I just want my country back

I just want my country back.

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long gone, no one fought for it and a pajeet who shits on the street is opening the door to any shitskin on the planet


Here ya go leaf. Remember the old times.

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By the time I became an adult it was already destroyed.

I just want to get to the states.

Have another.

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Fuck off were full (unless you're a quebecois (which you aren't))

I would rather be illegal there than stuck with the brown hordes here.

you can hang out with our brown hordes I suppose.

>My country
I have never seen a good post from anyone hiding behind that memeflag. Literally every other country’s posters here can agree that you tards are by far the worst posters on this board, the site, and the internet by far and thus you should all be rangebanned. And it was never your country to begin with because leafland was never a country to begin with. You’re fucking leech of a “nation” was always and still is irrelevant and that’s why anything remotely relevant in your shithole is right on our border. If we didn’t live in clownworld where our actual nations are being ran and subverted by Jews and their puppets like Trump, we would’ve built a wall our Southern and Northern borders. SAGE.

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