Let's talk about Tall people

Let's talk about Tall people.

Why is it so hard to find another tall person to pair with?

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You leave Thaddeus out of this

Tall men will date tall or short women but women will only want to date tall men even if they are incredibly short.

So if you are a tall girl you are fucked because it's harder to find a man taller than you and you don't have any advantage for being taller than other girls in terms of attractiveness.

They tend to be fiercely independent.

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this guy looks like Reducto

The "women only date tall guys" meme exists solely for your country because your women are superficial whores.. any manlet can get with a girl who is moderately shorter than he is and in some instances of equal height.. stop blaming your lack of suitors on the height jew, its your personalities user: your not charismatic enough or funny enough to entertain and eventually hook a female to interest them.

6’8 here. I want to eventually find my Valkyrie to make superior babies with but damn, do I love picking up and impaling womenlettes on my cock like little fuck toys.

Can’t date them though, hurts my neck to kiss and dancing looks stupid.

I worked as a bouncer as a teenager and girls would come up and grind on me. Like bitch, I’m really enjoying your ass on my kneecap, keep going.

Based memeflaggot

One time I saw a 6’4-6’5 goddess in shin high doc Martin boots working as a waitress at a fancy restaurant in San Francisco. I wanted to grab her by her flowing golden hair and breed her on the table, starting the next master race right next to the nacho chips but I was on a date with a 5’ tall anarexic Jew. I was never so embarrassed in my life.

You know, I "want" to be the bigger body in the bed, but a tall gf actually sounds kinda fun. It just takes a bit of inventiveness to make her feel like a proper bitch. Tie her calves behind her thighs and then pin her down at the neck/shoulders.

How can it be hard? You literally just look and you can see the other tall people above the crowd.

>How can it be hard? You literally just look and you can see the other tall people above the crowd.
Because rarity majority are already in relationships.

Atleast all that i've met and i've met 5 tall girls in my life.

>When an incel who hasn't talked to another human being in five years tries to give relationship advice.

Unless you're looking for truly gigantic women, then I guess you probably have to go out more. If you're tall yourself and you don't have terrible posture or something you already know that tends to attract attention.


tfw no beautiful 6'2" gf to see eye-to-eye with

Yeah, that's what incels like you always say. Thanks for confirming.

6 5 and ive been with a 6 ft or so
Its kind of weird
Ended up marrying a 5 7 slovenian and couldnt be happier.
My mom was only 5 2 and my dad wasnt more than 6 ft.
I dont think id want some big clit snu snu

Because you faggots only go after white girls.

Don't you know they fuck dogs?

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>be 6'3
>be into tall girls
>will never have a girl who is taller than me

My girlfriend is pretty tall as far as girls go, she's about 5'10.

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>a tall gf actually sounds kinda fun

>be 6’4”
>attracted as hell to tall bitches
>head practically rips itself off body when spotting an amazon
>even if she's fugly
>nevar dated anyone over 5’4”
>sit next to cute grill at friends wedding
>she’s dumb as a bag of hammers, but sweet and not annoying
>stand up after ceremony
>looking at her eyes, instead of the top of her head
>grab her hand and lead her to the open bar
>drink, dance, and babble with her the rest of the evening
>get room in hotel and fug all night
>exchange numbers
>she texts a few days later ‘come visit me at work’ and an address
>get there
>it’s a titty bar
>go in and sit at bar
>feel hand on shoulder 20 mins later
>stand up and I’m looking at her chin (stripper shoes)
>she hangs out with me all night when not being called to dance
>talk for hours
>both get drunk, she’s sitting on my lap half the night
>take taxi home, call in sick the next day
>and the next
>fug like rabbits, only stopping to order and eat pizza
>she goes back to work the third day
>I drop in the next night, she avoids me
>huge scene an hour later when her fiancee shows up and punches the manager because he thinks his girl is cheating with her boss
>ignore all texts and calls
>ignore doorbell
And that’s one of the reasons this user still doesn’t trust anything that bleeds for a week and lives.

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Reminder.5'9 is the optimal height,on average,for the gravitational pull the earth has on the human body.