Where do you get your news?

>Where do you boys get your news, completely unbiased and especially free of any bergs or steins?

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Jow Forums.org

Why, I get it from YOU, Mr. FBI.

From Reddit

That's not even possible these days mane

He said unbiased

You'd be amazed by the truths you receive via the sniffing of petrol.

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from smartphone

> doing gods work

Have Jow Forums, OAN, and Fox news on 24/7

Don't follow the news. I read blogs about political and spiritual related stuff. Better to keep away from that shit


>Jow Forums
>Fox news

well you must be very well informed...,

Dailystormer.name obviously, the most censored Website on the internet

Don't be rama rama! Put it in the can!

Didn't the song effect you at all?!

The one and only

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Unironically here mostly.

I don't watch the news on tv anymore. Our media are ultra leftist maniacs.

It doesn't matter. These days it's easy to get news from the New York Times.
By knowing the bias. Once you know the bias you know WHY they're telling you what they're telling you. Once you find out the bias of a news source (who owns it, usually) you can decide what the actual news is saying. On NYT, when you see an article criticizing Trump or finding some new information against him, you know Trump is doing good and they're desperately searching something against him. Easy peasy.
When RT tells you how good russian missiles are you can tell they're desperately flaunting their hardware in the public eye, to build public opinion against a conflict with Russia (and in Syria by consequence), by stoking fears of Russian power.

Embrace the bias. No news source will ever be unbiased, so look for the most biased sources. That's why i like Vice news and hate Breitbart. The former is literally "hello fellow kids!" while the latter has too many agendas to count, while appearing simple. Its owner is a black box of madness.

Voice of Europe and Dailystormer


this, fpbp

Newsman here. I get my news from Jow Forums.

That would be /pol. Jews news is all lies but i watch anyway so i know what not to believe.

When reading the corporate media, just read the last three paragraphs. That's where the news is concealed. Sort of like Pravda in the USSR. But gay as fuck.

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>fox news
Implying fox is not jewed KeK!

You look at propaganda from left
You look at propagande from right
Truth I'll find in the middle, but I'll never really know for sure

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This website. R3tard

>Muh tuckah
>muh hannity
Best news network that has hot blondes in club dresses on Fox and Friends.

the BBC tells me everything i need to know, like the inferiority of human beings compared to technology and how humans should be genocided in favor of terminator like SMART machines

Follow the money

Pew News