Christian mythology

Can someone explain the mythology of christianity and all its entities, myths, and mythological beliefs?

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Jews are better than you, chistcuckery in a nutshell

Is that why Jews are repeatedly called out personally by Jesus himself as belonging to Satan?

The Jews killed Jesus Christ on the cross and shall never be forgiven for this most heinous of crimes.

So christianity simply brings the adhearence to the speech of jews and its reverence?

Why do they give authority to jewish writings?

Jewish as in relating to the israelite people, Jesus was a Jew just like the pharisees.

It doesn't have any myths, just truth.

What makea the new testament any true or authoritative or good or desirable besides the supernatural myth of afterlife.

What truth does the bible have?

Jesus was conceived immaculately, the concept of him having a race is bizarre.

It’s based on some history, and middle eastern myths.

What are all the beliefs of christians and christianity beyond holding semites as prophets and holy and one as a God.

This is a slide thread designed to slide the "It's Okay To Be White" thread. So fuck you OP and gas yourself. But here's a saged reply.

Christianity is the belief that the Jewish god Yahweh (who burns children alive for sacrifice) came down from the sky and raped a Jewess named Mary while she was sleeping and impregnated her. Joseph, Mary's cuckold husband, he was totally okay with this because Mary told him a super convicing story: that her child-burning rapist was a HOLY SPIRIT! Mary then birthed Jesus in a barn in the Jewish town Bethlehem. Then three stupid men saw a star in the sky over the barn and went there to give gifts to the jewish baby who they had been told would become the new King of the Jews - then later the jew Jesus grew up and told people he's the son of the god Yahweh and he proceeded to turn wine into water and created food out of nothing and walked around on water, then he told his followers if they believed in him they would get eternal life in "Heaven" and if they didn't they would burn in hell (.....) The top jews at the time (the pharisees) however didn't believe Yahweh raped Mary aaand so according to them he wasn't the real son of the god - they said he was just pretending... so they were all pissed and therefore they went to the Roman prefect Pontius Pilatus and demanded Jesus to be executed otherwise they would revolt, aaaand sooo he was executed, by crucifixion just like any random criminal, then his corpse was thrown into a cave... then he magically flew up to heaven WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT..... The End.

Jesus was Jewish as all his parentage were jews and natives of the semitic region.

Well put.

lol, no.
Jesus was of Judeah, he wasn't Jewish you memeflagging Jew

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Semitic-Hebrew-Israelite same thing to me as jewish.


Show us your true flag, kikes.

What are you in the Sudan or something? Never been in a church?

Jesus the jew opposed other jews who didnt think he was a prophet and king of jews and god, they would do the same today if a jew claimed to be god

its mary who was immaculately conceived
go back to sunday school

Explain all the myths you believe in, talking snake, angels, demons, devil etc..

What jesus wasn't was european or related to romans or greeks, romans killed him and millions of other jews later as well.

>thinks there was only one religion
user... I

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For my purposes they are the same Israelites, Christians and Jews follow an Israelite mythology.

pre-christian judaism is stolen from Babylonian mythology with some historical stuff about jews made up in whole cloth. Read "The Great Jewish Masque."
Christianity I'm less sure of. Is it a mashup of pre-christian judaism and roman pagan cults like mithraism, emperor worship, etc. Does it borrow themes from egyptian, norse and other mythologies? Is it all fabricated as a slave religion to subdue rome or the white races? I'm not sure.

>Israelite mythology
They're a completely different Kingdom with completely separate ideologues.
You're telling me Judeans aligned with Samaria?

Lets see tge effects of christianity on the european tribes, all became subject to semitic dominance.

tf u talking about? christianity was a fusion of hebrew theology and greek philosophy, and it was glorious

The other guy is wrong.
The bible has a lot of lies, like the spiritual/supernatural aspect, but also has some history and proverbs that are meaningful.

Other than John using the word "logos" and the church fathers liking greek philosophy so much they basically shoehorned it into their cannon, what about biblical christianity is greek influenced?

how do you make an affirmation like that and then ask us to tell you the basic ideas.
this is true, "semitic" and "judea" refers to a region.

yes. and even more than that the famous sumerian "epic of gilgamesh" is also in the bible (the tale of noah)

Here you go.

Are you actually retarded or are you just talking out of your ass? You're completely dismissing hellenistic Judaism, Greek philosophy was permeating through the entire Roman empire long before Jesus came around. The difference between Christianity and other religions like Islam for example is the nature of their theology. Islam is, like Christianity, heavily influenced by the Aristotlean school of thought, yet while in Christianity it is an integral part of their metaphysics, in Islam it is used apologetically.

Gas yourself kike

The old Testament is a mixture of Jewish folklore (which is based on Egyptian/Babylonian/etc), addendums and edits by the Jewish priesthood and a few other textual sources.
There is very little in the old testament that can be claimed to be true.
However the new testament largely dismisses the old testament as an authoritative holy scripture and is mostly used as a point of reference in the dialogs of Jesus. The New Testament is an extremely coherent text with a well established metaphysical order. This is what sets Christianity apart from other religions, it is the only religion to do so.

Concerning mythology:
Christian mythology is a mixture of jewish/judeo-pagan folklore, pagan folklore, general superstition and lyrical traditions.

>Cherubim/Seraphim/other types of angels
Directly taken from Jewish cosmology and adopted in art and pseudo-Christian cosmology

>Witches/evil spirits:
The concept of evil women or evil spirits doing evil things isn't unique to Christianity, but in Christian mythology it is attributed to Satan.

Shaitan, in Jewish folklore one of God's "advisors" or servants. Later on took the role of God's adversary in myth due to for example the Book of Job where he plays an almost adversarial role.

>the nature of hell
Dante. It's all Dante's Inferno it's hilarious how a lot of his fiction has been assumed to be real or endorsed by the church.

Christianity is a Jewish messiah cult based on (stolen from) earlier religion's myths.