
Men's natural superior strength is wasted on white collar jobs. We should have a matriarchy. Weak women can do all the thinking. They would avoid unnecessary aggression or inflation of egos. Men can focus on manual labor, their natural strength. They can be aggressive and inflate their egos in arenas where it does not matter.

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If you're not trying to have a real discussion about important topics go away, go to another site or board to waste time

OP is a faggot

You seriously don't want to stop all world war?

>Implies women are just as good with logic and reason
>Implies male aggression does nothing but harm and has no benefits
>Implies women aren't egotistical

Giving women roles of authority and putting the in the fields of IT, science and management is the PRIMARY factor in western civilization falling flat on its face. Not to mention that by women not being in the household the family unit has completely shattered...


You argue with me fuckstick. My woman is pissing me off anyways. I'm going to facefuck you. So make an argument.

>Implies we don't already have the vast majority of children being raised by childcare
>Implies women wouldn't be using the same science that we're currently using
>Implies Marie Curie doesn't exist, and no women at any point have been capable of science
>Implies women aren't at least less egotistical than men
>Implies western civilization is not being destroyed by the exodus away from blue collar jobs
Seriously, men would stop being cucks if they finally embraced blue collar jobs and manual labor. Men have become far too feminine with their love of books and distaste for dirt.

>You seriously don't want to stop all world war?
I bet we'd have even more wars. Women are too emotional

Women have a fundamental distaste for violence that men do not. They would much prefer to have peace conference after peace conference than another world war. There's a reason 99% of wars have been started by female world leaders, and none have been started by an entire cabinet of female world leaders. Every warmongering woman had a bunch of men's egos egging her on.

What about Thatcher or Golda Mier

>he thinks most men dont work in physical professions
Fucking retard.

Cabinets full of men. If the cabinet and parliament were full of women, there would be no one encouraging war. They felt they needed to act like men to prove their strength.

Blue collar jobs have been declining because men have become cucked

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>Implies we don't already have the vast majority of children being raised by childcare
That is because women have been brainwashed into wanting to work for a living. Otherwise they would take care of the children and could actually put their "intelligence" to good use by homeschooling the children

>Implies women wouldn't be using the same science that we're currently using
Listen fuckstick. "science" isn't something that these college educate wizards tap into with witchcraft. It is simply observing. Since women suck at logic and reasoning then they are going to be inferior by default. Also, they suck and math and dont understand how any mechanical object works.

>Implies Marie Curie doesn't exist, and no women at any point have been capable of science
Listen fuckstick. You can take the small hole in the barn door and pretend that the barn door doesn't exist. Somen suck at sciene, phyics, anything mechanical, using tools or simple explaining something.

>Implies women aren't at least less egotistical than men
Listen fuckstick. You are fucking high. so fucking high. Go look at Facebook. You see all these god damn selfies. HA! women aren't egotistical. Fucking idiot. Let me guess, its the patriarchies fault.

>Implies western civilization is not being destroyed by the exodus away from blue collar jobs
Only halfway legitimate point you have so far made.

>Are states led by women less prone to conflict than states led by men? We answer this question by examining the effect of female rule on war among European polities over the 15th-20th centuries
>We find that polities led by queens were more likely to engage in war than polities led by kings. Moreover, the tendency of queens to engage as aggressors varied by marital status
>Among married monarchs, queens were more likely to participate as attackers than kings, and, more likely to fight alongside allies.
>women have a pretty bad record as peace-keepers: Queens were 27 percentmorelikely than kings to participate in inter-state conflicts.

Men have become weaker and our industrial base leaving the nation is a fundamental factor in western civilizations decline. Only point you have made. Now explain how getting WOMEN TO DO EVERYTHING is going to fix it.

You are a god damn moron. Total fucking moron.

which proves the point that they are too impressionable to be principled leaders

>Cabinets full of men. If the cabinet and parliament were full of women, there would be no one encouraging war.
Bullshit. Even if true the fact that women are so easily influenced just shows they're not good leaders

Women have never stayed home and just raised children. Upper class women had the luxury of staying home to raise children. Most women have worked throughout history. But it has always been a sub-optimal division of labor for women and men to be working the same jobs. Men are far more physically strong than women than they are smarter or more rational. Let us play into those strengths and return men to blue collar jobs.

At no point has a government been run entirely by women. A woman surrounded by male advisors does not count. No one individual runs a government alone.

Kings are also heavily influenced by their advisors

Once again you are a fucking idiot. War is necessary for this life of ease to continue. End the wars. Fine. but when society breaks down because the dollar is worthless and no one can get gas don't come crying to me to protect you.

Men have the BALLS to deal with certain unfortunate realities of the world. Women are idealistic creatures who are programmed to do happy feel good stuff with children.

>evidence that shows I'm wrong doesn't count

Right but their primary role was to raise the children. Cooking, cleaning, being a nurse, weaving baskets and making clothes. That was their role. None of that has anything to do with debate discussions about war and then fighting them. Women have never been in a position of authority throughout all of human history. You just want to pretend that evolution did turn them into creatures who are built for something like authority. You have watched too much TV.

Women should also be banned from the military completely. They do nothing but weaken it and lower moral.

Try again

Women are PROGRAMMED for having and raising children. Just because men gave them some repetitive tasks to do doesn't change that simple fact.

Come on fuckstick. I know you have a little bit of intelligence in there. You made a halfway decent point about western civilization falling apart because we gave up our manufacturing base. I think you can do it again. You can make a legitimate point. keep trying. I believe in you.

Also look at Catherine the great. She came to power after a coup and waged many wars and expanded Russian territories. And again even if what you're saying is true that just shows that women are easily swayed and are not good leaders. Besides multiple studies have shown that women can be just as violent as men

HEY BRO! You stop it with your fucking facts and logic right fucking now! Your going to hurt this stupid bitches feelings! How is she going to be able to make a point if you start hurting her feelings!?!?!

(See OP I'm using male aggression to defend you and give you a fighting chance! Hurry before they gang up on me!)

Dont tell me we won already...

OP had to be a women. Even the weakest of men would have more fight than that...

You're right! I will stop mansplaining and will castrate myself now. I'm sorry op

Somebody’s been hitting the Jim Beam.
But yeah, there’s a reason matriarchy only exists amongst savages.

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Yeah motherfucker! That's right! Shut the fuck up!


Well i think we can call this a victory.

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I haven't drank at all. Just releasing my frustration of the world on this stupid fuck that was the OP. I feel better now. My hostility even turned into jokes. Aahhhhhhh....