The Average Jow Forums User:

>Only make friends with people I know I can be authentic with
>Can't self-actualize
>Wasting my potential
>Highly neurotic/depressed
Anybody else?

Attached: 5845cd230b2a3b54fdbaecf7.png (1092x1037, 27K)

*>Be me

Here is a solution for you.

Attached: hangmans-noose-falling-into-frame-at-120-fps-against-black-background_b4wvirgfg_thumbnail-full04.png (1920x1080, 317K)

>smart loser
I swear, half of you faggots are geniuses. Bet you're 6'5 and have a 7 incher, too.

139 IQ

Basically - I'm Hitler.

Attached: 1537748063374.jpg (1309x960, 85K)


>how to spot a datamining thread

GD- 6'5 with 7"? That'd be a let down and a half wouldn't it? That or I really shock women.

how mysterious everyone on Jow Forums has an iq of 66 billion

I have an IQ of 92 and believe Israel is our greatest ally

>7 inches is big
dicklet detected

Who with high IQ isn’t neurotic and depressed these days ?

>IQ can't be calculated
>only can make friends with people who watch big brain-tier TV shows like Rock and Morty
>love memes
>always get upvotes on Reddit
>appreciate that you guys are just ironically racist like me
>realize that liberals are the REAL racists


>smart losers wouldn't congregate together on anonymous weeb imageboards to discuss fringe political ideologies that would enfranchise them

t.sub130 IQ brainlets

Our time is coming soon user

Attached: 046321F6-5B50-42A4-8232-F64760BD1B40.png (1500x1383, 126K)

I hate everything. I have no desire to work or learn anymore. I am spent.

You are literally the poison corrupting this place. Please Kys preferably with a kekistani flag somehow involved

>Only make friends with your moms
>high achiever
>big dick
Anyone else?

>when you see the *> and the first thing you see is the sideway profile of a merchant
I've been here far too long

Yeah this explains me pretty well