Kanye West:"I was bullied by liberals after Pro Trump SNL speech''

''They bullied me backstage.They bullied me backstage. They bullied me! And then they say I'm in a sunken place," he said. "You want to see the sunken place? Okay, I'ma listen to ya'll now — or I'ma put my Superman cape on, cuz this means you can't tell me what to do.That's how we're controlled. That's how we're programmed.
Ninety percent of news are liberal."
"90 percent of TV, L.A., New York, writers, rappers, musicians. So it's easy to make it seem like it's so one-sided."

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Uncle Tom ass nigga

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hes starting to figure it out, very soon he’ll realize (((who))) is behind it

He's come close to calling (((them))) out, but he knows it'll end him especially since he's been in a loony hospital

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During the 90's Snoop Dogg was rapping about "fuck the police", while the police were following the same policies that his candidates husband created.

And he calls someone else an Uncle Tom.

Stop giving this nigger attention.


Liberals are racist

>Someone disagreed with me! A BLOO BLOO BLOO

When did "conservatives" become such fucking pussies?

God damn I love how absolutely BASED this man is day in and day out. You can love him or hate him, but you can't deny he is one of the most based individuals on the planet Earth.

When you could start losing your job because you offended someone in your vicinity with a social media presence. Big brother is the smart phone in everyone's pocket, and no one loves him more than lefties.

You're the one that seems like the nigger.

Just sayin'

>1 post by this shill

Kanye custom designed his MAGA hat.
I'm not sure how though.

Except that isn't what happened here shill. Try to stay on topic you fucking nutcase.


alex jones hilarious comments on snoop dogg. according to alex, hes met snoop dogg at charlie sheens house and snoop is very fake. calls him an "Urkle"

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from what i can asses based on a little research into social media, the black public has reacted extremely critically of kanye over this. their criticisms are all mediocre and basically rhetorical at best, but my findings all the same.. programmed to perfection

This. How do you vote blue when the Democrats created mandatory minimums that brought the "war on drugs" into the black community?
Hell, how are these people Christian? A religion literally forced onto you by slavers.

Can't think of a more cucked existence.

snoop dog is doing what again? martha stewert? what a fucking uncle tom. disgrace to black people everywhere.

>"Uncle Tom ass nigga"
He said while baking with Martha Stewart

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If he weren't Kanye, they would absolutely stop asking him to host shows because of his politics. They only tolerate him because of the celebrity he brings.

make your music sound less like snoop dogs muzak

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I unironically love kayne. it's pure bliss to see leftists squirm whenever i bring him up.

all he was thinking about was bending martha over


What is an "ass nigga"

Martha was actually pretty cute back in her day.

Snoop Dogg has sold his soul, along with Eminem, Nicki Minaj, SixNine and many other cases. Kanye is integral to bringing down Hollywood's iron grip on popular culture.

This. The guy is a fucking minstrel show, making fun of black people while being black for white money.

Dance monkey dance.

People like you will be forgot in history.

You personally will have an unmarked mass grave.

saltiest nigga alive

>Everyone who dislikes Trump likes Hillary
Fuck right off, TD shill. The dialect is in motion.

im really unsure how you gleaned that reactions from someone being harassed by multiple people for their beliefs

You're a moron, snoop backed Hillary the moment Bernie fucked off

why does montenegro have a china flag? did they buy it?

Source cnn.com/2015/05/21/politics/hillary-clinton-rapper-endorsements-50-cent-ja-rule-waka-flocka-snoop-dogg-youth-vote/index.html

My face when Snoop hasn't had a hit song in over 10 years

lol. they are about to lose millions of niggers

this is why they need illegals so badly

post yfw he names the jew

fuck kanye
dumb nigga wakes up to the realization his entire life and line of "work" is controlled by the media and political propaganda
dumb nigga has been making shit music for years, thinking the money he received rightfully belonged to him but now they don't let him wear his little cap, poor dumb nigga
that's a ego problem, not a political problem

If that dumbass really believes in his ideology, just go full indie, retard
Except his career would crash because he's nothing without the kike pulling the strings behind him and offering him juicy contracts and he's aware of that

basic tl;dr
>waaaaaaaaa why don't they allow me to bite the hand that feeds me?!
just get rid of the hand nigga

He's breaking the conditioning.

Dont you have someplace to shoot up ahmed?

Snoop lookin like the house nigga to me right now. MAGA.

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your entire country but it's not really worth the trouble since you're already on the verge of civil war

based Yeezy exposing the crab in a bucket blacks

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You probably can't even locate America on a map without asking your child bride

>implying you sand nigs could even beat a group of rednecks with ar15s.
You're probably more content with raping teenagers huh?

reminder she has a more extensive criminal record than snoop :^)

He's trying to wake America up but most want to remain asleep

I don't think this word means what you think it means you fucking parasite

Again, why would I go wrestle with some mongoloid with tard strength if that mongoloid is going to die out from leaving in a third world shithole anyway

Wasnt uncle tom a character all blacks should strive to be?

Google translate needs to include low IQ ebonics jibberish then maybe somebody could understand you.

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he will soon blame the jews