

Mourão is even more extreme, that's why he's the VP to begin with.

It's not suicide if you're already dead

Like Mourão (Kinda dumb) and Paulo Guedes (Kinda smart)

>He's not very intelligent himself

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Guys, what if Ciro wins?

any candidate other than bolsonaro wins = war

forgot the libertarian flag pal

>le dumb
Stop watching Globo, retard.
He's not a genius but he's certainly smarter than the majority of presidents we had, have you forgotten about dilmanta already?

Dilma 2.0.

Civil war, a big fucking civil war

PR brother here, do a "How to vote"

oops, misquoted. I meant it for Ciro's views on economics are very similar to Dilma's.

A piroca laranja no rabo dos caras doi até hj

Saudades demais.

Mourão is smart but he's bad at wording things in a politically correct way.
Guedes is smart as fuck, just watch some of his videos.

>A minoria tem de se curvar, obedecer, e ponto final

>Bolsominions perdem o VOTO POPULAR


Vocês tem que calar a boca e se curvar.

I thought he was dumb until the interview he did in Jornal Nacional, owning them.


Their contradition too

Bolsonaro is going to lose this one but Haddad will probably fuck things up. Bolsonaro will be elected next cycle probably (hopefully a better left option arises before though).

Cirofags just want all taxpayers to subsidize their debt to SPC

Come on dude, just listen to any of his interviews. It's easy to tell he's not high IQ. I'm not saying he's dumb, but he's clearly not smart. Yes, Dilma was even worse. I like Bolsonaro for his heart, not his brain.

>the left is collapsing and now is fighting against itself
Dont know if it helps but its fucking hilarious

Can i move to brasil if bolsonaro wins? I dont want to be in argentina anymore. This country is garbage

We're full

Move to Chile then, they have more jobs, better wine and better fish


He's probably smarter than Ciro and Haddad, who just use fancy pretentious words to sound smart. The smartest candidate is probably Meirelles, but he has the charisma of a turtle.

I think immigration is a bit complicated and bureaucratic like everything here but it's not like anyone will care if you just stick around illegally.

Passa no exame da AMAN e volta aqui

se mata macaco imundo, ou bolsonaro ganha ou vcs macacos e mestiços de merda serão mortos, parte de mim torce por isso pra poder sair metralhando essa cambada de ooga bugga por ai


People who listen to Gregorio would never vote for bolsonaro, Those who don't understand that anything coming out of his mouth is garbage lies.
This will make a few leftist collage student hate him more and maybe a few center left ones will not vote for him.
But this is not enough to change anything, you know it, those that would be influneced by this already bought into the "elenão" narrative

I drank a Chile wine bottle and honestly almost vomited, it had some weirdass rotten cheese taste. I don't get this meme that their wine is good.

But i want to pay taxes and own guns and marry a cute native

if you're white sure! but add to the country and don't mix with mongrels

lmao dude you really think AMAN is hard to join?

Yeah, Meirelles knows his shit.
But like you said, he just wasn't born to talk with people.

mourão is far from dumb

Meireller jique

Post your based Federal Deputy

Attached: nelson-e-bolsonaro.jpg (800x458, 52K)

How are natives viewed in brazil? I wanna go full cortez

Don't worry, I will just leave the country and take my money with me.
And I won't be the only one, good luck when every single entrepreneur leaves this shithole.

Some of their grapes came from France because plagues on the production over there destroyed them completely, they're still going strong in Chile

As sub-humans.

The way that he talks, it can creat arguments from the left (still likes him)

>PTists say that Globo is against PT
>some rightists say that Globo is against Bolsonaro and in favor of PT
Which one is it, then?

Do we even watch the same interviews, what the fuck?
He's very cultured and has an answer to almost every problem he is asked about, especially regarding brazilian geopolitics.
Same for Mourão and Guedes. He also wants the brazilian astronaut as a technology and research minister.
They are the biggest brained bois we could ask for.

The "Bolsonaro is dumb" argument spins solely around his confessed lack of economical knowledge and the way he (used to) talk to the media. I'll take this anytime, compared to the other candidates.
He's "bronco", yes. But definitely not dumb.

>crime de odio
Oh my sides

We don't have many índios here. The only majority indigenous guy I've ever seen was unironically an Argentinian, or at least he said he came from there, even though its possible he could be a Bolivian-Argentinian or something.

please watch this

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They do nothing and get drunk all day and live on gibs and lending their land for booze. Sometimes they take a day off to kill one another for power in the tribe, but i know some that are very nice people.

Pretty much non-existent except in the north, they are welfare queens and fucking 12.5% of Brazil's land is protected indigenous zones despite them being 0.47% of the population.

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I had seen that a few days ago, it was golden.

hadn't noticed.

The Portuguese genocided them. They're a rare sight outside the far north. That said, sometimes you see mutts with distinctively native facial features. Actual natives are in a weird position in Brazilian society, there are conservation laws that protect them but there are conflicts with agrobusiness interests. Some natives want to be fully integrated, some prefer to keep living traditionally, some are an intermediary stage where they aren't civilised but they aren't wild either. Lots of problems with alcoholism and drugs in tribes that neighbour cities.

Globo has a left-wing bias alongside all other channels on open television in this country.
Petista é igual judeu, ele grita de dor enquanto te espanca e te mata.

They received bribes from PT... What the fuck do you think?
PTists are dumb enough to think anything who doesn't capitulate completely to their narrative is against them. But in order to manipulate the masses you need to be more subtle.

I'm so happy for this open minded young man!

Globo hates both of them but I think they're starting to slightly favor Bolso now since it's written in fucking Haddad's plan that he wants to make Globo a state company.

Pra que esses dois filhos da puta foram quebrar a placa da defunta agora?

You guys honestly believe Cuckonaro will survive the second round? lmao. He is getting LePen'd hard.

Só pra encher o saco e dar dor de cabeça. Carioca é foda.

Probably a false flag, but they are from rio so they might just be that dumb.

>Do you burn the donut? I don't care! Be happy! Hugs for you!

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KEK buddy you need to bait harder here, we're not burgers

Haddad is not a Macron for Bolsonaro to get LePen'd.

How do we make hair salons safer? I'm tired of getting shot every time I go there to make a haircut

Mano, lê a porra da thread, aquela placa foi colocada por gente que suporta a mulher encima da placa original.
A esquerda está puxando esse meme pra dar validação pra um não-evento, as pessoas simplesmente se livraram de um vandalismo colocado lá por quem dá suporte pra ela.

LePen was always shaky while Bolsonaro has been comfortably leading the polls since 2017 and only went up, and the opposition is garbage.

> Gregório Duvivier
> Keret foi indicado pela minha tia Bianca, que aliás é judia: Bianca Byington. Embora eu não seja judeu, porque ela é de outra parte da senpaiília [o avô de Gregorio casou com uma judia em um segundo matrimônio]


How he fuck did it came out as "senpaiília"???

There won't be a next cycle if Haddad wins