Did you know that Joe Rogan married a jew and is raising her black daughter?
Joe Rogan fun fact
Owen Hernandez
Jordan Myers
every fucking (((time)))
Colton Ross
I knew this. Hende his recent penchant for massive jewry.
Nathan James
Kevin Scott
How come millions survived the holocuast?
Isaac Young
At this point, who among you isn't actually cucked?!
Jacob Allen
She is pretty hot though.
Owen Peterson
Did you know that Joe Rogan is only 150cm tall?
David Kelly
>How come millions survived the holocuast?
Learn what happened here:
The holohoax is a lie.
Connor Cooper
how do these two facts invalidate anything he has ever claimed?
hes always been against racism and antisemitism?
>did you know that the KKK wear white robes? more shocking facts for fuckwits @ 11!