THE ABSOLUTE STATE: US Troops to fat and tired

>A 2018 RAND report on health promotion and disease prevention has painted a grim picture of the military’s physical fitness and sleep standards.

>The study, featuring roughly 18,000 randomly selected participants across each of the service branches, showed that almost 66 percent of service members are considered to be either overweight or obese, based on the military’s use of body mass index as a measuring standard.

>While the number of overweight service members is a cause for concern, it correlates with the obesity epidemic plaguing the United States, where, as of 2015, one in three young adults are considered too fat to enlist, creating a difficult environment for recruiters to find suitable candidates for military service.

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What is peacetime

Holy Jesus! What is that? What the fuck is that? WHAT IS THAT, PRIVATE PYLE?

>barracks kitchen has one stove for 300 soldiers
>gas station, Burger King and Popeyes are across the street from the barracks
>Boston Market, Charley's, Arby's, and Dominoes are at the PX
>dining facility charges $5 for half a chicken breast and peas and carrots

(((gee I wonder why soldiers are fat hmm really makes you think)))

fucking greedy idiots need to kick out the fast food

Attached: moereallymakesyouthink.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

What is SPC for 500 alex

Jelly donut

Why do the girl on the right have double rinnegan activated?

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Ehhh? I thought dining in the chowhall was free? Or is it only free for air Force fags?

It's because the bmi doesn't take muscle into account. Most soldiers should be considered overweight by muscle mass.

you can dine for free with a meal card, or get an extra $350 or whatever per month and feed yourself. this option is only available to troops who are not in TRADOC and who don't have a DFAC nearby.