What angle/ bullshit/ tactic/ monkeyshines will Democrats pull the rest of the week over Kegman Kava and the FBI report not finding a damn thing?
"It doesn't matter if her story was credible or not at this point, his demeanor should disqualify him" AD FUCKING NASEAUM till the vote.
They're gonna accuse him of being a pedophile and demand a new investigation. The "seriousness of the charge" will be enough for them to argue that he's unfit to be on the Court and they'll claim that the GOP are complicit in protecting a pedo.
The scumbag Dems have no bottom of the barrel to reach, they'll do and say anything to stop his nomination.
Hate to say this but the fact he lied about his drinking habits should disqualify him and he should end up with a prison sentence, you don't like to Congress. This should have applied to Clinton, to Ford to Cavanaugh, if there are no consequences to lying you are just a kangaroo court. Either come forward with all your past and let everyone judge you on it or try lying but get disqualified from any further government positions, you can't have that shit in government. You are not allowed secrets. There are less people that could fill the roles but at least they won't be corruptable pieces of shit that will just end up serving the master that holds the blackmail material
Kavanaugh displays signs of dementia, rendering him invalid
They will complain trump interfered in the investigation with a healthy mix of Calling the investigation a sham outright.
That is the retarded approach, so yes high likelihood from the Democrats, just focus on he represents values from an era that is not what should be introduced to the court with so many old irrelevant farts on it. So many other people could be doing that job more effectively and more efficiently
Nigger, can you read? I didn't ask for your fucking blog on the subject. I asked for predictions on what Democrats will come up with next to try to delay this again.
The audacity of this nigger to write a fucking emote blog in my goddamn thread.
Supreme court should be a model of how other courts in the country are run. And right now it's run as. We only hear the cases we want to hear and we take a long ass time to hear them and the objective is to not judge. To not pry into broken systems to protect all existing systems of abuse so that the boat doesn't get rocked... top down the rest of the courts try to imitate their inefficient bullshit game
I said Democrats are probably gonna stall with trump interfered because they are morons and then I said if they were smart what they would drop instead, I'm hoping for the latter. Actual intelligent Democrats not just playing politics for power but politics to get good people in the position
He already lied to Congress, even if it was little white lies, he should understand you don't fuck or set those precedents and he should just disqualify himself at this point.
Not doing so just proves he is unfit for the job. I would however give him another chance after serving his time
Especially being able to have a supreme court judge that has actually visited the for profit prison system that the judges seem to be so oblivious about
I will double your pay, drop an email
We've long since transcended "predictions", because you know exactly what they're going to do
Screenshot this for record.
>Kav is going to seek vengeance against liberals for the accusation and can't be impartial so he can't be allowed to be on the Supreme Court!
and to no avail. He'll get confirmed and they will cry and scream for a while until Ginsberg dies and then we do this all over again.
Confirmed. These are there marching orders. "He doesn't have judicial temperment" because he objected to their incredible slander against him.
Pretty gay argument frankly, but they're out of options.
Jokes on me my pay is 0 dollars and a shit ton of freedom.
yea my nigger prof already shifted to this. i was tempted to bring up Thomas and ask if it was ok when he said it was "digital lynching" just to watch my profs head explode. but he extended or paper due date so i thought i'd let it slide
1. Dems will say the investigation was a sham
2. Dems will complain that Ford wasn't interviewed
3. Dems will say the investigation isn't credible because it was "limited in scope and time"
4. Dems will claim collusion between the FBI, Trump, and Republicans
5. Dems will cite that Avianti's client wasn't interviewed
6. Dems will demand a longer investigation into claims from the "Jane Doe" letter
7. Dems will still vote NO citing Kavanaugh's temperament
8. Dems will still vote NO citing Roe V. Wade
9. Dems will still vote NO claiming Kavanaugh is partisan
10. Dems will vote NO citing Kavanaugh's "credible allegations" into his "past"
Those are the 10 reasons for this week
They know he will be confirmed, they are trying to corrupt the perception of the supreme court as a check and balance. It's working, there will be protests in front of the supreme court for years.
Supreme court is already corrupt. They just push their democrat or Republican ideologies. That is definition corrupt
>implying a corrupt court that defends the 2a is equally as bad as a corrupt court that doesn't
it's pick your poison, but one poison makes you sick, it doesn't kill you
Or we could pick neither, get actual independent judges.