Joe Rogan fun fact

Did you know that Joe Rogan married a jew and is raising her black daughter?

Attached: joe rogan.jpg (2146x860, 437K)

every fucking (((time)))

I knew this. Hende his recent penchant for massive jewry.

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How come millions survived the holocuast?

At this point, who among you isn't actually cucked?!

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She is pretty hot though.

Did you know that Joe Rogan is only 150cm tall?

>How come millions survived the holocuast?

Learn what happened here:
The holohoax is a lie.

Attached: gas chamber was full.jpg (884x758, 159K)

how do these two facts invalidate anything he has ever claimed?

hes always been against racism and antisemitism?

>did you know that the KKK wear white robes? more shocking facts for fuckwits @ 11!