You lads ready for Oklahoma to get a democrat governor next month?

You lads ready for Oklahoma to get a democrat governor next month?

Attached: hitler_oklahoma.jpg (550x412, 73K)

Attached: retarded.jpg (600x657, 43K)

Ya Stitt rubs me the wrong way. We need a pro weed governor the finish up with legislation.

Go back to bed boomer. Jesus, what the fuck is that meme.

>state shaped like jagged meat cleaver
>voting blue
I've been there once; not likely.

don't you dare insult a classic like that zoomer fuck

You two are fucking retarded and were all worse for your posting.

Oklahoman here... definitely want to vote the Democrat for governor, do not trust kevin. Seems hes just saying what he needs to in order to get elected. He will probably be another Mary... even feeling that way ill vote red.

There is a good chance of a Democrat taking it but not senate or house. Fallin wasn't that great.

what makes you think we'd elect a democrat? republican complacency or something?

Attached: feelsoklahomaman.jpg (1920x1080, 1009K)