Feminist bleach attack

Seriously what is happening in the world? How can a woman make a video of herself attacking people with 'bleach' for sitting in a way that she doesn't like, and not get arrested immediatly?

Attached: 20181004_160719.jpg (358x414, 80K)

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It helps when you do it to actors.

And also when you just use water and call it bleach.

I love women, and if I smelled bleach from the bottle I was just sprayed with, a flying elbow is the only reaction. In other words, this is fake.

I'd love to see her do it on real people.

Right, but wouldnt the legal system technically have to arrest a person who makes such claims right away? She continues to claim its bleach. So even if its fake, which it probably is, she is still 'admitting' to a serious attack/act of terror

This, and it encourages similar crime by people who don't know that it's scripted. I'm with you, bro. Disgusting.

Sorry I'm a bit dumb, but how dangerous is bleach in contact with skin? And I believe the answer to your question would be "because jews have fucked most peoples minds."

Toss their asses in front of the train.


It's fake - where have you been this past week?

Well it depends on the concentration of it. The stuff you buy at the store doesnt do that much direct harm, but a strong bleach can definitly cause permanent damage and scarring. And she claimed that the bleach she used was much stronger than household bleach.

I realize that its a setup but thats not really the point,is it? If i make a video of myself faking an ak47 shooting and continue to claim that its real, id sure as hell get arrested. Why would this be any different?

Kinda waiting to see a nice young russian man punching this girl.
I agree its clickbait BS

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She really needs to do some sport. 21 and you can already see where the fat is building up.

Vrij duidelijk dat je je content hier aan het shillen bent
Ik zou voorzichtig zijn voordat je werkgever denkt dat je een crypto-nazi bent van een forum voor origami vouwers

Attached: 1535177165360.jpg (441x411, 22K)

She is the hottest feminist I have ever seen, holy shit.

She is kremlin shill, video is fake

If this was real and she did it to Russian men one of them would be removing her eyeballs with his thumbs.

always remember there are two breeds to feminists: ugly fuckers who do it because they're bitter, and dumbass hotties who do it for attention

The toasty roasty is letting us know how upset she is that there's no BLEACHED.COM

Bleach is typically 3-6% sodium hypochlorite and some small amounts of sodium hydroxide, sodium peroxide and calcium hypochlorite.

It won't dissolve you on the spot but you're going to want to rinse that shit off with water and it will irritate the shit out of your skin. If it gets in your eyes you could go blind. If you ingest it you can die.

If it just lands on your clothes it will ruin them.

It's about as bad as using a low concentration strong acid like HCl. Bases are generally more dangerous than acids though because of how they interact with your skin. Bases will make your skin feel all slimy because it converts the fats in your skin to soap.

Its fake she just done it to get famouse so she can get picked up by some rich dude

Stop using Jow Forums to promote your faggy fucking youtube channel niggerfaggot. Reported this post and the video and your channel and everything FUCK OFF

They wouldn't but bitch would be surely beaten

Notice she only picked out onions bois. This is just female contempt for onions bois masquerading as "feminism."

It's Russia, I know Jow Forums likes to think that it's a based country but it's really a matriarchy. Women have right to vote, whereas men have to serve for 1-2 years or pay a bribe in several thousands of $ to get away from it in order to vote, women divorce men just as often as in the western europe/north america, women can take your children, women force men to pay alimony and women also steal jobs from men and bitch about lack of men being able to feed them. Oh, don't forget the super high HIV rate thanks to these bitches being turbo sluts and fucking since the age of 14 where they have dick count of several dozen by the time they graduate from high school. Also,
>no gun bearing laws
>no freedom of speech
we are basically a 3rd world shithole economy-wise but without the ability to smack our women and put them into place just like in the 1st world countries. So basically we got the worst from both worlds. This is Russia.

But your women are incredibly beautiful. Aren't you at least grateful for that?

How hard is it to get guns in Russia? I know that Survival Russia (a Danish guy) got at least hunting rifles.

I knew it was fake because any Russian guy would slap her silly at the least

Did she release this pic for the purpose of getting tributes?