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Other urls found in this thread:


>implying it's not the man himself

Why wouldn't he desu?

I love you Tucker!

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all mainstream media is here, op.
all of it.

This, really. Such an easy way to get a pulse or see if there's late-breaking details on something, once you get used to sifting through the torrential shit river.

Interns from all over user

they don't necessarily, because someone always throws shit after them at twitter

you're saying we're fake news too?

nice try, media matters

Tucker is the last hope this nation has. God bless Tucker Carlson

Tucker #1

I think either he or one of his staff informs us first.

>interns from all over
Israel isn't THAT big... yet

okay i guess you're right

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David Brock seems to think so.

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he just spouts common sense

Jow Forums is anything you want it to be

The fakest.

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A failed secret agent wannabe...last hope..
try again.

he's the only news anchor worth tuning in for on air right now.

Hell. In yesterdays show Tucker was literally using the coincidence detector. He's not even hiding it anymore.

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No he wasn't. That Georgetown Prof did that shit to her own twitter.

when it comes to internet shit, rt must seriously be the best ones, they are damn fast too.

I am pretty sure they got interns or whatever there monitoring not only here but places or shitholes such as reddit, twitter and so too, they always get all this shit so extremely fast. Not only that but they always get the point too. I must admit I am pretty amazed by that.

Here they are all slow and if they even get something going down, they will never fucking understand it. In other words, out of date boomers that don't know how to internet

And lol if you look at cnn and those other """news""" outlets, they are completely off. it isn't that it's just that they are lying, manipulative bastards... they are simply outright retarded and don't know how to internet and never will, they are dinosaurs and this is why they are losing so hard as they do

go back to ur larp and Q faggot

RT is good

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>Everything I don't like is Q
This is how fucking retarded you shills are these days. Can you just fuck off and not post rather than being this stupid?

Dude I swear TUCKER CARLSON is browsing here 24/7. The dude is The Man!

Q LARPing is faggotry, but where does that even come into this conversation?

Shills have now begun labelling any research or topic they don't like as related to Q because they rather post retarded shit like that than not post at all.

You go on believing that, sweetie. Now let us adults continue our talk.

can you give the initials of who you work for

Q predicted exactly that.

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found the bot

That's nice, dear.

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Where else would he get the retarded "news" he "reports"?

Dude you wouldn't even need to send an intern here directly considering the archives are searchable. They'd come here of their own accord like the rest of us for fun. Think about that next time you're watching all the people in congress on c-span lost in their phones or laptops.

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Hey guys, I have about 15 minutes. Ask away

>content pipeline


do jewrnalists just literally make up terms?

(You) seem to really want some (You)s, so I thought I'd be nice.

I thought that too tonight

When the cameras aren't running how much different are the conversations you have with people? It sure does seem like a lot of people wish they could say more on air than they actually do because of producers and whatnot.

Oh then he’s here too! Everyone’s here!

>content pipeline
this fucking nigger has got a lot of jew balls

What do your toes smell like?


Inverted bricklaying network of social consciousness.

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Nah I wanna know if the anchors talk about conspiracy theories as much as Jow Forums does even though they aren't theories they are legitimate conspiracies.

Why'd you give up the bow ties?

David Brock is definitely here. He takes millions from the witless old woman and techniphobe kikes in his party to try and outflank us, and fails year after year.

He's also on and


Tucker should run for congress in 2020 and President in 2024.

He probably owes us a ton of internet monies.

I've heard from a source I'm inclined to trust that some MSM news rooms have stuff playing in the background that goes beyond the kinds of stuff Infowars puts out just to pick up hints from the grapevine.

I certainly would if I worked in the industry.

>Why'd you give up the bow ties?
I hate that Fox made him cut his hair and use neckties.

I know Greg Gutfeld has said a few things that make me believe he's into conspiracies.

debunk something he said or gtfo you dumb faggot.

i have started thinking this as well


Can't Duck the Tuck

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Digits of truth ;)

>I certainly would if I worked in the industry.
Honestly, yeah, I agree. I think it would be kind of stupid NOT to monitor Jow Forums considering how autistically many of us can be when it comes to gathering content, sifting through it, and pointing out patterns, inconsistencies, and other shit that would normally fly by less autistic people that work on the air.

Jow Forums is unironically the best place to get your news from and how to project the future based on current events.

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TO TUCKER INTERNS: if the story of the dude roundhousing the pro life lady makes it to the show please try to get tucker to say either "soi-fu" or "cuck norris"

I've had a few conversations with white strangers recently where there was this weird dance of statements where we were each dropping a little bit of a hint about what we were talking about back and forth until we started talking about moving out of this nigger infested shithole (in the South). Whites seem to be far more open to trying to talk about this and the feeling is quite palpable. The air tastes differently.

Tucker (and his writers) for sure are trying to ride a line between what you can and can't get away with saying on prime time TV. But also remember that the media is littered with intelligence and counterintelligence operatives, and celebrities go to dinners and parties with other celebrities and then go put on a show for the folks at home.

I wouldn't doubt for a moment that they talk about plenty of things they don't put on the air. Just think how much fun it is when somebody drops some hot mic tapes or emails or whatever and you catch these people talking in what they think is private.

Take it easy, it's just a drawing.

No, he's just a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda which happens to perfectly link up with everything posted on Jow Forums.


Checked and larp, but on the off hand chance you're not a faggot, you're doing excellent work.

Tucker was on here last night talking about when he has dinner with Bill Kristol. Yeah, Tuck, I know it was you.

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I hope he does, he could get a lot of otherwise unacquirable evidence via 4c/pol/

I wanna know if anyone has entertained the idea about Amy Schumer being Ford during the commercial breaks inside newsrooms.

It's good to see that he does white stuff and isn't a cosmopolitan heathen.

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tucker needs to stop being a pussy and name the jew

be the hero white people all across this country need, because trump certainly isn't it

he does, and it's beautiful

It was on drudge this morning. From there to both tucker and to us

>name the jew
NOPE. Have you noticed how only kike shills name the jew? Patrick little and mike enoch and TOTAL DEGENERATES. The based and redpilled method is TO GET THE JEWS TO NAME THEMSELVES

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>drudge comes before Jow Forums
Haha yeah right.

Oh, i get it...
Brock is looking for Tuck.

This is Tuck~Bait

Shit~tier keks for (you) Brock

Brock the Stalkee

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fair enough.

This isn't Tuck bait you fucking homo.

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you can't name the jew yet. the overton window needs to move further.

I check drudge before Jow Forums in the morning. Different kinds of things get to different kinds of places first.

>American hentai

You're the same kike that was shilling Breitbart in another thread earlier today, aren't you?

Cuck Norris wins by a landslide.

Tucker, Creepy porn lawyer wants a Devils Triangle. He gave you that look.

Yeah, but nobody is on Elon's level. He's not even playing 3d chess; he's like the bilderburg /ourguy/ along with Thiel.

plenty of polacks visit drudge and then make threads

Nope. I don't keep up with breitbart and don't have any particular opinion on it. That's the kind of thing I let the drudge or some other source sift through for me in case they run something interesting.

>you're saying we're fake news too?
We are the news user, Merica has gone so fucking insane it's like all oldfags can predict the future.

>how to lose your platform
nah, he should continue to be very subtle, but pushing in the right direction. He cuts through to the truth of things rather than the same dance around issues that both sides do. He just keeps it PG for the audience, but it's plenty good enough right now.

Maybe he can just say
>It's OK to love life

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