Let me start by saying this is NOT a datamining thread...

Let me start by saying this is NOT a datamining thread. Just out of curiosity Jow Forums would you turn in a loved one (wife, child, mother, father) if you found out they comitted a serious crime? Why or why not?

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depends on the circumstances, that's a really vague question.


If they committed something so vile against the family I would kill them myself.
I might disown a family member for committing a very egregious crime, but I would be silent to the police about it.

I would confront them directly about it first and see if they had a good reason for committing the crime. If they're chimping out for no good reason then I would have a couple friends try to talk sense into them. And then if they still don't change then I'd let the authorities take care of business. Not sure about going out of my way to turn a loved one in. Not unless they were a threat to themself or others.

What's the crime? What are the circumstances?

hell yes they would report me, fucking npcs.

Murder or armed robbery

What if they had a "good reason" to commit murder?

that'd be crazy and I would never look at them the same but
>pic related

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yes of course i would do that even if it wasn't a serious crime OP

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The only good reason to commit murder is self defense or defense of others.
I probably wouldn't turn them in, but they would disowned in a the instance of murder.
Armed robbery I would strongly urge them to turn themselves in.

Not anymore. Only whites have done this so the system is rigged against us. Also it makes the punishment for everything rape. No one deserves to get raped into suicide. Our system is so broken it’s not even funny. In a best case your job prospects are ruined and worst you end up dead.

Fuck it. You know nonwhites don’t submit to this why should we? I will never turn in a white person unless they attack me or my family.


Loved ones only. If you dont have loved ones this thread does not apply to you. Lets try to not to post unless it's relevant to the topic.

Heat of the moment or "it was an accident I swear" murder maybe not, case by case. Cold blooded psychopath murder yes.

Only correct answer. Fuck off CIA.

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Only the worst scum turn in their own familyor friends.

Are they jews though?

If they killed a random person I would report unless that person was Jewish, in which case I would help them.

It's OK to kill jews

Be pretty hypocritical of me to disown or condemn my family members to our "justice" system for something when I have probably committed about 30 class A felonies in my life, and countless misdemeanors, traffic violations, copyright violations, etc etc etc
I am very good at getting away with crimes, people never seem to notice me, even when I am feeling nervous.
Also it helps to live in a rural area where e-crimes are rarely if ever prosecuted.

If they cops can't get them on charges, that is not my problem, I am not going to do their job for them.
Just about the only thing I would ever report anyone for would be child abuse. And even then it would have to be pretty serious, like rape or something. I grew up getting the shit beaten out of me with belts, so I am not going to put up allegations without it being pretty serious abuse.

>I'm not a canvassing spambot
>I just want to get information from you
I'm not a sadist I just want to watch you die in a fire.

You can't be sadistic towards a Jew.

Nevermind. About 30 Class B felonies.
My bad, I assumed my crimes were some of the worst. Turns out I am only second worst criminal.

>not datamine
I’d say that shit too if I was a Jew trying to data mine.
Fuck off sage

What actionable information do you think they could pull out of this cesspit?

Watch yourself

Kill a Jewish child

depends on the crime and if it violates God's law vs man's law.

first of,if it was my aunts,i wouldnt give 2 fucks. they suck.
mother:no. shes my only parent left.
uncles:yes. there all libtards.
kids,husband/wife: yes. fuck them.
other family:fuck it. why not?

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Loyalties in order:
4.Everyone else

After the fact, most likely no. To prevent a crime, maybe. If they were planning to kill a politician or a judge or something to affect the outcome of a trial/election, yeah that's not going to fly.



Based, this is the true germanic answer.

>Jow Forums
sage and kys


Depends on the crime

Pedophilia? Kill them myself
Some stupid government thought crime? Help them out
Everything else depends on circumstances

Of course I would, I will immediately report any crime that I see, but the cops are so great that I don't ever see any.
Bless the cops. And the soldiers too. And the intelligence agencies that support them. I hope that they all have a wonderful night.

Nice people here.
I would confront them about murder, and would seriously consider all options depending on the circumstances.
Armed robbery, serious discussion and blackmailing/sharing the plunder. Since I don't witness many serious roberies around here, I don't have a perception of what stealing without getting caught really means from a moral standpoint. Killing is destroying something, stealing money is just an illegal transfer and law is there to fix that.

>would you turn in a loved one
Yes I would, not immediately of course

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