> Be me > Above average fitness. Above average appearance. Above average style. Above average attitude. Try and be open to everyone. > Go about day > Gym first. 90% people angry and scowling > Coffee shop after. Everyone in their own head. Angry. Heads down. Robots. > Meet a friend. Go out to talk with him. Women angry. Scowling. > Me...smiling. "Whats up Anons?" > "Ugh whatever" > Me: "Okay what the fuck is up here"
I can't fucking do it. Is it just here? Is it like this everywhere? Report in please. Especially Chads or almost Chads. I need to know this is/is not everywhere.
Narcissism is a mental disorder and not just an empty insult. Look into it.
Luis Evans
LA is practically ground zero for talmudvision depression, so that sounds about right. This is what happens when people replace their culture with television.
Cooper Howard
Born and raised in the Valley. Most transplants (people who pay rent to live in the city) are delusional narcissists unless they're laid-back european escapists.
Matthew Green
no shit idiot get the fuck out of there
Lucas Price
then go back to mexico if you don't like it you stupid beaner
Liam Gutierrez
Lol Burbank isn’t LA faggot
Samuel Sanchez
>Jow Forums - My Blog
Jayden Cook
Oh I forgot Anons
> Be me again > Shopping for food > Whistling to radio on throughout the store > Positive vibes > Nobody else, nobody smiles, nobody gives a fuck, fuck music, fuck whistling, fuck everything. Scowling women. Robotic Men.
Xavier Fisher
Spotted the Armenian.
Thomas Butler
just gtfo nigga
bad time to move here
Connor Collins
I'm White dickless faggot fuck
Ian Walker
Dominic Thompson
I live in Baltimore. I can't find a girlfriend, because the girls here are either college whores who attend on of the local universities or insane fucking liberals -- either or are likely sluts. So, I'm talking to a girl from PA. I'll take my chance and try a long distance relationship and travel there if need be. I'm done with city girls.
Benjamin Watson
>>Jow Forums - My Blog
I know. Blog entry. But I had to share because this shit is getting WEIRD.
Josiah Hall
Well Burbank is the beating heart of 'Hollywood' which, contrary to popular belief, isn't centered in the city of Hollywood.
I want to leave LA, too, but try to enjoy California. Take a trip up to wine country in Santa Barbara County. It's beautiful and peaceful up there. Also the Sierra Nevadas are a gem most people never experience. You should schedule camping trips when you can find the time.
Kayden Moore
Nobody knows nobody. The city is too big. Welcome to anti civilization. Welcome to where I was born and raised.
And people wonder why I'm a Nazi.
Caleb Moore
Dude, you live in a liberal shithole and they're all babies who cannot be happy when they are not in control, and they are losing control.
I live in Boston and it's the same thing.
Nathaniel Morris
>be texan user >walk outside >beautiful blue skys, open air >wave at all my neighbours, they wave back >go to the gas station, its run by whites >get some dank ass brisket >"have a blessed day user" feelsgoodman >
>I want to leave LA, too, but try to enjoy California. Take a trip up to wine country in Santa Barbara County. It's beautiful and peaceful up there. Also the Sierra Nevadas are a gem most people never experience. You should schedule camping trips when you can find the time.
Fuck yes to this. I'm getting a new SUV soon. For camping and shit. I gotta get the fuck outta here. My soul is being squashed.
Thomas Perry
This just came in the mail. The housing market is still climbing.
Their women are lefties and their men are walking personifications of Jow Forums but without the irony or self awareness
Alexander King
Sup fellow Valleybro
Austin Perry
Is it true that you can pay for your gas after pumping it?
Kayden Ward
Lived in LA for 26 years from birth OP. You're not alone, it's that place and other liberal shitholes as mentioned. Go somewhere else and people are normal. But no to most cities. Yes I know its fucked.
Gabriel Bell
>they're all phonies wow what a unique perspective, I've never encountered such a line of thought before please tell us more
Lucas Ortiz
>Their women are lefties and their men are walking personifications of Jow Forums but without the irony or self awareness
I like the Armenian women though. Their Men are fucking assholes. It's like robots and cavemen had fucking clones created and gave them all the anger of Jow Forums and square toe shoes and track suits.
Ian Jenkins
Why do urbanites have this holier than thou attitude?
Christian Harris
How old are you OP
Eli Thomas
>the Sierra Nevadas are a gem most people never experience Lived there for 9 months fighting fires, I always thought central ca was a dump because i only saw it from the 5, but get off the interstate a ways and it is some of the most beautiful scenery in the US.
Andrew White
Bucharest is like that and its on the other side of the planet
Cooper Kelly
I know the "midwesterners are nice" thing is a meme at this point, but it's a heck of a lot better here than in that shit hole.
Holy shit you dont know how true it is in LA though unless you live in Toronto or something.
Aaron Myers
its just tense right now, like ‘92 tense. everyone here knows that it’s ground zero for some la razza uprising bullshit, Brown issuing a fistful of retarded laws on his way out, some of the most hotly contested races for congress in the country... move back to Iowa for a bit, or make some roof Korean frens
Brandon Sanchez
>Lived in LA for 26 years from birth OP. You're not alone, it's that place and other liberal shitholes as mentioned. Go somewhere else and people are normal. But no to most cities. Yes I know its fucked.
Born and raised in L.A. but it's gotten so bad I think I've died and I'm in some sort of recurring simulation. I feel like I'm gonna snap.
Ian Nguyen
Bentley Reed
That's something you'll find in most urban environments, to an extent.
Los Angeles is perhaps the most extreme example. everyone has their own agenda.
In an environment like that, you have to seek out others that you hold something in common with. For example, if you joined a crossfit gym, and got to be buddies with other students. That would be a way.
Don't expect much from strangers in L.A.
The other thing is that all humans are going to be naturally like this ("angry and scowling"). It just depends on how their culture copes with that or trains members to hide their emotions (like in Japan).
Jayden Jones
Sing "racist" music and that they will explode. Whites tend to not express their feelings
Xavier Green
I wish you were right. Instead the city has just become shit. Where are the riots? How long are we going to put up with the destruction of the country?
Nolan Clark
did you star a conversation or just whistling like you were on andy griffith. its a metropolis you have to make people talk to you or they will assume you are not worth the effort.
i am almost on the exact same level as you user. above average
noticed the same thing while living in seattle back in 2014. thought it was a regional thing. seattle freeze and all.
go back to the south to see family and see that people are generally friendly. assume seattle is the issue.
slowly start to see the attitude metastasis around 2015-16
the south has the same sad sacks as seattle in the south.
i dunno user. it sorta sucks. the world seems a lot lonelier, and what is driving me crazy is i can't tell if its me or everyone else. i would hope that its me cause at least i can change.
Luke Brooks
Dude fucking how did you last longer than me. I was gonna snap til I moved and where I moved was no better. I've been hanging on by a thread trying to figure out how/where the fuck I'm gonna go. Godspeed dude, get the fuck out, If you've never been to places like Texas/The South you need to take a fucking trip and go see how normal everywhere else is posts like Are not fucking kidding, life seriously approaches that lol
Jaxon Campbell
Legitimately, ARMENIAN and BLACK women are the coolest here. Even the Asian women have turned into unbearable cunts.
God help me. Shoot me.
Christopher Nguyen
LA really sucks and I hope to eventually leave.
Currently in SFV. Feels like 90% of people are hispanic, a lot of billboards in spanish in certain areas. It is really depressing. The only people who say hi to you here in my condo are the older white folks. Everyone else just has their head down when they walk by you. Not sure if its because i'm white.
My brothers rented for only 30% of their income 10 years ago.
The cheapest I can find is 50%+.
James Ross
Oh I thought you were 18, normally people tend to get jaded as their shit gets fucked up as time goes on. I know this happened to me
Liam Gray
>I like the Armenian women though The ones with the fat asses can be worth it if they put out.
Nathaniel Ward
Just look at a a dating app to get some sense of LA's demographics. It is really hard to find a white gal. Most of the small number of them have blue hair, tats, nose right or jew.
Owen Adams
>The other thing is that all humans are going to be naturally like this ("angry and scowling" Holy shit lol no, in the south (and I assume the good parts of the midwest but I havent been there) people are nice and friendly as fuck, you're the weirdo if you go around scowling at war with the world.
God damn this is a warped shit hole we live in where a huge chunk of humanity thinks this is normal. We fucking devolved.
Dominic Watson
nigs will nog homie, it’s coming down the pipe
Jace Reyes
You're in their barrio, ese.
Levi Russell
I walked through DTLA wearing a nametage with $20 on it that said "Free Money, just ask" and noone even noticed it because they were all looking at their phones etc
Walked about a mile to get some food and was amazed that literally noone asked
Ethan Wilson
there's never going to be another riot in la there is nothing to burn down and nobody would riot
Ryder Mitchell
No one probably took you seriously
Matthew Hughes
>Oh I thought you were 18, normally people tend to get jaded as their shit gets fucked up as time goes on. I know this happened to me
No. I'm a talkative outgoing guy. No matter WHAT I'm not gonna turn into them. I've been through a rough life, but I ALWAYS put on my best face.
I'm just seeing that it's really not even worth it. NOBODY reflects it back. Maybe 5% of all people. Dude, I'm getting worn out.
Lincoln Harris
Tonight I'll dream of the Wehrmacht marching down the 10.
Easton Gomez
modern society in general also chances are if you're white and above the age of 40, you're miserable cunt and insufferable to work with
Michael Cook
you’re either entirely full of shit, or you haven’t been downtown recently
Adam Turner
>also chances are if you're white and above the age of 40, you're miserable cunt and insufferable to work with \ I own a business and work from home. I could not work around other people these days. I'd shoot myself
Brayden Martinez
>getting dank ass brisket at the gas station feelsgoodman
i heard the homeless mass has grown so maybe that is what you mean, your assumption is correct i haven't been downtown in years
Connor Sullivan
I feel like I should married, with children, with a life. I'm wasting away here. Like a fucking ghost.
Leo Ortiz
Armenian from LA. I've always rebelled against Armenian culture for being backward and elitist until I realized the alternative is degeneracy. I realized that that's what traditional culture looks like and it's just so foreign to us because our culture is so (((manufactured))). Now I'm glad to see it preserved in the next generation.
Also I haven't seen a tracksuit in years but the ones that have only been here for a few years from Armenia can be trash, I concede.
Ryder Sanchez
>its the contrarian faggot If you dont live in LA shut your fucking face you have no idea where we're talking about and you're completely out of your element
Luis Allen
mfw when I was born in rural Michigan but my parents moved to LA for work when i was 1 year. 33 years later I'm still in LA. I wonder how things might have been different if I had been raised in the Midwest.
Former Burbank here. Move to Riverside or Orange County. I did. Burbank is filling with spics and homeless post Bob Frutos anyway. The dream is over. Flee south.
Nolan Torres
California is especially full of shitty people, it's a shitty place what do you expect.
Jace Thomas
Almost Chad here, it's the same in my city. It's getting worse by the day and I don't know what's causing it.
I fucking hate LA girls. I really need to leave this place but have no other skills/connections.
>but bro you don’t need a roastie to be happy Fuck you FUCK. YOU.
Adrian Ramirez
Move to the Midwest. It's pretty comfy here.
Noah Smith
I'm in the South, and yes, it's a polite culture, so people would almost never directly say something offensive to you.
Instead, they would be passive-aggressive about it. "Oh, bless your heart".
In this case they hide/repress their true feelings.
In terms of behaviour, though, Midwest/South are going to way more chill about basic stuff, depending on how their community is structured.
John Foster
lol trust me, you would never want to marry a woman from LA. Dude it's the place, stop trying to explain it and just understand its these fucking deathtrap places. You'll be happier every second you're away.
Anthony Morgan
I lived in LA for 5 very long years.
I moved back to Chicago. Food and people are much better.
Unless you are in a gang, fighting a gang, or looking to buy shitty low tier drugs. 0 reason to enter bad hoods in Chicago.
Get to enjoy all the amazing art, history, architecture, sport, music, culture major world city has to offer.
It's your guys' turbo kikery that rubs people the wrong way.
Chase King
Dude its the big liberal cities, I’m from Chicago and it was the same deal for me. After college I moved out west to a more rural area of the Modwest and there was an almost polar opposite change in the peoples attitude, you still meet liberals but even they’re a shitton friendlier than anyone you’ll meet in the city .
Hyastancis are mostly the dicks. Barskahais are mellow. Beirutis are mellow. I get along with SOME Armenian men. But I adore Armenian women though. I vibe with them a lot.
go north into the valleys past Calabasas and Sherman Oaks thats where suburbia is, women there are much much more stupid, desperate and less uptight Dont know why fuck you would even try looking around in LA, you have to be a nigger rich oil shiek to attract those bitches
Alexander Gonzalez
I wanna move back to Huntington Beach.
Nolan Bell
Comstant barrage of information and social media has fried their dopamine systems. Now theyre very easily stressed and angry.
Hudson Martin
I still just wore it to see if anyone had the courage to ask and I would've given it
Noone even asked
Nathan Rivera
John Reyes
like oh my god
Sebastian Nguyen
I was living in Burbank at one point before I left. Was quite frequently the only white person where I went. Especially if you dont count people over 50. And anywhere known to have whites was so disgustingly hipster and cucked it was almost painful to look at.
Carson Fisher
>But I adore Armenian women though. I vibe with them a lot. everyone does
Armenians the both of you. Same tho. Born and raised in GHills. I hate this fucking city so much but I can’t find work for what I do outside of here. I am drowning in this cesspool
Asher Campbell
>I moved back to Chicago Any idea why housing prices are not going crazy there? I sold my dad's house there in 2004 and its literally the same price now.
Dylan Lewis
Same here. And Im living in what is supposedly a redpilled city, i.e Brisbane.
Fuck anyone who said Queensland cities are different. You cunts lied.
Jose Ward
moved to LA from London earlier this year, I hate it here so much, but London sucks too.
Where next?
Lucas Garcia
HB is Manhattan Beach now, every beach town lost the laid back feeling they used to have you will be ready to go back to LA when you see all the tourists swarming everywhere