Will he be remembered as the greatest president of all time?
Will he be remembered as the greatest president of all time?
Worst and last
More like as a small hand cheeto man hahahaha lil drumpfy pooped his pants so he went on twitter to rage type with his small orange hands hahahaha
After the great communist purge and race war, yes. The uncucked white men who took back their birthright will realize this man's greatness.
>remember the guy who fucked debt so much with tax cuts to the wealthy that caused a crash?
>oh.. the one who fucked hookers while his wife was pregnant?
>..the one who was in Putin's pocket
>OH! That guy! Yeah lol he was great!
Trump is going to be remembered as the GREATEST LEADER AND HUMAN TO HAVE EVER LIVED.
When Trump is finished timekeeping will be Before Trump and After Trump.
you know he wont be, and for good reason.
He might beat Nixon though
We are currently living through humanity's new origin myth.
Nah Taft will always come first
Your hate only makes him stronger
Shaping up that way.
It's over, Trump will be impeached in early 2019.
>The tree of life is poisoned.
I’d say he’s better than obummer.
That idiot fuck my country.
That's how the Soviet Union committed their purges.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (((YOU))) are fucking scared. Spygate is 100% real.
No the left will rewrite history
I was alive when Ford was President and so far, he has crushed all in my lifetime. Reagan was boss because of the commie threat I grew up with but this man...He is a whole different level. I would die for him.
he’s literally 2018 theodore roosevelt
wont mean shit if the left are righting the history books. We have to purge there ranks completely first
Yes, yes he will
I loved it when Raygun granted amnesty to millions
No, he will be second only to George Washington.
this clown will be caught fucking his daughter by the end of the term mark my words and digits confirm
Yep, that was awesome. The man had major flaws but he defeated the fucking reds. I am sure you think Mondale and Ferraro would have been a better choice...correct?
I think he's already beat nixon to be fair. i mean half the country atleast kinda likes trump
if this continues like that yeah
Washington was the bomb, he was offered to basically be president for life and turned it down. Reagan made being American cool again and brought the country back from the shame that was Carter.
Trump is the first president since Reagan that actually seems to give a shit about the people of the country and does not take any shit.
Reagan was to nice of a guy to go after the media whores and liars like Trump does.
Why be in rush to "remember" him? Be glad you are about to begin the second half of the first term out of five terms of the greatest president to ever bless this nation. (SPOILER: Twenty-Second Amendment gets revoked)
Unironically yes
Time Traveller?
Avenatti, don't you get tired of always working these weird sex allegations? Why not do medical malpractice or divorce court or something.
>he only has 6 years left
Trump is just the beginning
If he restores our sovereignty and effectively disempowers globalist influence upon our future, he'll be right up there with George Washington.
You should really thank God Trump is President and not Pence. Because in your fantasy world your are all like oppressed and stuff. If Pence steps in you will be begging to bring Trump back.
The Trump monument will eclipse the Washington monument, he will go down as the man who saved the Republic.
I'm pretty sure the reds defeated themselves, user.
Definitely as the most popular one.
>friendly reminder we are only ~25% through this ride
Yes but it keeps getting better everyday. The media comes out of there closet more and more each day.
These vapid celeb's are making themselves almost unemployable.
The Dems sleazy crap keeps shooting themselves in the foot time and time again.
The corrupt people that treated us like serfs all these years keep losing there jobs and winding up in jail.
Win, Win, and keep Winning.
He can't even get a judge into the Supreme courts without crying on Twitter lol
You have to give it time. Let's see how everyone remembers him in a few years when his son is elected.
If three specific things happen.
The media will do their best to make him seem like mega hitler. It is a sad obvious truth
He is the best.
He's only giving us time to organize and clean our guns. He isn't going to change anything.
>no wall
>no mass deportations
>no ending of middle East wars
>no arrests of deepstate criminals
>no arrests from coup attempt
>even more injustice than Obama
>no infrastructure overhaul
>lame duck after dems win the House
He's the best president in the last 5 years, that's about the best I can say.
Oh, and he's slightly better than Hillary, but he covers up even more crimes so it kind of cancels out
>spygate is 100% real
Yes it is, and the Trump administration is protecting the criminals.
Protip: good guys don't protect bad guys
Whatever he's remembered as, people will regret not being alive at this point in history.
The happenings are constant.
Based raygun knew that as soon as Mexicans were given citizenship they would vote Republican because of their deep sense of pride and loyalty to America
I'm related to George, and he does not get enough credit. He could have been king if he wanted, and he was that loved (and people didn't really know any different) but he turned down a crown.
Truly a king of men
It's good to be alive. I can tell my grandchildren "Kids, I lived through FIVE separate Hitlers!! The MSM said so!!"
>He was a dumb nigger fucking pos
>Allowed Israel to buttfuck the for years
>Lied about everything in order to win the election didnt deliver on any promies
>Gave into corporate shills who took our freedom and charged us for it
>Let the world mock and disrespect us.
>Pic Unrelated
>Fuck Trump
>greatest president of all time?
Well, probably of the last 100 years.
Except he won't do that.
Trump hasn't done shit to the deepstate. There have been so many LARPS and so many bullshit theories on Jow Forums (Mueller is secretly working for Trump, guise!) that people have fooled themselves into thinking Trump has been waging a fucking war. He hasn't been.
Trump came in pre-cucked. He started off by backtracking on some of the campaign rhetoric and wanting to play nice with everyone. He wasn't planning any kind of battle with the deepstate.
>but then the FISA shit happened, and the coup attempt, so punished Trump amirite?
He has been afraid to fight that battle as well. Trump has been all talk, no action. He'll send a tweet complaining about something, and (rightfully) complaining that Sessions isn't doing his job, but Trump hasn't been willing to take any action.
Trump is a conman. He bluffed. He thought that simply being president made him the big boss and people would do what he says.
He was wrong.
Anyone see the movie "The Rock" with Nicholas Cage, Sean Connery, and Ed Harris?
Spoiler alert: when you bluff and your enemy calls it, you lose.
We're the good guys, goys! Trust us!
I've seen people pushing that this is the work of /ourguys/ and I've also seen the exact opposite. Something tells me at least one side is fucking retarded.
you make up your own mind
No offense, but I'm not arguing over this bullshit this late at night. I don't have a side but I will say that I guarantee you Obama shook hands in very similar situations. It's difficult to just paste photos into a collage paired with a potential LARP fantasy and a spic author named Pepe, calling it truth, and then expecting me to believe it at face-value.
Im not arguing, I told you to come to your own conclusions. Are you a bot?
No. But as a computer engineer I can assure you that if you think someone would take the time to program a bot to argue over whether or not Astana is the center of a new world order which was apparently co-opted by Trump prior to 2002 and a bunch of other bullshit, then you obviously have no idea how programming works.
What are you going to do next, call me a shill because I don't agree with your retarded MSpaint graphic? And even if this LARP fantasy were true, would you support it just because it's Trump? I'm a nationalist, I don't believe in a world order because to me that's synonymous to the globalism that's wrecked our nations for the past 40-plus years.
Trump talks about sovereignty in every major world speech. I don't think you understand what's going on.
The man brought peace the the Koreans by using twitter. A set of tweets brought an end to a threat of war lasting almost 68 years.
Care to explain then? I wish to be as enlightened on the subject as you are, because you photo doesn't explain anything.
>we're only 1/4 done
We may very well be 1/2 done, with the next half getting even less done than the first half.
Probable timeline:
Democrats take the house in November, GOP picks up 1 or 2 Senate seats. It is no longer possible to get a MAGA Bill passed in the house, so the 1 or 2 added Senate seats will really only matter on supreme court votes and other senate-only powers.
With no MAGA Bill in the first 2 years, and no MAGA bill in his second 2 years, what will Trump be able to campaign on in 2020?
Can't. It reminds everyone he didn't do what he said he would
>I won't make the same mistakes I made in my first term!
Not a winning campaign slogan
>if you give me a bigger majority in the house and Senate I promise to get slightly more things done!
Doesn't inspire confidence.
Trump has been an absolute faggot cuck since he became president, and he has 2 years to either go big or go home. Based on his absolute cuckish nature, I'm predicting he goes home.
>The corrupt people keep ending up in jail
What the fuck are you talking about?
All the criminals are still walking free...except for Manafort, and kind of general Flynn.
If I had told you in 2016 that if Trump won, the only people arrested in 2 years would be one of his campaign chairmen and general Flynn, would you believe me?
Because here we are, midterms 2018 and the only people arrested are republicans, and not even the really bad ones (Manafort is bad, but not quite villain)
demoralized faggot kike, your whole machine is being brought down every single day, cog by cog
>The happenings are constant
Newfag/13 year old detected
There haven't been any happenings since Trump became president. Nothing has actually happened, it's just been conspiracy theories and wishful thinking.
Still waiting for the first happening
Damn skippy!
It's gonna be great after 8 years a Trump. Pence may run for president if he plays all his cards right and put Ivanka Trump as his running mate. It will drive every single democrat into a meltdown mode.
>anyone who points out that MAGA hasn't even started m-must be a k-kike shill
Comparatively speaking, he's up there with some of the best. A true visionary who, arguably loosely, follows in the footsteps of the founders. He may not be the smartest, and God only knows if he understands it himself, but he exemplifies the will of the American tradition in the modern era.
there will be no elections at the end of Trump's term, which will go on indefinitely
Trump will never ever let his name be stamped on anything but an unequivocal success, which cannot be achieved if he leaves office with any chance whatsoever that his nation-saving Presidency can be reversed
the three branches become one, his power will be passed down to his sons like the royalty they are, and eventually Barron will be declared God Emperor of the United States
the left pushed too far too fast and lost their last chance at total global control
those in power realize their end game which is why Trump was activated after being chosen by the dems as a false candidate
he will complete the cycle of German idealism
We haven't had a good President since Andrew Jackson.
So you're going to vote democrat?
except Trump has either kept or has made moves to keep every single promise he made on the campaign trail and more
keep crying faggot, it not only won't save you but it only makes our victory sweeter
>trump IS roko's basilisk
>they still haven't figured it out yet
if we're in a simulation, at least play to WIN
I vote for what causes the most tears.
Were not in a simulation. Time travel is real