Prove me wrong
Russia and Germany must unite to fight the Amerimutt menace
everybody shitting on Germany is a better option
We should start with fixing our shit first.
I agree with this. But Russia is a key player in that, it will take Germany's money via gas sales, and Germany will be isolated from the rest of Europe and the Americas.
Go on...
Invade them again, you know you want to.
Germany is literally paying off politicians in the US (Hillary via Clinton Foundation to the tune of millions for one example) to get us to fight their wanted war with Russia for them. Good luck.
wow, you germans really are mazochists
I think everyone should unite to fight the kike menace. How about that kike?
And have the US wipe us from the world map? Doesn't sound tempting
so USA?
you stupid mutt fucks pushed in so much non europeans in germany. The reason why turks are here is because of you you fucking bastard mischling mutt.