>Fucked up the Bay of Pigs >Got cucked by Kruschev >Responsible for getting us involved in Vietnam >No moral fiber, cheated on his wife and probably had Marilyn Monroe killed >Couldn't even stop from getting assassinated
Yet the Left idolizes him like he's a saint. What gives?
That's a bluepill if i ever seen one. Lurk more faggot.
Jackson Garcia
>>Fucked up the Bay of Pigs He didn't, that was a CIA glowie nigger blunder >>Got cucked by Kruschev If anything he cucked Khrushchev and made him back down like a bitch. >>Responsible for getting us involved in Vietnam Nope, that was (((((LBJ)))))) >>No moral fiber, cheated on his wife and probably had Marilyn Monroe killed Not his fault that goldigger whore threw herself at him. >>Couldn't even stop from getting assassinated Not his fault the (((((deep state)))) and IsraHELL decided to assassinate him over the Dimona shit.
Whole family was fucked up, including his dad. Brother also drank drove his gf off a bridge and ran away while she drowned. Thank goodness his other brother was assassinated by a palestinian terrorists before he could get into the White house.
Cooper Moore
Trash like every other Kennedy
Evan Barnes
only boomers like this cuck because they remember being said when they saw him get shot on the tv at age 14
Brody Perry
>lived in incredible pain every day, still smiled >so Chad his skin is permanently bronzed like Schwartzeneggar >fucked supermodels even though his wife was also hot >realized the US was losing the space race and just yelled "FIRST TO THE MOON WINS" >died before his left-wing politics permafucked the country
One of the best presidents ever desu
Jeremiah Davis
CIA orchestrated the fake attack in the Gulf of Tonkin, this is widely known by now
Decided he knew more about defense posture than Eisenhower. Eisenhowers posture was no war or total war. JFK changed this to allow limited engagements which has led to alll these wars non necessity and bankers getting rich off them
>If anything he cucked Khrushchev and made him back down like a bitch. The crisis only happened because Kennedy was an idiot and abolished the National Security Council because Democrats were autistic about delegating authority and neglected the entire situation until the last minute. The crisis was ultimately why Democrats gave up on abolishing the NSC. >Nope, that was (((((LBJ)))))) Another Boomer talking point. Kennedy sent advisors and retardedly let his own ambassador run amok and assassinate the only stable and competent leader South Vietnam had. All of LBJ's advisors were the same as Kennedy's and pushed for war.
Leo Diaz
I'll address each one of your critiques in the following order:
(1)CIA most likely went behind his back to do that, working covertly in utmost secrecy as the CIA does-maybe Kennedy calling them to account for shit like this is what got him killed
(2)Kennedy won that one straight out
(3)Maybe so-his successor could've withdrawn but chose not to
(4)It's Marilyn Monroe. Come on.
(5)Who the fuck could have prevented that?
Christopher Campbell
He signed in an executive order that forced american money to be tied to silver or something and 6 months later is when he got shot
Cameron Campbell
Easton Watson
I only like presidents who survive assasination attempts.
Angel Turner
Hahahaha. Top kek. Underrated. And yeah, Reagan was pretty fucking awesome.
Nathan Myers
obongo easily literally the only reason he won and people liked him is because he was a nigger
Anthony Baker
He effectively killed the only good leadership in Vietnam, Diem.
Do you think it's a coincidence that he was killed like two weeks later? Divine justice.
Jonathan Butler
You're a stupid nigger faggot. He prevented a nuclear war. He could be GOAT.