Be French frog

>be French frog
>be degenerate faggot
>decide to sit on post to shove it in my ass
>let's go deeper

anyone who says faggotry isn't a mental illness isn't kidding anyone

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the broom has met resistance


Lol he looks like this

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How the fuck is he not dead?
Seriously, how has that not stopped his heart or bled him dry, or something?

Is that thing protruding from it's neck the post? Shit nigga that's disgusting

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The absolute state of frogs right now

Think about it. We actually waste money being concerned with people like this.

Just like my Japanese comics

hes pretty much dead, this is one of those situations where moving him will probably kill him

He's actually a dude who fell from a balcony onto the poll. He didn't actually try to stuff it up his ass lmfao.

Nope, he survived.

He's now going to live off tax payer money for the rest of his life

Keep pushing Carl

How the fuck would they even try to sort that out fuck me

Sauce? I can't believe anyone would do this... I really don't want it to be true, but...

he jumped off the roof and landed square on that mother fucker.

proof? I've hard time believing you can survive this.

That's a good start.

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what the actual fuck

Truly the most french way to go.

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Have to admire that guy's commitment to c-spine control.

Bruh, look at this dood...

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There must be a source

I ain't clicking that shit
did he live

Darwin Award winner right there


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hahahahah holy shit thanks user

holy fucking shit how is that possible

>w..well funny thing doctor you see.. i..i was on the balcony banging a stripper, yeah, and i heterosexually came so hard in her biological vagina that the recoil knocked me over the edge! I was falling out of the balcony and landed just right! W-what a freak accident h..heh!

>feel like so much of a fuck up that you try to kill yourself
>you somehow manage to fuck that up too
I don't say this often, but poor guy.

No he died, they had to saw the post, but he died later in the hospital poor guy



He died. You have good instincts, don't believe retarded leafs.

Says he died

Jesus Christ I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy

Holy shit, I regret coming here today so early, I'm out.

>the last thing that went through his mind was a dildo shaped car barrier

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What does it say about society that I actually find it more plausible that he shoved it up his own ass on purpose, than he fell and just happened to land ass down right on the post?

thank fucking god

the thought of living through that is too much


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what a waste of public services

too bad they can't just let stupid people die

this is the first shocking thing i've seen on Jow Forums in a long while.

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K keep me posted.


How do these things even happen topkek

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They're lying

Media reports are saying that, but they're just covering for his degeneracy

Thanks for the nightmare fuel for the week.

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>How do these things even happen topkek
The starts align to literally fuck you in the ass

Although this is a slide thread, my morbid curiosity and utter disgust has been piqued. Wouldn’t this just rupture his internal organs, if not at least the large intestine? Wouldn’t this also lead to death from internal bleeding? Albeit, keeping him skewered would keep the bleeding in somewhat of control (assuming if he were to stand right up blood would pour out like paint from a bucket).
>why skipping leg day is fatal even for fags

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Jesus Christ

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I'm not even mad... I'm impressed

emt bro here; wouldn't even know where to begin

Don't feel sorry for these faggots.

my insides

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I want to see an article about him without having to look at the gore. provide source pls

>Tags: WTF, impaled man very large anus death
>tfw you live in a timeline where 'impaled man very large anus death' is a valid video's tag

I want to get out.

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I would desu

how sick is our modern society that they actually try to help somebody in this situation? the first order of business should be just calling the nearest cop and putting you out of your misery ASAP.
not that I would expect cops in paris to have anything but more ass-batons ...

il y a un video, leaf the merde

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I noticed that too, but instead of sorrow I kek'd

He really did that for pleasure?

Omg it’s fucking real. My anus puckered watching it. Anyone else?

I've seen a lot of bad things in my time, but this makes me feel nauseous.

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did he died?

Well stick a pole up my ass and call me a shish kebab... that is horrific.

Follow your countryman

Holy wow nice aim

Looks Polish to me

>Rescue tech

i honestly have no fucking clue

>Tags: WTF, impaled man very large anus death

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Yeah he jumped out because he wanted to shove it up his ass for pleasure

Nobody lands like that on a pole unless you plan it

humans are terrifyingly durable at times
One of my nightmares is that i try to kill someone but instead of it being fast i have to just keep trying and they are sitting there judging me and just wont die and i start to feel bad

Damn you trips!
There goes my dinner plans, guess it’s a gore night tonight.

How can someone shove a pole up his ass so hard it comes out from his mouth without having gravity powers?

Now THAT's something I had yet to see.
>Died of extreme butthurt

The disgusting shit I would never otherwise know even existed if it weren't for Jow Forums

dont give me some bullshit "duur rulllles" stuff, if someone is beyond maimed would an emt mercy kill someone? like if noone was around and its 100% obviously for mercy

Nigga poles aren't even real like walk away niggah lol

Who says fence sitters dont take any risks. So what if it was an inanimate object! Love is Love!

Dont be stupid. He wanted to kill himself, this has nothing to do with him being gay or not.

>When you take BLACKED one step too far

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Oh fuck that!

Was he gay?

Sat in bed gurning at this shit. Takes alot but his arse must have been a bbc haven.

He didn't fly so well!


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jesus christ the amount of pussies on nu-Jow Forums, go back rebbit faggot

LMAO and digits

Don't blink.

Never mind

Weird... seems more like some 3rd world crap... not sure I believe op’s version

looks like he died proving a point
he really really when through with it

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your narrative seems to have some holes in it...

I'm not saying your story is outside the realm of possibility, but you could at least use a real example of faggotry, you filthy leaf.

Sure Pedro

when you take walrus dildos to the next level

I should not have watched this

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are you retarded, or just stupid?

Holy fucking shit is that nasty to look at. His bowels will never be the same ever again.