Just saw this on twatter and hoping you anons can help to ID this pussy who likes to kick women for being against abortion.
ID this pro abortion pussy who just roundhouse kicked a woman
already doxxed
I missed that
his name is jordan hunt idiot
I hope he gets away with it. Cunts belong in the house. Not out protesting.
b-based and redpilled!?
He's been identified in like 10 different threads already.
He sticks his tongue out trying to be cute for the camera he’s about to attempt to kick out of a girls hand. He was created by the internet and tried being a person in real life and this is what happened. We’re so close to this same thing happening but it’s a full dress furry attempting the kick and hopping away.
We already found this faggot like 14 hours ago. Try to keep up, OP
Wow, it's almost like, Leftists do shit like this on purpose to make slide threads on Jow Forums.
Look into it.