The suspected ricin mailer

The suspected ricin mailer %1$s

Attached: VZHPZRYJAZG5BF4ERQQUYXBDAM.jpg (1200x900, 128K)

manlet LMFAO

That smile, he can't wait for the cock.

gayvy strikes again

white male terrorism

When will they learn?!

the kikes at the ADL/SPLC will file this under right wing Naziā„¢ extremism

I wonder if he watched the Poor Man's James Bond.

Whats that chart even mean. 170 lbs age 66?

So registered dem?
Anyone have screen caps of his FB?

"messed up veteran" was what everyone should have assumed the moment they saw the navy secretary got a letter

Did Mueller find this guy as well?

Attached: mueller.jpg (700x390, 93K)

more like mossad patsy

170cm 66 inches


bruh LMAO


an inch of that is hair.
also 5'5" LMAO

Wow sure did not take long to catch him . Wonder what navy fags motive was.

You're alright, leaf

I live down the street from him.

To make veterans look like crazies so the gov will try to disarm them all

I don't believe you. Faggot

All over the local news. Wasn't ricin the faggot just sent beans.
He put castor beans in an envelope.
They closed the street and marshmallow men searched the place.

the retard mailed castor seeds.

Fellow Aggie?

There are a disproportionate number of us it seems.
Were you around when Anita Sarkhasisizahma the video game SJW got death treated off campus?

she spoke at my campus and I considered going but I had an exam review to attend.
did she get deaths threats or """death threats"""?


Dunno. But she wanted the campus to ban all the guns for her safety.
Being a public university we declined so she fucked off

Beans you say?

Attached: Project Blue Beans.jpg (640x842, 94K)