> The entire alt-right can't beat a manlet starcraft streamer in a debate while he plays mobile games
lmao, poothetic
The entire alt-right can't beat a manlet starcraft streamer in a debate while he plays mobile games
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is there anything more pathetic than eating a starcraft streamer e celebrities asshole
is there anything more pathetic than the average retard Jow Forumsfag who get btfo by Destiny because they can't read a graph or understand how stats work
is there anything more pathetic than eating a starcraft streamer e celebrities asshole
you upsetti spaghetti friend?
Didn't he get rekt by Sargon and Shkreli? LOL Horrible b8.
Who is this guy? Oh wait I don't care
You post this shit every day, nigger. You're lined up at the gloryhole just showing us his cum in your mouth to prove you're about to swallow every drop.
The only problem is no one asked for proof.
Yeah, watching him after he defended pedophilia.
where did he do that?
This dude is like 4'3 he isn't allowed to have opinions.
this man has mad autism.
The only debate he won was against Jontron and Jon is a confused sand monkey with daddy issues.
sage this copypasta
Debating white self-determination with this idiot is like a black man debating his existence with the KKK.
Seriously; we are fighting for our existence. There is nothing to debate: if you are white, either you are with us or against us.
he lost borderline every debate and had to hide for months before coming back online in his misguided believe that people forgot. Nope
> All these people saying he loses debates and defends thing like pedophilia but no one actually backs up their claims
This was untrue 3 days ago when you last posted it and its still untrue.
Sage this gay shit. I'll be here to post videos of destiny the floppy wristed lispy skinnyfat brainlet getting taken to school every time I see you shill this irrelevant loser
>facts matter
Hi! First day being a human?
> the alt-right doesn't care about facts
well atleast you admit it
>No one cares about facts *
this pedo is gonna get #metoo'd
Notice how he uses his facial hair to conceal the double chin. No wonder he is so resentful
Neither does the left, have you not been following the Ford and Kav thing?
Destiny has a max three inch penis fully erect
>Jewco Bell
Hi can I get a lampshade and 3 bars of soap.
>Destiny's army of 9-year-olds desperately trying to remind us of his existence again
Let me guess: he has a youtube channel of sorts and receives money from patreon, hence the shilling.
Unironically not understanding the devil's advocate position.
Imagine how frustrating it is for him to have to be 'criticized' by retarded niggers like you
every "debate" I've seen him in he gets frustrated and emotional and btfo.
Nailed it.
the sad thing is he has a few thousand rabid fans that think that what he does is debate
nice try, the alt-right is too arrogant and retarded to ever admit when they've been proven wrong. Its their secret weapon
Who the fuck is this faglord?
dont agree with much of his positions, but i enjoyed watching him make autistic alt-right larpers look stupid.
nuance is too much for alt-right retards like these people
every single "debate" is destiny explaining to some retard that correlation =/= causation and how statistical inference works
>thinking real life politics is about well constructed arguments, political philosophy, and consistancy, not power
I remember when I was idealistic
no, this was sargons position
> single black men earn half as much as married black men
> therefore the solution is to just force black people to marry and they'll make more money and escape poverty
what a fucking retard
Go back to /v/.
>posts a video from 2016
>it's still one where destiny won
BrittanyVenti literally grovels to to "debate" people but when one of her ex youtuber friends who got blacklisted for outing her and a bunch of pedos wanted to debate her she shits herself and calls him a stalker.
Britbong.com baby!