Race mixing

Listen anons, I understand that you guys have reasons to race mix with asians. But anons listen, while Eurasians are great in all, we need to remember that we must keep pure whites and Asians for the sake of the human race.
Written by Hapa

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Hapas get the gas

it was your mum who was Asian, se Asian?

No Japanese, father was English with Nordic routes. Don't worry I'm not a Elliot Rodgers.

But's its ok if its a Jew, nigger or Poo right?

No they are not ok, remove

Mate, most of those people shilling for racemixing are Jews. They are mixing with the Chinese elites, after all. Take a look at Zuckerburg or Murdoch, for instance.

I understand, it's why I believe not just because I am Hapa. But only Eurasians that are ok are Japanese mixes and Korean ones. Breeding with Chinese is a danger for our society

if by mixing you mean keeping none euros around to serve euros, i guess i could deal with that, but for fuck's sake, make them live somewhere else.

it bad for nips and whites, but Japs are the best of them. What do your Japanese family make of the mixing?

Yeah, breed more white bitches for you disgusting fuckers to defile. No thanks.

They are pretty fine with it because I'm not a fucking larp who denies his Japanese heritage. I have learnt Japanese lived there for a while and have excellent relationships with my Jap family. Same with my Nordic family, even my SS veteran great uncle

Fuck off nigger

Have you thought about marrying a traditional Asian woman, then buying a white egg and doing IVF, then she surrogates a pure white infant and the two of you raise it? If your subsequent kids are from her eggs, she may agree to it.

Presto. White child.

what do people make of you, do they consider you an Asian or just part of the progressive mix
will you try to make a white family, Japanese family or something else?

>Listen anons, I understand that you guys have reasons to race mix with Germans. But anons listen, while mongrel whites are great in all, we need to remember that we must keep pure English and Germans for the sake of the human race.
>Written by mongrel white
Eurasians will be normalized in time, just like the one white race.

Well I look pretty white, I hold hardline right wing views. People at my university or college for Americans think of me as another privileged CIS white male. When they discover I'm Asian they just state Japanese are as bad as whites. Love niggers so progressive in their hate. I'm planning on marrying another Eurasian chick, but desu any Japanese or white girl will suffice. I'll raise my kids under Christian values as I was raised and put them in private school education no matter the cost

This is anglins plan right. If think you missed the part about him saying he was Asian, those genes are pretty strong

Bots miss a lot of parts.

Nigger? Fuck you, you half-breed piece of shit. I'm white.

>Yeah, breed more white bitches for you disgusting fuckers to defile. No thanks.

Sorry I assumed someone writing this was saying he didnt want more white women

that's like saying Africans will be normalised and absorbed in time. This is literally what globalists think. English and Germans are already pretty similar. We are to a large degree Anglo Saxons. Taking in slightly different nearby groups who already have a similar culture is completely different to Africans, Asians and Europeans mixing.

that's like saying Meds will be normalised and absorbed in time. This is literally what globalists think. English and Germans are already pretty similar. We are to a large degree Anglo Saxons. Taking in slightly different nearby groups who already have a similar culture is completely different to Meds, Slavs and Nords mixing.
Just because it happens later does not mean that it will not happen. I see Eurasian normalization happening in my lifetime.

This, what stops the whole fucking world from being “normalised in time?” I wouldn’t even encourage it on a large scale, but a German man or woman’s offspring can be fully integrated here in every way within 1-2 generations. Even more so in America. That will never happen with a bug for at least 3-4 generations.

They will be ‘normalised’ like mulattos are now, except with overall less disdain. They will never be normalised the way, say, even a Scandinavian-Italian raised in the UK would be. They can’t even physically blend into their environment.

They blend in as they skew the normal features of the area. Case in point, whites can have brown eyes now. To see this in action, visit Hawaii.

>they skew the normal features of the area.
This is not a good thing. And whites have always been able to have brown eyes, but for them it goes far beyond simply eye colour. It absorbs the white side almost entirely.

Meds have not always been considered white.

yeah that's replacement you are talking about. In any case it is not desirable however normalised it may become.

They were considered Europeans, Italians or Greeks or whatever.

I think marrying an asian woman and then having her or another woman surrogate a white child is viable.

Agreed, but inevitable in white countries without a surge of ethnic nationalism.

>They were considered Eurasians, Japanese or English or whatever.

Meds are and always have been Caucasians however. The offspring of a Med and Anglo would never be ostracised, even silently, the way a mixed raced one would be in any period of time.

>any period of time
It would be interesting to compare the ostracization of a Med-Ango child in 200 AD to a modern hapa in Hawaii. Any ideas on how to do this accurately?

>They were considered Eurasians, Japanese or English or whatever.
Greeks and Italians are Europeans. A mutt will not be considered English. It will only end up being
>They’re considered Eurasian or Japanese.

I was talking about both mixes in the same period of time, obviously not a Med-Anglo in 200 AD vs a 56%er in America now. That in itself shows that you could only use that logic for generations on. It’s not on equal footing with an inter-European mix.

>Hapas aren't whit-

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>Greeks and Italians are Europeans. A mutt will not be considered Greek or Italian. It will only end up being a white mongrel. This is what we have in America now.

>They’re considered Eurasian or Japanese.
Admixture causes the definitions to shift, yes. Case in point, the standards to be "white" in Peru are different from Maine, and different still from Hawaii. You're right that a country with strong ethnic nationalism like Japan will recognize the mutts for what they are, unlike the nations with weak ethnic nationalism who will adopt terms like white Eurasians as we have with white Hispanics.

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So why accept weak ethnic-nationalism (defeat?)

These are the same cherrypicked images and they still clearly don’t look white. Just whiter than the average hapa.

>I was talking about both mixes in the same period of time, obviously
Ah, I took "in any period of time" to mean any period of time. The point is that the integration is across generations. It's not like Hawaii became mixed over 5 years. Similarly, no place is safe from Hawaii's fate, which I believe will propagate unless we pass strict ethnic nationalism laws.

To respond to your point, a hapa is as accepted in Hawaii as a Welsh-Scottish mix is in England, "any period of time" held constant to the modern day.

They're 'eurasian'

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I'm predicting off the back of a prediction. I'm predicting that white nations won't be able to codify strict ethnic nationalism laws in time to prevent Eurasian normalization akin to white mongrel normalization, the former normalization being my second prediction.

What trends towards strong ethnic-nationalism have been popping up in your kingdom lately? What's the latest news and progress on that front there? Can a paki still call himself English?

Attached: eurasia.webm (900x506, 2.95M)

But it’s too late for Hawaii, not for the rest of your country.
>won’t be able to codify Eurasian normalisation
Again I would compare this to the case of mulattos. Normalisation meaning where they merely grow to a significant portion of the population, or acceptance as well? And a paki may be British, not English.

Katya is Russian, probably has a small amount of Turkic in her, she is not half East Asian, half white.

Andi Muise is a Metis. Mixed Native American.

>Normalisation meaning where they merely grow to a significant portion of the population, or acceptance as well?
Neither can exist without the other.

>And a paki may be British, not English.
There's a starting point. Strong ethnic nationalism can't have foreign ethnicities accurately claiming to be a part of your nation. Pass those laws before it's too late. English, Welsh, and Scottish people only can be British. Don't become Hawaii.