Say something nice about her

Say something nice about her.

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nah fuck that

Her body will look perfect hanging from a rope at Guantanamo Bay..

She’s been remarkably good at avoiding prison

She's really good at making people accidentally shoot themselves in the back 3 times.

I assume she has breasts and a vagina.


No, here's some new material to hate on:

She made Trump win

She will be dead soon, from old age, sin and general decrepitude.

Hillary, you successful criminal with a beautiful nice resume. I hate and love you.

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She had a big thick booty when she was young.

She'll die soon

She looked moderately attractive for a few years in the 1960s and again a few years in the late 1990s.

I'll bet Her diapers smell magnificent

Her husband is really good at getting away with rape.

She fostered the pendulum swing that'll eventually culminate in an ethnonationalist uprising in the US. Thanks Hillary!

Nothing comes to mind, derp.

I want my ball wrinkles nestled in the cavities of her wretched face.

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most overqualified sociopath to ever run for oval office

I think it's really impressive how she died on her feet, got tossed into a van like a sack of beef, and then continued campaigning post-mortem. Pretty neat trick, desu

Her constant failings gave us some of the highest quality memes.

We got trump thanks to her.
Also me imagine how she got today a presidential alert on her phone makes me laugh every time i think about it.

At her age and with her obvious health problems, she'll likely die soon

Great liar

she was a good and forgiving wife who allowed her husband to get lots of nice young pussy

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She's a really good serial killer and mass murderer. Right up there... makes Jack the Ripper look small time.

at least you tried hilldawg

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DOubtful, though she played her part.

shes not as incontinent as she looks

Seeing her btfo and humiliated by Trump was one of the happiest moments in my life. If she didn't exist then I wouldn't have had that experience, so I thank her for that.
She should go ahead and die now, though

It’s not Hillary “I love KKK grandmasters and love shaming my husband’s rape victims” Clinton’s fault that she managed to garner investors to prop up her money laundering foundation whom were foolish enough to believe she could win a presidential election against Candidate (now President) Trump.

That’s about as much nice as I can muster for a pile of shit parasite like Hilldog.

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s o o n

Probably killed more people than the average US infantry soldier. Wait - definitely.

U know she won. She got the most votes and that’s what really counts. Prove me wrong protipucant

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>Say something nice about her.
She was a cute kid.

She hates niggers

There are only one of her.

I hope hillary Clinton dies

She served with distinction as the first female on the board of directors at Walmart.

She is why Trump won. And yet she blames the Russians and everybody else for her “pide piper strategy” verified by Wikileaks drops.

Prove she got the most votes

Pro tip: you can't.

unlike most men she never finishes first

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It's better she doesn't know. Now she can roll that despicable megalomaniac Kuru laugh of her's and cost Dems the midterms too.

Boy, u done rustled the wrong jimmies! REEEEEEEEEEEE

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That's a fair reach, user.

>She “won” according to other country’s metrics that have no lawful significance in a democratic Republic othwerwise known as the USA
how retarded are you to insist that one country’s law abide by that of another?

Obviously you have a problem with individual, National and cultural sovereignty.

Why is that?

Authoritarian much?

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Hilldog can eat mad pussy.

nice shoe, i guess

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She elected Donald Trump, greatest President, Praise Kek

Huma is kind of hot.

Woulda pounded her at one point in her past

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She'll be dead soon. That's nice.

You’re just butthurt bc u lost. The blue wave WILL be here in a month. Then we are going to round u Constitution-lovers up and put u where u belong: FEMA camps

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She's not black?

She gracefully gave away the election

I love that she ran for President, it helped Trump win.

She had nice tits 30 years ago

Not my president

She's evil scum

I'm glad you didn't get ant STD's from those women you're husband barebacked against thier will.

And i'm glad you denigrated and shat all over them in the media when they accused him.... this automatically "believe all women" stuff is silly; glad that you are so red pilled.

Its nice she isn't President.

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It will be nice to read about her suicide.

Her porn parody is kind of hot.

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She hasn't killed me yet? Also the prison one....

this. and it's about all i can think of positive about her. i hope she runs again in 2020

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Her labia and vulva attracts my tongue.....

Attached: hilary (2).jpg (1045x1600, 191K) rancid egg nog...God I cannot help beautiful...

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she'd a tore you up

Woman her age should have a pussy like roast beef. Goes to show what a sexless hag she must be.


She was a qt loli. All downhill after that.

Madame almost president

Like it or not, if it wasn't for her we'd be seriously f'd. She is such a mess and when it became known she skrewd Bernie she single handily handed Trump about 25% of Bernie voters. Have fun in Gitmo bich.

I highly doubt that.

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she can pass every polygraphtest


The Dems could have run ANYONE else and they would have easily won.

Amazing coat tail rider.